Tsuchimikado Orihime said indifferently, "Listen to him."

After saying that, Tsuchimikado Orihime also got into the car.

The eldest lady had spoken, the driver could only restrain his emotions, returned to the driver's seat humbly and respectfully, and asked Lin Yuanfei.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, do you have a destination next?"

Lin Yuanfei gave the driver a sideways glance, and said, "Do you know where there is a place to eat? It's more luxurious. Anyway, your lady treats you. I decided to have a big dinner tonight."

The driver froze for a second, then subconsciously looked at Orihime Tsuchimikado.

Tsuchimikado Orihime nodded indifferently, "Listen to him."

So the driver had no choice but to ask, "Does Mr. Lin Yuan want to eat Japanese food or Western food? Or Chinese food?"

"Eat what is the most expensive," Lin Yuanfei said calmly, "Just find me the most expensive restaurant in Chiba City."

The driver thought for a while and said, "I know a French restaurant..."

"Okay, okay, that's it, go straight there," Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to listen to the driver's introduction, and said, "Just drive there."

So the bodyguard of the co-pilot started calling to order food and arrange everything, while the driver drove the car to the French restaurant.

As for Lin Yuanfei and Tsuchimikado Orihime in the back seat sitting alone at the door of the car, there was a wide distance between them.

The feeling of indifference and alienation is quite a feeling of being in the same bed with different dreams.

Lin Yuanfei took out his mobile phone, and originally wanted to send a text message to inform Yuki and the others that they would not go back for dinner tonight.

But when he took out his phone and looked at the buttons on the phone in front of him, Lin Yuanfei remembered the setting that he didn't understand Japanese, and felt a little helpless.

Uneducated, it's really scary!

In the end, he could only call Yuki and speak directly.

"Moxi Moxi? Lin Yuan-jun?" Yuki's clear and sweet voice came from the other end of the phone, "Have you returned from the hospital?"

Compared with the fiancée of the cold and boring young lady next to her, she really is the pure and lovely little girl next door like Yuki.

Even just hearing this voice, Lin Yuanfei felt very comfortable.

With a long sigh, Lin Yuanfei said, "No, I'm still outside and I have something to deal with. You can go ahead and eat, don't wait for me."

Yuki on the other end of the phone seemed to be taken aback, and his voice sounded a little lost, "Oh, yes, Yuki knows."

Lin Yuanfei hung up the phone directly, not daring to continue the chat.

...What's with this weird sense of guilt?

The moment he heard Yuki's lost voice, Lin Yuanfei suddenly had an illusion, as if he was a scumbag who went out with other women behind his back.

After he hung up the phone, Zhi Ji at the side glanced at him and asked.

"Calling your girlfriend?"

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "Girlfriend, uncle, do you think I have a girlfriend? It's just a call to Xintian and the others. We have a big meal, and it's impossible to call the entire Lin Yuan team up." Right? You don't mind, I still find it noisy."

Regarding Lin Yuanfei's explanation, Tsuchimikado Orihime was noncommittal.

She just took a deep look at Lin Yuanfei and said, "If not, it would be best."

So, the two were speechless again.

In the quiet car, you can't even hear the sound of the car outside.

The superior sound insulation effect makes this place like a quiet little world in a busy city.

……what?You said that the sound insulation effect is so good that you can't hear the speakers behind it?

Come on, with a car like this on the road, does the driver need to listen to other people's horns?Whoever eats the bear's heart and leopard has the courage to rub this luxury car.

Just the liftable gold car logo on the hood of the car is already worth hundreds of thousands.

You can buy a new car driven by ordinary people for the price of scratching and scratching the paint.

That's why Lin Yuanfei didn't want to see this little girl from Tuyumen Orihime's family.

Living in such a luxurious and high-end world since childhood, I don't understand the suffering of people's livelihood at all!

Miss Tumimen Orihime should be sent to the poor and lower-middle peasants for re-education!

Chapter 435 Lin Yuanfei's Gender Equality

The French restaurant the driver mentioned is in the center of Chiba City, upstairs of a star-rated hotel, overlooking the night view of the entire Chiba City from a commanding height.

Of course, the selling point of this French restaurant seems to be the same.

Overlooking the night view of the city?

emmmmm...why do rich people like to run to high places?Didn't the Japanese say that idiots like heights?

Could it be that this is the legendary Gympika psychology?

(Note: Gympika psychology is a theory mentioned in the works of the famous social ethicist Maude Gexing Yuanxuan Xu. Both rich people like high places, when there is no suitable high place to condescend, They would rather stand on the streetlights and look down at humans than the strange psychology of looking at people on the road)

In short, under the arrangement of the driver and bodyguards of Tsuchimikado's house, Lin Yuanfei and Tsuchimikado Orihime sat down directly when they entered.

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