"Hee hee... Brother Shimada is the best."

The little girl raised her head and said with a playful smile.

Then, the two men led the playful little girl from left to right and walked out.

In that harmonious and friendly scene, if there is a man and a woman, it is almost like a family of three.

But now the two men are walking out with the same little girl, but the picture looks a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

Especially Shimada Nobukatsu's eyes, if anyone can see Shimada Nobukatsu's eyes at this time, they will see the flickering fright in those protruding eyeballs.

It was clearly a look that wanted to scream for help.

However, there was a fake smile on his face.

This fake smile and terrified eyes are combined, like an abstract painting of postmodernism, making Nobukatsu Shimada's smile look so ferocious and terrifying.

But unfortunately, no one can appreciate this scene.

When Nobukatsu Shimada and Makoto Ito led the bouncing little girl out, no one came out to stop them.

Only the camera monitoring the restaurant may have noticed something abnormal, but unfortunately, all the cameras in the restaurant seem to be malfunctioning at this time, and the surveillance images have all turned into rustling snowflakes.

The waiter who saw this scene was extremely surprised, and quickly called other people to check what was going on, why all the cameras in the entire restaurant suddenly failed.

There was a little commotion among the waiters in the restaurant, and several waiters went to check the malfunction of the camera.

Shimada Nobukatsu and Ito Makoto took the little girl and left the restaurant like this.

As for the guests sitting in their respective seats, they all looked away after the good show ended.

No one noticed the weirdness here at all.

No one noticed Shimada Nobukatsu's departure.

Just like that, just as quietly as when she came, the little girl bounced and led two boys who looked like marionettes, and disappeared into the darkness outside the restaurant door.

It was as if it had never appeared before, and it left no trace when it left.

Only the little girl's melodious laughter sounded like silver bells in the cool air of that night.


The restaurant returned to its original appearance, the surveillance cameras suddenly returned to normal, and the waiters returned to their respective jobs.

The guests continued to enjoy the romantic dinner, and the luthier on the stage played elegant notes.

Everything seemed so quiet and harmonious, as before, without any abnormalities.

Only the weird laughter gradually drifted away on the street outside.

"Hee hee hee... hee hee hee..."

Chapter 443 Snow in June

Miyama Town under the night is quiet and silent.

Under the dim street lights, the black Rolls Royce slowly stopped by the side of the road.

Lin Yuanfei pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Behind him is Tsuchimikado Orihime who has put on a new set of clothes.

Since leaving the restaurant, the two haven't had much communication.

It wasn't until Lin Yuanfei got out of the car that he looked back.

The girl in the car looked at him quietly, silent, as if waiting for him to speak.

Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "Don't look at me like that, I know what you want to say. Shimada Nobukatsu will trouble me, right? But unfortunately, I don't think it matters."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Didn't you say that I am Miss Tsuchimikado's fiancé now? If Nobukatsu Shimada troubled me and I hacked him to death, would the trouble be my fault? Or would it belong to the Tsuchimikado family? "

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in the car and smiled brightly, "If people from the Shimada family come to trouble me, my dear fiancee, would you still stand by my side?"

Orihime looked at him and said, "I will deal with Shimada Nobukatsu's matter."

Orihime's expression was very serious, "I assure you, what happened tonight will not happen again. But I also hope that you can restrain yourself a little bit. When you see Nobukatsu Shimada in the future, don't deliberately provoke him. What happened today, It’s best to expose it at this point, if it continues to ferment and cause the situation to get out of control, it will be a trouble that none of us are happy to see.”

In this regard, Lin Yuanfei smiled.

"Orhime, what you said is wrong, why don't I deliberately provoke Shimada Nobukatsu... Do I look like a bad guy who deliberately provokes troubles? If that guy hadn't been relentless, I wouldn't bother to talk to him Ah. Don’t worry, I’m the most pacifist. You can rest assured that a gentleman never draws his sword easily with his words.”

Lin Yuanfei said righteously, "As long as Shimada Nobukatsu doesn't trouble me, I promise not to trouble him! Coexist peacefully with him...is that okay?"

Under the dim street light, Lin Yuanfei smiled brightly.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei like this, Zhiji was silent for a few seconds, then shook her head.

"I hope you will do what you say..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "Then it's settled, Shimada Nobukatsu's matter will be handled by you, I'll go back first. As for tomorrow, I plan to go shopping alone, and you can go shopping by yourself, when I have time I'll come to you when I'm free...how about it?"

Zhi Ji looked at Lin Yuanfei, and then at the villa on the slope behind Lin Yuanfei.

She was silent for a few seconds, then said, "The girls that Xin Sheng talked about..."

The girl hesitated for a few seconds, thought for a while, then shook her head, "Forget it, it's nothing, you can go."

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