The descendant of the handsome man of the dark type who even Tamamo-mae cared about... There are probably more than two brushes.

And Abe Seimei can kill Tamamo, judging from the strength of Tamamo in Xingyue World, Abe Seimei's water is very deep.

Even Lin Yuanfei is a little wary when he sees Tsuchimikado Orihime now.

This little girl looks so weak, she won't be able to hang a hero with a single shot, right?

Lin Yuanfei thought about it, and quickly brought the topic back on track.

"Since there are onmyoji and monsters in this world, are there other Onmyoji families?" Lin Yuanfei finally asked the question he wanted to ask most, "There should be ghost monsters in other countries besides Japan. Do they exist? Are there Onmyojis in foreign countries? What about those countries in the West? Are there really vampires?"

Lin Yuanfei's inquiry made Zhiji silent for a few seconds.

Then he said, "There are indeed vampires in the world, but there is a group of magicians in the West, and an organization called the Church of the Holy Church is secretly dealing with monsters and heresies other than abnormalities."

"Of course, whether it is a magician or the Holy Church, it is different from our Japanese Onmyoji. We are not a system, and there are not only Onmyoji in Japan."

"Even next door, China, has its own extraordinary group."

"It would take a long time to introduce these things in detail, are you sure you want to listen?" Zhi Ji asked.

Lin Yuanfei scratched his head and said, "Then let's talk about the situation in Japan. According to what you said, different countries have abnormal organizations in different countries, so magicians and the Church of the Holy Church only exist in the West." huh?"

Orihime shook her head, "Wrong, although most countries have their own local organizations. However, the magicians of the Western system and the Holy Church can be said to be all over the world. Even Japan has several Western-system magicians. The Shi family...the Cangqi family in Misaki City that was exterminated not long ago is the most obvious example."

Orihime said, "Although this family is a native Japanese family, it originated from the line of Western magic. Its patriarch has mastered powerful secrets for generations, and is in charge of one of the few crooked spiritual veins in Japan. Even our Tsuchimikado The family dare not underestimate its existence."

Chapter 453 Behind the Murder Case (6200/6600)

Hearing that the girl brought up Cang Qi's family, Lin Yuanfei was slightly pleasantly surprised.

This little girl is quite up to the mark, if the topic is brought up to this point, it will be easier for him to talk.

Looking at the serious girl in front of him, Lin Yuanfei asked, "Since this Cangqi family in Misaki City is so powerful, why is it still being exterminated...emmm... Wait, this Cangqi family is probably the former The big family that was wiped out on the news soon, right?"

Zhi Ji nodded, "That's right, that's Cang Qi's family. According to subsequent investigations, all of Cang Qi's family was destroyed. In the entire Cang Qi family, there is only one Cang Qi orange who was expelled in the early years. The whereabouts of the others are still unknown. Death, even Aozaki Aoko who mastered the secret technique died tragically, it can be said to be a terrible attack."

Lin Yuanfei swallowed his saliva and asked, "Is that Cangqi Qingzi very powerful?"

Zhi Ji nodded, "Very powerful."

The girl said with a serious expression, "In today's world, the magician named Cangqi Qingzi can be ranked in the forefront in terms of strength."

"Then such a powerful person can still be killed... who did it?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

Zhi Ji glanced at him and said, "According to the details and clues we know, Cangqi Qingzi has been poisoned by some kind of legendary poison. Although the ingredients are still unknown, it is very likely that it is the monster Hydra Xu De in western legends." Pull the venom.”

"Also, two weird bullets were found in Cangqi Qingzi's body. That kind of bullet destroyed the magic circuit of Cangqi Qingzi's whole body, and it should be the last straw that overwhelmed her."

"As for her body, there were several different kinds of scars. It is speculated that she died of assassination and beating."

Tsuchimikado Orihime said, "Even if it is a powerful magician, it is impossible to maintain absolute vigilance for [-] hours. It is normal to be assassinated when the spirit is slack."

"Whether it's a magician or an onmyoji, in the final analysis, they are spellcasting professions that rely on spells, and physical protection is inherently weak."

"Therefore, there is no need to be too surprised that a magician died in an assassination," Zhi Ji said. "As for the massacre of Cang Qi's family, although it is terrible, it will not affect us for the time being. You don't have to worry."

"emmm... this... I read on the news that not only Cang Qi's family was wiped out," Lin Yuanfei said, "In the past six months, there have been three tragedies of family extermination in Japan. The Matou family in the prefecture, the Ryogi family in Kyoto... the latter two are also magician families, right?"

Zhi Ji nodded and said, "Strictly speaking, the Liangyi family is not considered a magician family. They are the only one among the four major exorcist families that has not completely declined. And the Matong family and the Cangqi family are both A family of magicians from the lineage of Western magicians, and the Liangyi family has little connection with Western magicians."

Zhi Ji seemed to be afraid that Lin Yuanfei would not understand, and explained in detail, "There used to be four major exorcism families in Japan, namely Wujing, Liangyi, Qianshen, and Qiye, but except for the Liangyi family, the other three are actually It has long since fallen, and the Qiye Clan has already been wiped out by the Tono Clan."

"But it's too complicated to talk about those old things. You only need to know a little bit. The situation in Japan is actually far more complicated than you imagine. There are many different exorcising families, onmyoji families, and other families. It’s our Tsuchimikado family, and we can barely maintain a certain advantage to win, but there are still families that are not inferior to ours—such as the Soqi family in Misaki City.”

"In Japan, the right way is to be wise and protect one's life. If you meddle in too many things, you are likely to be mobbed and attacked, and your family will be wiped out in the end. Cangqi's family is a notable example."

"Here, it's very chaotic, and there is no absolutely invincible family. If you are not careful, it is very likely to capsize in the gutter, so our creed is to absolutely intervene in things that have nothing to do with us... Lin Yuan, do you understand?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at Lin Yuanfei seriously, and said so.

Lin Yuanfei got a toothache from hearing this—is this the reason why Japanese local magicians never show up in the fate series?

Even if the Holy Grail War is in full swing and the evil rituals kill countless people, will this group of guys never show up without affecting themselves?Let a group of Western magicians play tricks on Japanese soil?Nothing to do with them anyway?

Tsk tsk tsk... Should I say that these guys in Japan are big-hearted?Or are they shy?

Others have caused troubles on your country's territory, and killed so many innocent people. At least you have some reactions, right?

Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, and you have lost the face of Japan——Mr. Traveler from China condemned the selfishness of these Japanese people so "heartbrokenly".

"In short, it's very common for Japanese magicians to exterminate their families, right?" Lin Yuanfei asked knowingly, "So the three massacres of exterminating families in the past six months are not special?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime shook his head, "Of course not. Even in an environment like Japan, it is a great event that three magician families have been exterminated within half a year. What's more, according to the on-site investigation afterwards, these three massacres The criminals are basically the same group of people, and the wounds found on the deceased at different locations are all consistent, which proves that someone is secretly organizing a plan to kill the magician family."

"So Lin Yuan, you'd better not be too high-profile. As my fiancé, you are a member of the Tsuchiyamen family. If one day our family is targeted by those people, they are likely to start with you. You'd better Be careful."

Orihime said that with a very serious expression.

Lin Yuanfei smiled awkwardly——I want to say that I am a member of the demon king organization that destroys families everywhere, do you believe it?

"This... I will pay attention to it."

Lin Yuanfei said that he changed the topic, "Since you have noticed the special features of these three massacres, did no one investigate these three massacres? There are so many big families in Japan, Is there no one who intends to find out the secret behind this?"

After hearing Lin Yuanfei's question, Zhiji was silent for a few seconds.

Then he said, "If there is any connection behind these three massacres, it is that the families that were exterminated all have their own spiritual veins."

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