However, as soon as Shimada Nobukatsu finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei coughed and said, "Well... can you two communicate in other languages?"

Lin Yuanfei said in Mandarin, "It's embarrassing to scold me in front of me in words that I can understand."

Seeing Shimada Nobukatsu's shocked and angry expression, Lin Yuanfei shrugged innocently, "Do you want to use French? Italian? Even Russian is fine. I can't understand a word of the above languages, really."

Shimada Nobukatsu: "..."

Author's message:

PS: In the third watch, I recommend the new book "I'm on the Horse Club Exploding" by the senior.

Introduction: Launch an armed revolution in the world of One Piece, overthrow the old society and build a new one!A serious revolutionary war novel!Believe it or not, this book is not about Robin's tits!Really, trust me.

Chapter 439 Believe it or not

Shimada Nobukatsu was shocked and angry, while Lin Yuanfei was helpless.

Since Japan left Asia and entered Europe, it has been moving closer to European and American countries.

From top to bottom, the nation is trying to westernize itself.

The most notable feature is xenophilia.

That's right, xenophobia.

If it is said that worshiping foreigners in China will be disgusted by most people, then it is a matter of course in Japan.

The specific performance is that all European and American things are high-end and stylish.

You have to speak a few words of English, oh my old man, then you stand out from the crowd.

If you could speak German or French... oh god, I swear, you'd be the biggest cheater in our area.

Think carefully about those popular anime. Are the rich second-generation and elegant characters depicted in them all characters in suits and leather shoes and full of foreign language?

Therefore, in order to improve their skills, the Japanese generally learn English, and those with good conditions go directly to small languages ​​such as French and German.

Lin Yuanfei never expected that the two noble young masters and young ladies in front of him could speak Chinese.

... The most bizarre thing is that this Shimada Nobukatsu actually speaks Chinese in front of him?

Isn't this sending face to the countryside?

Lin Yuanfei couldn't even pretend that he didn't understand the other party's words.

In this case, in a French restaurant, facing the beloved girl, in order to show his outstandingness and excellence, as well as his style, shouldn't Nobukatsu Shimada speak a few words of French to fit the personality?

So Lin Yuanfei was very helpless.

"Master Shimada, why are you looking at me like this? Go ahead."

Lin Yuanfei said, "I really only understand Chinese and Japanese. Really, if you speak other languages, I definitely can't understand a single word."

Lin Yuanfei spoke very sincerely, but Shimada Nobukatsu looked gloomy.

Even Orihime Tsuchimikado looked at Lin Yuanfei twice, obviously taking Lin Yuanfei's frank words as a provocation.

She was waiting for Nobukatsu Shimada's reaction.

And Shimada Nobukatsu is worthy of being the legendary rich second generation, and his self-cultivation is indeed a little higher.

Although Lin Yuanfei's behavior made him very angry, he was still able to maintain a false smile on the surface.

Staring at Lin Yuanfei, Shimada Nobukatsu said, "It seems that I have underestimated Mr. Lin Yuan. Although it is only a rural club, Mr. Lin Yuan has a wide range of knowledge... I was wrong about this."

Lin Yuanfei swallowed the food in his mouth, looking at the stubborn guy in front of him, feeling a little helpless.

This Shimada Nobukatsu has a demeanor of "I have to admit, you are stronger now".

He thought about it, but he didn't even think about how he should answer the conversation so as not to offend the other party.

So Lin Yuanfei lowered his head, continued to pretend to be blind, didn't see anything, and ate his own food.

You pick up girls!

Aren't you here to pick up girls?Come on!

Hurry up and get this Tsuchimikado Orihime away, lest she pester me.

You, a rich second generation who comes to pick up girls, don't stare at girls, why are you staring at me?Could it be that I've awakened the legendary protagonist's skill - taunting face?

Facing Lin Yuanfei's concession, Shimada Nobukatsu snorted.

Obviously, he decided to let go of the counselor in front of him for the time being.

Shimada Nobukatsu looked at Tsuchimikado Orihime again.

This time, he spoke directly in Japanese, completely ignoring other languages.

... I don't know if it was because Lin Yuanfei was scared or because he didn't know any other foreign languages ​​besides Chinese.

Looking at Orihime in front of him, Shimada Nobukatsu adjusted his emotions, and said, "Orihime, I have done a survey before I came here. You must not be with this man!"

Shimada Nobukatsu said affectionately, "He is not worthy of you at all! Not only is he inferior, mean, and disgusting, but he is also a scumbag who wanders between different women! A pervert!"

"According to my investigation, he entered Chiba City with four girls. Two of the girls were sisters, and the other was a senior who had an affair with him! When he was comatose in the hospital, the two girls Take turns taking care of him, and there are even faint signs of jealousy."

"He also took in another apprentice, that is Gui Yanye who is very popular recently... Hehe... He took in a young and beautiful girl who was about his age as an apprentice. What is wrong with this guy? Isn't dirty thinking obvious at a glance?"

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