Lin Yuanfei said, "It's just that the information that appears in the news reports is too little. We have to find an expert to understand the real truth."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuno squinted at him and asked, "Is the perverted senior planning to contact your fiancée?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "How do you know?"

Yuno sneered, "Then who else can you contact? Apart from the lady from the Tsuchimikado family, can you know other magicians?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, "But we can't be sure that the Tuyumen family is also a magician family."

Saeko Busujima shook her head, "If there is such a thing as a magician family in this world, and Japan has extraordinary powers that ordinary people cannot touch, then the Tsuchimikado family must be different."

"After all, there was a man named Abe Seimei in their ancestors."

Saeko Busujima said, "In this world where supernatural power exists, Abe Seimei, the great onmyoji, must also have unusual power. If his descendants are all ordinary people, I think this is unlikely."

Lin Yuanfei nodded and said, "That's why I planned to test her out... Anyway, that woman is not a bad person, and she probably wouldn't kill me if I asked her about her secrets."

Yuno laughed, "It seems that the perverted senior still likes this fiancée very much..."

As soon as Yuno said this, Saeko Busujima and Yuki's eyes narrowed immediately.

Fu Jiang, who was tied to the sofa, also struggled excitedly.

"What? Fiancée? Darling actually has a fiancée? Who the hell dares to steal a man from me? Let me go, I'm going to see her!"'

Fu Jiang began to struggle desperately.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched.

Yuno really wished that he would die quickly...

"Are you from the professional arch fire team?" Lin Yuanfei glared at Yuno and said, "What time is it, you are still making such silly jokes... Let's quickly find out why the original owner of the body is killing people everywhere Is it the most important thing? Are you afraid that one day when you wake up, a group of criminal gangs will knock on the door? Let them know that their companions were killed by our cooperation, and no one in the room can escape !"

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's words, Saeko Busushima nodded.

"That's right, if we let those people know that the original Mr. Lin Yuan was killed by us, then they will definitely not let it go. We really have to make preparations early."

Yuno smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? At worst, let the perverted senior continue to pretend to be amnesia...Senior, don't you always like to pretend to be amnesia? I think your trick is really effective."

Yuno laughed, the mockery in his eyes was evident.

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes when he heard this, and didn't bother to talk to this sick and perverted girl.

He took out his mobile phone and said, "It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. I'll call Zhi Ji now and ask Zhi Ji to come out and talk. It's been too long, and I feel uneasy!"

Lin Yuanfei was really afraid that when the door opened tomorrow, the companions of the original owner of the body would block the door.

You can't even fool Yuno with such a bad idea of ​​amnesia, and you still want to fool those group of murderous monsters everywhere?

Lin Yuanfei suspected that the moment he met the other party, the group of guys could tell that the soul in this body was no longer the original Lin Yuanfei.

So... this time travel is really a mess.

It's a wraith and a monster, now that it's finally taking a breather, you have to be careful of those accomplices of the original owner of the body?

Oh my god...can you live a good life this day?

Author's message:

PS: I recommend a book by a big guy, "The Witch Who Can't Be Washed Without Me"


She, who was born in a famous family, suffered a lot of fate, and was forced to marry. On the wedding night, she wore a scarlet robe and bathed in blood for thousands of miles. She was known as the blood-clothed witch.

She, with extraordinary talent, worshiped in Jianzong, was framed miserably, fell into the evil way, deceived her master and exterminated her ancestors and betrayed her family, claiming to be a betrayal witch.

Her blood was polluted, she was half human and half dragon, and she was discriminated against. She abandoned the human heart and ruled the dragons to bring disaster to Kyushu. She was known as the Witch of Dragons.

They are pitiful, weak and helpless. They are what you call witches and evildoers, but why are they guilty? !

There is no reason to add guilt. Today, I, Lin Ye, will help these witches to clean up and rectify their names. They are all innocent!

At the martial arts conference, looking at the righteous leaders of the martial arts representatives in front of him, Lin Ye spoke uprightly, and in return, many big shots burst into tears.

"Yes, yes, what you said is correct, please stop those demons quickly... Ah no, saintesses, let them stop tearing it down."

Chapter 451 The Girl's Mood

It was a quiet night, so quiet that one could even hear the sound of snow falling.

The girl stood on the edge of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the hotel, overlooking the city below her.

Outside the windows on the first floor, white snow was falling.

Even though it was June, yet there was such an abnormally heavy snowfall, this astonishing scene appeared within the urban area of ​​Chiba City.

The news on the TV station has been reporting the sudden heavy snow one after another. However, compared to the surprise and revelry of ordinary people, the girl who is an onmyoji clearly feels the disturbing atmosphere in the air.

very strong chill...

People mistook it for the heavy snow, but in fact, the chill lingering in the air came from some evil and dark evil spirit.

Even in her induction, the ground veins of the entire Chiba City seemed to vibrate and deflect violently. It seemed that someone was preparing some kind of large-scale ceremony, so that the spirit veins of the entire city appeared abnormal.

A large-scale ritual capable of affecting changes in the weather of an area...

Orihime Tsuchimikado looked down at the city dumbly, as if he was thinking about something.

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