While Tsuchimikado Orihime got up to bid farewell to Katsura Manami, Katsura Manami also hurriedly got up to see off the guests.

After sending the two outside the door, Katsura Manami stood at the door, watching the backs of Lin Yuanfei and Tsuchimikado Orihime leaving, and couldn't help but sighed a long time.

"Master Lin Yuan is really amazing..."

Katsura Manami sighed.

After Lin Yuanfei and Zhiji walked away, the girl suddenly spoke.

"There is one thing I have to warn you about."

Tuyumen Orihime looked at Lin Yuanfei, and said indifferently, "I didn't say it before, and if you commit a crime, you commit it. But what happened just now, I don't want it to happen again."

"Oh?" Lin Yuanfei raised his eyebrows and asked, "What happened just now... what happened just now? Miss Zhiji, can you talk about it in detail? What did I do just now?"

Author's message:

PS: I recommend a friend's new book "Entertainment Cultivation of Immortals, Learn About It", a very interesting novel, witty and humorous, I recommend reading it.

Introduction: An otaku in the entertainment industry crosses over to become the head of the Xiuxian sect, with two female apprentices and a little loli delivered to his door!Sounds exciting, right?

But Nima runs away as soon as she arrives, what kind of fairy is she!

"It's impossible to cultivate immortality, and it's impossible in this life. Only by doing some entertainment business can you barely maintain your life like this."

Our slogan is - Immortals need to be cultivated, and the entertainment industry must be developed even more!

Chapter 433 Defending yourself like a jade

"What happened just now... what happened just now? Ms. Zhi Ji, can you talk about it in detail? What did I do just now?"

Faced with Tsuchimikado Orihime's warning, Lin Yuanfei had a frivolous smile on his face, like a hob meat, almost writing the word disdain on his forehead.

But Tsuchimikado Orihime didn't look angry at all, she wasn't irritated by Lin Yuanfei's gesture at all.

She just looked at Lin Yuanfei and said calmly.

"Anyway, you and I represent the face of the Tsuchimikado family outside. I couldn't suppress my anger and quarreled with you just now, and I apologize for that."

"But I hope you can restrain yourself a little too."

"You and I are husband and wife after all, and it represents the marriage between Tsuchiyamen and the Hayashibara group. You are the young master of the Hayashibara group, and I am the daughter of the Tsuchiyamen family. If our marriage is not harmonious, it will only be seen by outsiders." It's a joke. If we quarrel in front of outsiders, it will only make others look down on both of us at the same time, and even look down on the family behind us."

"You Linyuan group may not mind face, but I hope you can have a little bit of manly responsibility and courage, and don't mess around like an ignorant child all day long."

"At home, when it's just you and me, I don't mind how much trouble you want with me."

"But in front of outsiders, I hope you can restrain your frivolous attitude like a little bastard and be normal."

"Of course, on the contrary, I will also show enough respect for you, and I will definitely save your face in front of outsiders, and be a docile and polite Yamato Nadeko."

"You can say it's acting, but even if it's acting, you have to act it out for me."

"As for what you want in private, I don't care about you. But if you dare to deliberately make trouble in front of outsiders... Lin Yuanfei, I swear, I will not let you and your Lin Yuan team have a good time."

Tsuchimikado Orihime said these words very seriously, she even called Lin Yuanfei's full name for the first time.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her like this and was silent for a few seconds.

Then laughed.

Laughed helplessly.

"You are really... a tool of the family through and through," Lin Yuanfei said with a long sigh, "Is the glory of the family really that important?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at him coldly, without saying a word.But that indifferent look in his eyes clearly already gave his answer.

So Lin Yuanfei sighed, looked at the serious little girl in front of him, and thought for two seconds.

The eyeballs rolled around.

"You mean you want to act?" Lin Yuanfei smiled strangely, like a strange millet, "Do you want to show affection in front of outsiders?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at him and frowned, "You...what do you want to do?"

"Hey...not doing anything, just cooperating with your acting," Lin Yuanfei smiled strangely, and directly extended his right hand to Tsuchimikado Orihime.

His hand movements were very slow, and he looked at Orihime Tsuchimikado's expression while probing over, but Orihime Tsuchimikado stood still in the face of the salty pig's hand that came from Hayashibara Feishen.

In the end, Lin Yuanfei hugged Tsuchimikado Orihime's waist, gently pulled the girl into his arms.

Feeling the warm fragrance of nephrite jade in his arms and the quiet fragrance, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said, "Wow... the beautiful girl's body really smells good, I don't want to let go when I hold her in my arms Ah. Miss Orihime, do you bring your own deodorant?"

Lin Yuanfei lowered his head, sniffing obscenely in Zhiji's ear, the gestures of the two seemed extremely ambiguous.

Zhi Ji stood there motionless, letting Lin Yuanfei hug her, and said indifferently, "Don't you know that there is such a thing as perfume in the world?"

"Oh, all right, that's not bad, it smells delicious," Lin Yuanfei said with a chuckle, "It's a bit obscene to say it, but when I smelled it, I actually got an erection. Don't you mind?"

Zhi Ji glanced at him coldly, and said, "It has nothing to do with me if you ejaculate."

"Wow..." Lin Yuanfei smacked his lips, and found that this little girl was more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

No matter how cold a normal girl pretends to be, she should be angry when she is teased like this?

Not only was the little girl Tuyumen Zhiji not angry, but she answered such a sharp sentence calmly, leaving Lin Yuanfei speechless.

This little girl's rank is higher than he imagined.

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