Tsuchimikado Orihime's reply made Lin Yuanfei smile even brighter.

"Both and each other, I also think that the young lady like you is even more rotten than I imagined. You are full of the rotten atmosphere of the old society, like an antique from the old era, and you have lost such a good face for nothing."

As the two looked at each other, the atmosphere in the car suddenly froze.

There was even a tense feeling in the air.

Tsuchimikado Orihime stared at Lin Yuanfei's smile, and unconsciously caressed the yellowed ancient scroll with her fair fingers.

Lin Yuanfei's smiling and drooping hand was only two centimeters away from the handle of Jigengxian Dongyue's knife.

During the half a minute that the two sides stared at each other, the entire carriage was dead silent, and no unnecessary noise could be heard at all.

The powerful sound insulation effect of high-end luxury cars creates a strange and spacious feeling at this time.

It wasn't until the black Rolls-Royce stopped in front of Katsura Manami's villa that Tsuchimikado Orihime withdrew her indifferent gaze.

Said, "I hope ten years later, your bones will still be so hard."

Tsuchimikado Orihime opened the door and got out of the car.

"If your bones are still as hard ten years later, then I think our married life will be more interesting than I imagined."

On the other side, Lin Yuanfei also opened the door and got out of the car.

Feeling the wind blowing from the villa area, Lin Yuanfei stood on the other side of the car and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down. I'll be so hard you'll go crazy."

Saying that, he stopped looking at Tsuchimikado Orihime, and walked directly to the gate of Katsura Manami's house.

Lin Yuanfei didn't even need to ring the doorbell. When he got off the car, Gui Manami, who was on the phone in the yard, had already seen Lin Yuanfei.

The sexy wife with a hot body was immediately surprised.

"Master Lin Yuan? Are you back?"

Katsura Manami greeted her excitedly and hung up her phone.

However, when Lin Yuanfei came, he was followed by the indifferent Tsuchimikado Orihime.

Seeing Tsuchimikado Orihime behind Lin Yuanfei and the black Rolls-Royce driving away slowly, Katsura Manami was startled, a little surprised.

"Who is this……"

"Oh, my friend, don't worry about her, I've only known her for less than two hours, and there's nothing she can do if she insists on following me."

Lin Yuanfei dismissed Tsuchimikado Orihime with a few casual words, without any appearance of wanting to introduce to both parties.

He directly pushed Katsura Manami and walked inside.

As he walked, he said, "I have gone to the hospital to see Yan Ye. Her condition has improved now, and the police have arranged a lot of people to protect her. Don't worry about safety."

"I came here this time mainly to talk to you, Madam, about Yan Ye's future."

Half pushing Katsura Manami into the room, Lin Yuanfei asked, "After Yan Ye was attacked, no one touched her things, right?"

While speaking, Lin Yuanfei turned his back to Tsuchimikado Orihime behind him, and winked at the astonished Katsura Manami, mouthing "Fu Jiang".

Gui Manami was stunned for a second, understood what Lin Yuanfei meant, and nodded, "No, it's fine in her own room. Master Lin Yuan, do you want to go and see?"

Lin Yuanfei nodded again and again, "Madam, please entertain this friend behind me. I'll go and see if Yan Ye's things have been stolen by the umbrella company.",

Gui Manami said with a smile, "Okay, Master Lin Yuanfei, you go directly to the third floor, the room on the left is."

With that said, Katsura Manami handed over a key, "This is the key, take it well."

Chapter 432 Who Sneaks Who

Obviously, Katsura Manami already understood that Hayashi Yuanfei didn't like Tsuchimikado Orihime, and was even on guard against her.

So Lin Yuanfei was playing riddles with her, and she cooperated very well and didn't tell about Fu Jiang.

He handed the key directly to Lin Yuanfei and asked Lin Yuanfei to go upstairs by himself.

As for the Tsuchimikado Orihime who flew here with Hayashi Yuan, Katsura Manami entertained her.

After Lin Yuanfei changed his shoes and entered the door, he went straight to the third floor.

Although Tsuchimikado Orihime wanted to follow, but after being entangled by Katsura Manami, she gave up the idea of ​​following.

In her opinion, Lin Yuanfei couldn't run away at all, so there was no need to worry.

Coupled with Lin Yuanfei's words in the car just now, she is now in a very uneasy mood.

Out of some delicate emotions, Tsuchimikado Orihime didn't want to get too entangled.

In other words, she doesn't want to have too much contact with Lin Yuanfei right now.

Although the noble lady is cold and arrogant, she also has a temper.

What Lin Yuanfei said just now had already angered this noble lady to some extent.

After Katsura Manami entangled Tsuchimikado Orihime, Lin Yuanfei ran to the third floor without any worries.

Downstairs was the conversation between Tsuchimikado Orihime and Katsura Manami, and Lin Yuanfei went directly to the third floor of the villa.

In front of the room Gui Manami guided him to, Lin Yuanfei opened the door with the key without any hesitation.

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