"So you don't need to worry, I won't die this time."

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei set up a death flag.

Seeing his optimistic appearance, Saeko Busujima couldn't help shaking her head.

"Seeing Mr. Lin Yuan like this, I don't feel relieved."

Yuki also nodded again and again, "That's right, Lin Yuan-kun like this is not reassuring at all. I will never leave, I want to deal with the evil spirits with you, Lin Yuan-kun!"

The two sang and cooperated seamlessly, and Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded when he saw it——when did the two of you unite?It's only been a few days?Is the relationship already this good?

Looking at the extremely serious Yuki, Lin Yuanfei could only look at Yuno, "Hey, Yuno, don't you want to persuade your sister?"

Yuno tore off the pretense of caring and gentleness before, and stared at him directly, "How can I persuade you? You bastard has talked to such an extent, can my sister really leave you behind? Tell me honestly, Lin Yuan, did you do it on purpose!"

Lin Yuanfei looked helpless, "My surname is Lin, not Lin Yuan. How many times have I said it? Why don't you listen?"

Saeko Busushima smiled slightly, "Probably because it's so easy to call... Everyone is used to shouting like this, and it won't change for a while. Hayashi Yuan-kun, please be patient."

Yuki also nodded repeatedly, "That's right, that's right, I also think it's easier to call Lin Yuan-kun..."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "Why did the topic suddenly change to this? Aren't we discussing escape? Can you guys have a sense of urgency?"

Chapter 449

In the end, Lin Yuanfei and the others still did not reach a consensus on the composition of the personnel who will go to brush books tomorrow.

Saeko Busujima has made it clear that she will not participate (hold back), but she is also unwilling to leave.

She said that she hoped to do some aftermath work outside, but not to face the vengeful spirit directly, so as not to delay her progress.

Lin Yuanfei was moved by this kind of self-aware girl.

What I am most afraid of is the kind of silly white sweetness that has to be used together even though there are no two brushes.

As for Yuki and Yuno...Yuno didn't want to go, but Yuki had to go, so she had no choice but to follow.

The reason for walking by Minutes is simple, she has superpowers and can help Lin Yuanfei under appropriate circumstances.

As for Yuno... Asi, Yuki has gone, will this perverted sister-in-law follow?

Although Lin Yuanfei felt that if Yu Nao couldn't beat him, the other party would have chopped him up with a knife, and then took his sister away.

Just like in a dream——

Speaking of which, none of the girls had memories from their dreams.

This is also a good thing.

Otherwise, Budao-senpai had been killed so many times, she would probably go crazy.

In the end, Lin Yuanfei could only play sloppy and get this matter out of the way first.

The big deal is to run away secretly tomorrow.

Who stipulated that when he and Sadako went to brush the book tomorrow, he must notify these girls?

After everyone chatted casually for a while, Fu Jiang, the bitch, began to make trouble.

It seemed that leaving Lin Yuanfei for the past few days made her even hungrier and thirsty, so she threw herself on Lin Yuanfei who was on the sofa.

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei is not in the mood to toss with her now, so he pulled out a rope from his backpack and tied up the masked female fairy on the spot.

With a rope, you can do whatever you want!

Lin Yuanfei tied Fu Jiang to the sofa, humming with complacency.

Finally got the rope, cool!

Seeing this scene, Saeko Busujima couldn't help sighing.

"Lin Yuan-jun's binding techniques are becoming more and more proficient..."

Yuno nodded again and again, "That's right, the perverted senior is really getting more and more perverted."

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "I am forced by life! Is it because I want to become like this? Cut..."

And at this moment, the news report on the TV just finished talking about Gui Yanye's attack.

News reports in recent days seem to have been talking about this matter.After all, it was the biggest news hotspot during this period, and basically all TV stations were broadcasting it.

Except for a few TV stations that are still broadcasting animations, other TV stations are all discussing the case of Gui Yanye being attacked and the truth behind it, as well as the recent movements of the umbrella company.

According to the information in the news, Umbrella Corporation has been having a bad time recently, and its stocks have plummeted. Several countries have even conducted strict inspections on the branches of Umbrella Corporation within their borders to avoid a situation like the Raccoon City.

Even the United States, the base camp, even had a vicious attack not long ago.

Terrorists whose identities and numbers are temporarily unknown attacked the headquarters of the umbrella company. Although no one was killed, people fell to the ground in disorder.

Even an important person in charge at the headquarters at the time was kidnapped and disappeared.

The outside world speculates that this is an attack from an extremist organization, but some people think that this is a tragedy directed and performed by the umbrella company itself.

Anyway, the news all day has been muddled.

The press, bought by the rivals of Umbrella Corporation, took the opportunity to attack Umbrella Corporation and edited various words to pour sewage on Umbrella Corporation.

And Umbrella Corporation apparently hired a lot of journalists to clean up their case.

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