"And after the Miemen case, the spirit vein center managed by the family found the destroyed residual spells. It is speculated that someone was using the spirit veins to perform some kind of large-scale ceremony before the incident. And the appearance of that group of people destroyed This ritual."

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked out of the window, "That kind of large-scale ceremony is very characteristic. In the affected area, abnormal conditions such as weather disturbances and earthquakes are prone to occur due to changes in spiritual veins."

"For example, the situation in Chiba City is a standard weather disorder caused by a large-scale operation..."

Zhi Ji looked at Lin Yuanfei and said so.

Under the gloomy light, half of the girl's face fell into the shadows.

Seems a little creepy.

Lin Yuanfei inexplicably felt a icy chill...

Chapter 454 This is a pool of muddy water

What Tsuchimikado Orihime said really scared Lin Yuanfei.

Damn... Could it be that Chiba City is the next target of those guys?Is the Tohsaka house going to be cold soon?

emmm... Rin's long legs are gone?It's a pity.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, looked at the silent girl in front of him, thought for two seconds, and asked again tentatively.

"You mean to say that the group of guys who are killing people everywhere are in Chiba City right now?"

Orihime shook her head, "Not necessarily, there are many kinds of large-scale surgeries, and the large-scale surgeries being performed in Chiba City may not be related to the previous ones. It may not necessarily attract those people."

"Take a step back, even if those guys are really attracted, and the large-scale art in Chiba City really has something to do with them, then the ones who are worried should be the spiritual vein managers of Chiba City, and have nothing to do with us. .”

"The past few cases have proved that the group of criminals only attacked the spiritual vein manager and would not attack other people. So if you stay in the house and don't go out to run around, there will be no security problems. "

The girl said so confidently.

However, Lin Yuanfei could only reply with a dry smile - I was one of those criminals.If those guys really kill Chiba, they will come to trouble me.

If they find out that I am not the original owner of my body, it will be really cool.

Cang Qi Qingzi can kill a group of criminals to death, can he really do it with his half-baked flying Yujian style?

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, and said, "I still don't feel at ease... You said that traces of large-scale spells were found in the spiritual veins of the families where those guys destroyed their families. That is to say, those few Is the entire family holding some kind of large-scale ceremony in secret? And the group of unidentified door-slayer madmen killed people in order to destroy and stop this ceremony? What exactly is that ceremony for?"

It can't be the Holy Grail War...

Zhi Ji shook her head and said, "I don't know, the destruction of the group of door destroyers is very clean, and the remaining traces of the technique can't restore the original appearance at all, let alone know what the technique was used for. Probably only the group of Only then will the door destroyer know the original appearance of the technique."

Lin Yuanfei narrowed his eyes, "Are the traces of the same technique found in the spirit veins managed by the three exterminated families? All three families are performing the same technique?"

Zhi Ji glanced at him and said, "That's right, as you thought, the spells appearing in the spirit veins of these three families are all the same. I know what you are thinking, but I don't recommend you to find The spiritual pulse manager of Chiba City, this is a pool of muddy water, and it is full of dangers, and it may catch fire at any time, you had better not mess around."

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, "Of course, I am most afraid of death. I know that group of guys are so dangerous, so how could I go to them? It's too late for me to hide away."

Zhi Ji took a deep look at him, and said meaningfully, "I hope so."

Lin Yuanfei said gratefully, "Anyway, no matter what, thank you for telling me so much. I'm sorry to come here in the middle of the night to disturb your sleep."

Zhi Ji shook her head expressionlessly, "No, you're outside alone. To be honest, I'm not at ease. Before you called, I was thinking about whether to call you."

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "Uh...call me? Why are you calling me?"

Zhi Ji said, "Let you come and sleep here."

The girl pointed to one of the rooms in the luxurious presidential suite and said, "You can sleep in that room tonight. We will probably know about the situation in Chiba City tomorrow."

Zhi Ji said meaningfully, "According to the past several cases of family extermination, the magician family where the spirit vein is located will be exterminated shortly after the launch of a large-scale operation."

"If this large-scale ceremony in Chiba City is also related to the group of door destroyers, then they have almost arrived in Chiba by now, and may have even prepared for it in Chiba."

"When the sun rises tomorrow, we only need to see what happens to the Yuansaka family, the manager of the spiritual veins, to know what's going on."

"Before then, for safety reasons, you should rest here tonight," Orihime said, "I can see that you seem to be very concerned about this matter...You Hayashibara group and the Tohsaka family Is it old?"

Lin Yuanfei quickly shook his head, "How is that possible! I don't even know what Tosaka Tokiomi looks like, so how could it possibly have anything to do with his family? Orihime, you worry too much. It has nothing to do with me, and I will never interfere in this matter."

Lin Yuanfei stood up and said, "So...well, it's time for me to go. I'm sorry to bother you for so long. You should go to bed earlier. Sleeping so late is not good for your health."

Lin Yuanfei walked out the door while talking.

Obviously, there was no politeness at all.

With that appearance, I'm afraid that if I stay for a second longer, I won't be able to leave.

But the girl did not stop him.

She just sat there quietly, watching Lin Yuan flying away happily, and said in silence.

"I hope you will remember my words."

"Lin Yuan, we must not interfere with this matter."


The girl's soft whisper gradually faded away from Lin Yuanfei's ear.

When he left the presidential suite, as the door closed, the girl completely disappeared from his sight.

Standing alone outside the gate, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, he let out a long sigh, and his eyes became sharp.

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