Then, he gently pushed open a crack in the door, and instead of daring to look inside, he gave a soft shout.

"Fu Jiang kid, are you in there?"

The appearance of the soft voice made it like playing hide-and-seek in kindergarten.

But no one in the room answered him.

Lin Yuanfei could only feel a soft breathing rhythmically rising and falling in the room.

He thought for two seconds, then gently opened the door a little bit, and glanced over there.

Then, I saw a girl sleeping soundly on the big bed.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed his saliva at the sight of the thin nightdress and the white thighs that were exposed when he was sleeping on his side.

That's right, this feeling is Fu Jiang.

It's a bit obscene to say, but when he saw Fu Jiang's white thigh, he actually got an erection.

Fu Jiang's ability to charm is still a fraud as always.

Standing at the door and thinking for a while, Lin Yuanfei finally gave up the idea of ​​going in for the time being.

He just stood outside the door and secretly observed the room.

The space is very large, and the decoration is very pink, it is simply the boudoir that most girls dream of.

It's a pity that most civilians don't have that much money to decorate like this.

Looking at Fu Jiang on the bed for the last time, Lin Yuanfei secretly closed the door again, and locked it with a key.

He came here mainly to confirm Fu Jiang's safety.

Since Fu Jiang hasn't gotten out of the basket yet, there's no need to disturb her for the time being.

There is also Tsuchimikado Orihime downstairs.

In case Fu Jiang woke up and something happened, Lin Yuanfei didn't want Tuyumen Orihime to see Fu Jiang at all.

Handle the matter at hand first, and then come to Fu Jiang.

Anyway, there is no rush for this moment.

Going down the stairs with a relaxed expression, Lin Yuanfei returned to the living room.

In the living room on the first floor, Katsura Manami was serving tea to Orihime, and the two women chatted harmoniously.

Of course, to explain it from another angle is—hypocrisy.

The two women are both thoughtful women, and they can understand each other's rank by smiling at each other-both are vixen for thousands of years, so what are you talking about?

Katsura Manami tried a little bit, and suddenly felt surprised.

And after hearing Orihime Tsuchimikado's self-introduction, she was even more dumbfounded.

Master Lin Yuan's... fiancée?

Gosh!Does Master Lin Yuan actually have a fiancée?And this fiancée is actually the eldest lady of the Tuyumen family.

For Katsura Manami, this was simply too shocking.

But soon, Katsura Manami realized that something was wrong.

Because she thought of Lin Yuanfei's indifferent attitude towards this fiancée, and the complete arrogance and indifference of this fiancée.

To be honest, the two don't seem to want to be a fiancé couple, but more like enemies who don't deal with each other.

But Katsura Manami, after all, had seen it before, and quickly guessed that the marriage in front of her should be a marriage of some kind of family will.

This is the only possibility that can cause the present situation.

Katsura Manami planned to have a few more conversations with Tsuchimikado Orihime, but Lin Yuanfei came down from the stairs next to her.

It hadn't been five minutes since Lin Yuanfei came down, Katsura Manami was a little surprised.

"Eh? Master Lin Yuan? Did you come down so soon?"

Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "As long as everything is well, I will continue to trouble you here. I have something to do, so I have to leave for a while. I believe you can see that my fiancée loves me so much that I can't wait to cling to her." On me and my [-]-hour double-entry, to be honest, I am very distressed."

Lin Yuanfei's behavior of mocking in public immediately made Gui Manami nervous—this is the eldest lady of the Tuyumen family.

She quickly looked at Tsuchimikado Orihime at the side.

But the other party smiled coldly, indifferent to Lin Yuanfei's ridicule.

Or rather, dismissively.

"Having a dog who doesn't recognize his family, you have to lead him around the clock to prevent him from getting lost, right? There's no way around this. Who made my dog ​​so stupid?"

Katsura Manami was dumbfounded by Tsuchimikado Orihime's indifferent words.

This... Can the eldest lady of the Tsuchiyamen family say such words?

She couldn't help but look at Lin Yuanfei more, the shocked expression seemed to say that Master Lin Yuan is so fierce.

Lin Yuanfei laughed straight, "That's right, it's almost time to go out for a walk with the dog. Madam Gui, I won't bother you. Please continue to worry about the things here. I will visit again later when I have time. Your."

As Lin Yuanfei spoke, he walked straight out.

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