We can do it without doing it, and we can do it without speaking.

Let's sit down together and have a friendly drink, chat and talk heart-to-heart, don't pretend to be slapped in the face or ride a dragon in the face, isn't it nice to be kind?

But it's a pity that the Shimada Nobukatsu in front of him doesn't seem to want to be friendly with him.

It's embarrassing to show love in public and be ignored.

So in order to divert everyone's attention and pretend that he is not angry at all, this guy's only choice is to divert the firepower to Lin Yuanfei who is on the side.

This is a matter of course, and Lin Yuanfei can understand it.

But the only thing he can't understand is why this buddy insists on showing love to Tsuchimikado Orihime in such a brainless manner... Haven't you been chasing her for two years?Don't you even know what kind of virtue this woman is?

In front of her fiancé, you showed her love in public, how dare she accept your show of love?This woman values ​​family honor more than anything else!

Don't say she doesn't have feelings for you anymore, even if she and you are an underground couple, with Tsuchimikado Orihime's character, if you dare to make a fool of yourself, she will never pay attention to you.

So why does this guy have no chance of winning at all, but he wants to fight to the death?

Lin Yuanfei looked helplessly at Shimada Nobukatsu in front of him.

"The Linyuan group is a small gangster in the countryside. What's the name...Mr. Shimada was joking."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he waved directly to the waiter not far away, "Come, show Mr. Shimada a seat."

Shimada Nobukatsu made himself desperate and made himself unable to get off the stage. Lin Yuanfei couldn't really put him on the fire.

Lin Yuanfei still has this bit of politeness and friendliness.

To be kind to others is to be kind to yourself.

And when the waiter added a chair, Shimada Nobukatsu sat down as a matter of course and became the third guest at the table.

The round table where two people sat opposite each other suddenly became a tripartite confrontation.

After Shimada Nobukatsu sat down, he smiled and said, "Mr. Hayashibara is more polite than I imagined... I thought a gangster like Mr. Hayashiyuan would be more vulgar and rude."

Lin Yuanfei, who had just swallowed the food in his mouth, was stunned for a second, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

--what?What are you talking about?Do you have the ability to say it again?

I have given you steps to help you round the situation back, are you still inflated?Unrelenting... Do you have to jump in the face?

Lin Yuanfei put down the knife and fork in his hand, and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Then said.

"Mr. Shimada's words are a bit boring."

Lin Yuanfei looked at him and said, "You are a suitor who comes to fall in love and pursue beautiful women. After you sit down, you don't show courteousness to your goddess. What are you doing staring at me? Mr. Shimada is probably gay, right?"

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "Unfortunately, I'm straight. I'm not interested in you."

Shimada Nobukatsu still had a smile on his face, but there was too much scrutiny and superiority in that smile.

Probably in the eyes of a wealthy family like him, the country gangsters like Lin Yuanfei are really rubbish...

Well, to be honest, Lin Yuanfei also thinks that the Lin Yuan group is trash.

But Lin Yuan's group is trash. It's unbearable for this guy to scold him with Lin Yuan's group.

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Yuanfei and Tsuchimikado Orihime, Shimada Nobukatsu smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I am not gay either. I only love one person in this life, and that is my beloved Orihime."

When he said this, his face was full of sweet fascination, and there was endless tenderness in his eyes looking at Zhi Ji.

It's a pity that Zhi Ji just looked at him coldly and said, "Please pay attention to your words, Shimada, saying such things in front of my fiancé makes me suspect that your Shimada family is here to provoke!"

Orihime's words were very serious, almost a stern warning, and she didn't appreciate Shimada Nobukatsu's tender confession at all.

However, Shimada Nobukatsu still smiled, "Why are you so unfeeling? Orihime, you know that I love you so much, I love you so much that I can't help myself, I can't lose you in this life. You are so beautiful Angel, how could you cruelly reject me?"

Shimada Nobukatsu's tender confession is full of affection and sweetness, and its lethality to girls is +max.

Even Lin Yuanfei had to admit that even if he didn't know this guy's background, just this handsome appearance and tender confession, he could already win most of the girls.

"It's a pity, I can't bear it," Zhi Ji said indifferently, showing no mercy to the handsome guy on the other side, "After reminiscing about the past, you can go. Please don't disturb the candlelight dinner between me and my fiancé. Staying here for a long time, my fiancé will mind."

Hearing Orihime's words, Shimada Nobukatsu turned his head to look at Lin Yuanfei, a trace of disgust and disdain flashed in his eyes.

——At this time, Lin Yuanfei was eating and watching the show, and he didn't feel at all that his fiancée was being harassed.

Seeing Shimada Nobukatsu looking at him, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, chewing what was in his mouth, and said vaguely, "What are you looking at me for? Go ahead."

That nonchalant attitude seemed to take his fiancée seriously.

Lin Yuanfei's understatement made Shimada Nobukatsu look more disgusted.

He turned his head and looked at Zhi Ji, the expression on his face was full of heartache.

"Zhihime," Shimada Nobukatsu said this time in Mandarin Chinese, "is your fiancé such a low-class bastard? Are you really willing to marry him? Are you willing? This kind of disgusting, dirty, no Well-educated guy, do you really think he can give you happiness?"

Shimada Nobukatsu looked extremely heartbroken, "He doesn't even care that I'm talking to you in front of him. Obviously, he doesn't have any responsibility as a man at all! Staying with such a guy, your whole life It's completely ruined!"

Shimada Nobukatsu said sadly.

Obviously, he didn't want Lin Yuanfei to understand what he said, so he used Mandarin.

After all, learning Chinese is very difficult. It is difficult for a small triad in the countryside to understand a few words of English, let alone Chinese.

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