But Lin Yuanfei was obviously not interested in exhorting him a second time.

Anyway, the words are left there, if Zhi Ji still dares to appear in front of him tomorrow to make trouble for him, Lin Yuanfei will definitely be able to do what she says?

Don't hit women?

Sorry, Lin Yuanfei doesn't have this creed yet.

Here, men and women are equal.

Chapter 436

In a quiet French restaurant, very quiet.

The faint sound of music created a quiet atmosphere here.

It's not a stereo, but a pianist specially invited to play on the stage of the restaurant.

It was a beautiful girl in a white evening dress, with long hair hanging down her shoulders, full of intellectual aura.

The piano is a very elegant musical instrument. When an intellectual and beautiful girl in an elegant evening dress sits under the light and softly plays melodious notes, it gives people a sense of confusion that they can't help but want to indulge in.

Even a guy like Lin Yuanfei who doesn't know much about piano can't help but look over there.

It's not simply being attracted by the girl's beauty, the most important thing is that the scene in front of me is so blurred and dreamy that people can't help but want to appreciate it for a while.

Lin Yuanfei didn't come back to his senses until Tuyumen Orihime tapped lightly on the table.

Looking at the beautiful girl opposite, Lin Yuanfei was confused, "What's the matter?"

Lin Yuanfei was a little upset about being interrupted while enjoying the "music".

And Zhi Ji looked at him blankly, and said, "Please restrain yourself in front of your fiancée, and don't forget your own identity."

"Cut..." Lin Yuanfei cut, feeling a little disappointed.

But the waiter just served the food at this time, Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to chat with this little girl anymore, there was no need to bicker with her.

Lin Yuanfei picked up the knife and fork and started to eat his own food, without saying hello, completely ignoring Tsuchimikado Orihime who was opposite him.

And Tsuchimikado Orihime also ate her own food calmly, also without saying a word.

In this romantic French-style restaurant, these two young men and women who were supposed to be on a date were sitting facing each other, but the atmosphere was gloomy and oppressive, like a disharmonious couple fighting coldly after marriage.

This atmosphere made some people in the restaurant couldn't help but look sideways.

After all, the beauty of Tsuchimikado Orihime is overwhelming among ordinary people. There are so many girls in the French restaurant, but the silent Orihime can be said to be the most dazzling pearl.

In front of her, even the elegant and intellectual pianist was overshadowed.

Only Lin Yuanfei ignored the beautiful woman in front of him and turned to look at the pianist.

But no matter how outsiders look at it, the atmosphere between Lin Yuanfei and Zhiji is still very dignified.

Lin Yuanfei was too lazy to talk to the woman, and Tsuchimikado Orihime was also quietly chewing on the food, even the movement of eating was so elegant, which formed a sharp contrast with Lin Yuanfei who was opposite.

This weird stalemate lasted until Lin Yuan quickly finished his meal, and was finally interrupted.

After the pianist on the stage finished playing another piece, suddenly a young man stepped onto the stage.

This man appeared so abruptly that no one had noticed his existence before.

But obviously, he and the restaurant have already discussed it properly.

For his appearance, the restaurant was not surprised.

In other words, this stage was originally open to guests. When a guest wants to go up and sing a song in public, the restaurant will also provide support.

So the appearance of this man did not cause much disturbance.

Occasionally one or two guests noticed him, but nothing happened.

Because there will always be a few guests who will sing in person.

In this calm background, the young man walked onto the stage with a smile, and said into the microphone, "The next song is composed by myself, and I will give it to my beloved girl and my whole life." Dear Miss Orihime, thank you all."

The man's smiling eyes looked straight at the dining table by the floor-to-ceiling windows and at the girl sitting by the window.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone in the restaurant were attracted by his actions.

People all looked at the girl by the floor-to-ceiling windows, and couldn't help showing surprise.

That beautiful girl, is her name Orihime...

Many people became interested.

It wasn't because they were interested in this beautiful girl's name, but because they saw Lin Yuanfei who was at the same table as Zhiji.

This originally seemed to be a dating occasion for young men and women, but now a competitor is inserted out of thin air?

Everyone began to wonder what happened next.

After all, being jealous and watching the excitement is something that everyone likes, regardless of whether they are male or female, rich or poor.

Everyone was waiting to see how the girl's boyfriend would react.

Even Zhi Ji couldn't help looking at Lin Yuanfei without saying a word.

Obviously, Zhi Ji was also paying attention to Lin Yuanfei's reaction.

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