Hearing Kotomine Shirou's warning, Tohsaka Rin's eyes flashed with confusion.

"Lin Yuanfei... is there any problem?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled helplessly, and spread his hands, "I'm not very clear about the specific details. Because we didn't find many things, but... well, what is certain now is that this Fei Tian Yu The successor of Jianliu seems to have something to do with the Liangyi family in Kyoto, the Cangqi family in Misaki City, and the extermination case of the Tong family in Gunmama ten days ago."

"As a family of magicians, I'm too close to such a dangerous guy... Be careful not to follow in the footsteps of these three families."

Kotomine Shirou said so.

Chapter 448 I Can't Die

In the white snow falling all over the sky, Tosaka Rin stood outside the gate of Tosaka's house, looking at Kotomine Shirou a few meters away.

Silent, his expression became serious.

"Your intelligence has confirmed that Lin Yuanfei is related to these several cases of extermination?" Tohsaka Rin asked.

Kotomine Shiro spread his hands, "It's just a preliminary suspicion, and there are no further clues to prove this inference. However, Liang Yi and Hei Tonggan of the Liangyi family seem to be convinced of this matter, and they directly Think of Lin Yuanfei as an enemy who will destroy the family."

"Considering the excellent intelligence and reconnaissance ability of that Hei Tongqian, the credibility of this matter is very high."

"However, those two people have left Japan now, and it seems that they are going to the United States to find the headquarters of the umbrella company. Our people failed to meet them in time, so we can't get more detailed information."

"Currently, the church has sent several representatives including Kirei to the United States to find the Liangyi couple, and we will probably get new news soon... In short, after Father Kirei left, Chiba City is now temporarily closed. I'm in charge of monitoring."

Looking at Rin Tosaka in front of him, Kotomine Shirou smiled happily, "So we are partners on the same front now, and I don't want Chiba City to have any problems under my supervision."

Tohsaka Rin laughed at this.

"Why are you going to investigate this matter? Could it be that you still want to avenge those dead magician families? Don't the guys in your church want to kill all the magicians in the world? When did you become so enthusiastic?"

Kotomine Shiro shrugged, "How do I know? This is an order from above, does it have something to do with me as a young man...Maybe they want to catch up with Lin Yuanfei's line, and then borrow the hands of those guys It may not necessarily wipe out all your Japanese magician families."

The corner of Kotomine Shirou's mouth curled into a smile, "After all, three magician families were wiped out in such a short period of time, including the Cangqi family in Misaki City... This kind of strength is simply scary. It's normal for the old men to have other ideas."

"But Rin, don't worry, you are Kallen's friend, so you are also my friend. I am different from you, a cold and heartless young lady."

"If your Yuansaka family is wiped out anytime, then run in the direction of the church. I won't turn you away. You can rest assured about that."

Kotomine Shirou mocked Tohsaka Rin with a grin.

Rin Tohsaka couldn't help snorting.

"It's a pity that you won't see that day. Even if your holy church is completely destroyed, our Yuansaka family will live well!"

The girl hummed arrogantly, turned around and walked into the gate.

Obviously, he no longer wanted to deal with the squinting eyes outside.

Kotomine Shirou had no intention of blocking it either.

He just stood outside and watched Tohsaka Rin disappear behind the gradually closing door of Tohsaka's house, shrugged and said.

"Then I hope you don't get targeted..."

Kotomine Shirou looked up at the white snow falling all over the sky, and let out a long sigh.

"It's a pity... why do I feel that you are not so lucky?"



"Probably, that's about it."

Sitting in the lobby of the villa, Lin Yuanfei told the girls in the house about meeting Sadako and about refreshing the dungeon tomorrow.

This is Katsura Manami's villa.

Katsura Manami welcomed Lin Yuanfei's arrival.

Of course, the happiest thing is Fu Jiang.

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei doesn't have time to talk to the other party right now, he's busy holding a battle meeting.

After they entered the room, they sat down in the living room, and then Lin Yuanfei recounted all the words that Sadako had said to him.

"All in all, tomorrow we should have to face the real body of Sadako Yamamura."

"But judging from the current situation, this Yamamura Sadako is even more powerful than we imagined."

"Little Sadako said that it was preparing something, and it was about to succeed, so that it disturbed the entire Chiba City's land lines, causing an abnormal climate. From this point of view, the reason why the real Sadako of the mountain village has never attacked me , the biggest reason is probably that it is empty now.”

"As for the method that can change the climate of the entire city, the strength of this Yamamura Sadako is definitely not comparable to the anomalies we encountered before."

"So, it's best for everyone tomorrow not to participate."

"It's best to evacuate to a safe place in case something dangerous happens that we can't anticipate."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuno nodded immediately, "That's right, what the senior said makes sense. Sister, let's leave Chiba City as soon as possible tomorrow, and come back after the senior has settled everything properly, so as not to We're here to distract him and distract him from fighting."

Yuno said it very kindly.

But Yuki was hesitant, "But...if we all leave, do we want Mr. Lin Yuan to face the evil spirit alone?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "Don't worry, don't I still have a little Sadako as a teammate? In a sense, that guy is also Yamamura Sadako. Even if it is different from the body under the dry well, but with her Help, it will be fine."

"After all, she and I are grasshoppers on the same rope. If I get cold, she will probably be unlucky too. Since she dared to come to me, it proves that she must have a chance of winning."

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