Zhi Ji closed her eyes and said slowly, "See you next time."

After the girl finished speaking, she closed her eyes to rest.

Lin Yuanfei at the door shrugged and closed the door.

After standing on the side of the road and watching the black Rolls Royce go away, he turned and looked at the slope behind him.

At the top of this slope, there is a secluded small villa.

That was the residence of the Tosaka family in Chiba City.

As for putting Lin Yuanfei down here, this is Lin Yuanfei's own insistence.

He really didn't want to get off the car in front of the Tohsaka family's mansion.

It would be fun if any of Yuki/Yuno/Saeko happens to come out and have a chat.

Lin Yuanfei is determined to avoid all branching plots that may lead to a bad end.

As for Shimada Nobukatsu, to be honest, Lin Yuanfei was not particularly worried.

If he really hacked Shimada Nobukatsu to death, it would be the Tsuchimikado family who would have a headache.So Lin Yuanfei didn't have to do anything, Tsuchimikado Orihime would take care of everything.

Tch...you want to be my daughter-in-law as soon as we meet, why?Is it possible without paying a price?

Although I, Lin Yuanfei, am not an evil ghost, I am not a good man or a faithful woman either.

Although this Tuyumen Zhiji is a bit interesting, since she has caused Lin Yuanfei distress, it is impossible for Lin Yuanfei to give her a good life, right?

Since the other party wants to toss with him, let's all toss together.

Anyway, Lin Yuanfei is a bachelor, and the whole family can eat enough for one person, so what are you afraid of?No matter how big the trouble is, he won't lose anything at all.

——This is the one who is barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes.

Lin Yuanfei hummed happily and walked slowly on the small slope.

The cool night breeze blows towards you.

Gradually, bits and pieces of crystal clear things fell from the sky.

When the icy crystals fell beside Lin Yuanfei, Lin Yuanfei hadn't reacted yet.

After walking two steps forward, he suddenly realized something, and quickly raised his head.

In the night sky, icy snowflakes are constantly falling slowly.

When the slightly cool ice crystals touch the skin, it brings a little coolness.

Lin Yuanfei stood in a daze among the falling snowflakes, and was stunned.

Oh my god... Blizzard in June?What's the weather like in Japan?

It's only June, why does it start to snow?Is the weather in Japan so changeable?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously looked around.

However, on the small slope, there was no one to be seen.

Only under the dim light, the snowflakes falling all over the sky enveloped the entire urban area of ​​Chiba City.

In the increasingly icy cold wind, Lin Yuanfei's skin even had a fine layer of goosebumps.

Feeling the snow falling all over the sky, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

Damn!Snow in June!Did Dou E come to Chiba City for tourism?

He looked around again, and a white figure suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, then quickly looked in that direction.

I saw a little girl in a white skirt standing there smiling on the long slope.

Snowflakes fell all over the sky around her, and in the dim light, the little girl was as beautiful as an angel in a fairy tale.

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously took a step back, grasped the wooden knife at his waist, and looked nervous.

"Sadako? Why are you jumping out so quickly?"

Feeling the icy chill in the air and the out-of-season snowflakes all over the sky, Lin Yuanfei's expression turned ugly, "Could it be time to clear the book?"

Xiao Zhenzi stood there smiling and nodded.

"You are very lucky, Mr. Lin Yuan, the important opportunity will arrive soon."

Lin Yuanfei laughed helplessly.

Lucky... lucky you uncle!Didn't you agree to come back to me in two days?

It's only been a day, right?

You just jumped out so impatiently... Sadako, are you from Futukang?Black-hearted capitalists squeeze cheap labor?

How long has it been since the dungeon was opened... It's time to give people a vacation!

Chapter 444 Lin Yuanfei's Helplessness

The white snow falling in the dark night has dyed the city with a misty atmosphere.

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