Lin Yuanfei was thinking about an important matter while ordering food.

That's how to mess up this wedding.

Looking at it now, the little girl Tsuchimikado Orihime has been completely brainwashed by the feudal aristocracy.

No matter how bad and ugly Lin Yuanfei behaved, she would remain indifferent.

Obviously, as long as it is the order of the family, let alone marrying Lin Yuanfei, even if she is asked to marry a dog, she probably has no objection.

So in this case, the scenes that Lin Yuanfei did before are completely useless.

He also hoped that if he acted obscenely and disgustingly, the little girl would run back and ask for the dissolution of the engagement.

Now it seems that I underestimated the opponent's rank.

Then there is no other way but to start from another angle.

Lin Yuanfei flipped through the menu while thinking of new ways.

If Tsuchimikado Orihime can't break through here, should he think of a way to find another place to break through?

For example, wiped out all the Tsuchiyamen's houses...cough cough...just kidding.

Under the premise of ensuring safety, Lin Yuanfei had to think of a way to make the Tuyumen family jump out and draw a clear line with Lin Yuanfei.

However, after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a good way to solve the impasse in front of him.

Or else the whole family of the Tuyumen family can be copied and beheaded...

Glancing at the bellflower fairy Dongyue on his waist, Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless.

In the final analysis, he is still too weak.

If he had the strength of the original owner of the body, he would destroy the Liangyi family and the Cangqi family, and be proud of the whole of Japan.A mere Tsuchimikado family?

ridiculous!I beat them with one hand!

Sighing helplessly, Lin Yuanfei said, "Give me something like her."

Lin Yuanfei put down the menu, pointed to Tsuchimikado Orihime on the opposite side and said.

The waiter has been standing by the side and waited for a long time, but in the end he was not angry after waiting for such a result.

He nodded respectfully, took note of Lin Yuanfei's request, and withdrew.

And Orihime Tsuchimikado looked at Lin Yuanfei expressionlessly, and said, "Give up on the prank?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second before he realized what the other party was talking about... Damn!This little girl looks stupid and stubborn, but her eyes are very vicious.

"How do you know that I was playing a prank just now?" Lin Yuanfei asked curiously, "Are my acting skills exaggerated?"

"No, your acting skills are not bad, but compared with those people, it's far behind," Tsuchimikado Orihime said, taking a sip of black tea, "If you grew up in an aristocratic family like mine, see Once you get used to the faces of those adults, you will understand."

Lin Yuanfei once again developed a slight affection for this little girl.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It seems that your childhood was really full of disasters," Lin Yuanfei exclaimed, "I thought that a young lady like you was a fool."

Regarding this, Tsuchimikado Orihime shook her head and said, "It is very difficult for a silly Baitian to survive in a family like Tsuchimikado."

A very simple sentence made Lin Yuanfei finally let go of his grudge against this little girl.

Although this girl is stubborn, she is at least honest enough.

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but give the other party a high look because he could even say this kind of words.

"Okay, I admit that you are much more interesting than I imagined," Lin Yuanfei looked at the little girl in front of him and said, "Let's have a truce. What do you think?"

Orihime Tsuchimikado looked at him and asked, "Are you willing to accept the engagement?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "Are you kidding, I just don't want to fight with you anymore. As for the marriage contract, you can play it yourself. I, Lin Yuanfei, have never been able to force me to do it or not in my life. thing."

"To live in this world, one must be able to understand one's thoughts."

"I said I won't marry you, but I won't marry you. Don't say that you are the eldest lady of the Tuyumen family, even if you are the daughter of the Jade Emperor, I still say that if you don't marry, I won't marry you! It doesn't matter who comes!"

After Huairou's method failed, Lin Yuanfei directly revealed his true nature.

He said domineeringly, "After dinner, let's go home. As for tomorrow, I still have things to deal with, so you can play on your own, and I will talk to you after I finish. Until then, be obedient Just a background board that doesn't appear, if I continue to interrupt my plan like today..."

Lin Yuanfei gave Tuyumen Orihime a sideways look, and said, "Don't look at you as a woman, or the eldest lady of Tuyumen's family. But I, Lin Yuanfei, have never said that I don't hit women in my life."

"If you want to mess with me again, I'll do it directly."

"Ugly words are up front. Don't say it's unpredictable! Don't cry and complain when I do something then, I, Lin Yuanfei, won't do that!"

Lin Yuanfei spoke very calmly, but the categorical force in his words, which is absolutely unquestionable, was like a sharp knife on people's brows.It seems that the slightest touch will bleed.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei like this, Zhiji fell silent.

Looking at this man who had removed his docile disguise, at this domineering and ruthless guy, Tsuchimikado Orihime was silent for a while.

It seems that some kind of thinking and decision are being made.

It wasn't until the waiter started to serve that she nodded and said, "I see."

She took a deep look at Lin Yuanfei and said, "I will take your words to heart."

However, other than that, Zhi Ji didn't say anything, and she didn't give an accurate answer whether she would listen to Lin Yuanfei's words.

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