On the sofa behind her, the phone rang suddenly, interrupting the girl's contemplation.

She turned around, turned and walked to the sofa, and picked up the phone.

The moment she saw the caller ID, the girl froze slightly.

Then, she got on the phone.

"Lin Yuan?" Holding the phone, the girl's voice was indifferent, "What's the matter with you?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yuanfei's dry laughter came, "Well... Zhiji, have you seen the heavy snow outside?"

"Well, I see, what's the matter?"

"Do you think there is something wrong with this snow?" Lin Yuanfei tentatively asked.

"..." The girl holding the phone was silent for a few seconds before saying, "This snow is abnormal."

"Uh...and then..."

"It should be related to some kind of ceremony."


"I'm guessing that it's probably some kind of ritual. The ritual caused abnormalities in the spirit veins, the deflection of the earth's veins, and the influence of the geomagnetism, so that even the weather has changed. If it was at the center of the ceremony, the mutation would probably be more serious."

"Uh...you seem to understand it very well."

"Born in Tsuchimikado, this kind of thing is just superficial. Compared with this kind of thing... Hayashibara, why are you asking this?"

"Uh...Actually, I have something to talk to you about. Are you free now?"


"...Uh...Are you free?"

"..." The girl was silent for a few seconds, looked at the time displayed on the clock, and said, "If you are free, you can come to my place directly. Where do you live? I will send someone to pick you up now."

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, "Are you so enthusiastic... No need, I can come here by myself. My friend drove me here, just tell me the address."

The girl said, "Yes."

Then she told the other party the address here.

After that, I hung up the phone.

Standing alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the girl thought for a while, then made another call.

A few seconds later, the voice of Toshizo Tsuchimikado rang on the other end of the phone.

"Zhihime? It's so late, what's the matter?"

"...Uncle, have you seen the snow outside?"

"Well, I see," Tsuchimikado Toizo said calmly, "The spiritual veins of Chiba City are managed by the Tohsaka clan. Although they belong to the Western magic lineage of the Clock Tower, the head of the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Saka Tokiomi is a very good magician. They can handle things here by themselves. If they can't handle it, we have to wait for them to ask us for help before we need to intervene."

"We don't have to pay too much attention to things related to Western magic, understand?"

After listening to Tsuchimikado Tousan's words, the girl was silent for a few seconds before she nodded, "Okay, Orihime understands."

Then, the girl hung up the phone.

She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in a daze, watching the snowflakes falling outside, and remained silent.

She is very clear about what her uncle said.

If it wasn't for the call from Lin Yuanfei, she didn't intend to pay too much attention to the snow in Chiba City.

After all, this is Chiba City, the territory managed by the Tohsaka family.

That kind of Western magician will never be the same as them.There is no need to care about their lives.

Even if a huge disaster happened in Chiba City and Tosaka Tokiomi failed to deal with it in time, to be honest, it has nothing to do with their Tsuchimikado family.

People of the western magic line take care of their mess themselves.

If it weren't for Lin Yuanfei's sudden call in the middle of the night, the girl would not be so impolite to call in the middle of the night to disturb the elders at home.

After all, that man is her fiancé after all.

Regardless of the reason for this engagement, since it already exists, she can only accept it.

And Lin Yuanfei was obviously aware of the weirdness in Chiba City tonight, probably because of the intuition of a martial artist?Does he want to meddle in this matter?

After all, the Hayashibara Group is a local organization in Chiba City, so it is only natural for him, as the young master of the Hayashibara Group, to care about Chiba's situation.

Then if he really wants to intervene in the management of this incident, should he stand by as the young lady of the Tuyumen family, or should he provide a helping hand as Lin Yuanfei's fiancée?

A trace of confusion flashed in the girl's eyes.

Uncle's words obviously told her not to interfere in this matter.

But if Lin Yuan really wants to go to this muddy water...

The girl lowered her eyebrows and fell silent.

In this silent waiting, after an unknown amount of time, the doorbell finally rang from the direction of the gate.

Zhi Ji didn't move, because the female bodyguard who lived in another room of the presidential suite had already gone to answer the door.

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