Zhi Ji said so, looking at my wife and sisters in front of her, implying something.

However, when Lin Yuanfei heard what Zhiji said about "Hundred Ghosts Walking in the Night, Wraiths Are Reborn", his heart turned cold for a moment... Could it be that the Wraiths everywhere in Raccoon City have something to do with things?

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki, but saw that Yuki was also stunned.

Obviously, Yuki also thought of the same result as him.

"Uh... Zhiji, what you just said about the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts and the Rebirth of Wraiths...can you talk about it in more detail?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhiji and asked, "Could it be that the large-scale ceremony will also create evil spirits out of thin air?"

Zhi Ji shook her head, "Of course it can't be created out of thin air, but the unfolding of a large-scale ceremony will definitely have a great impact on the geomagnetism and spiritual veins."

"If all the energy can be used properly after the ceremony is started, then maybe the impact on the outside world will not be too great."

"However, when certain large-scale ceremonies unfold, the energy will definitely leak to the outside world, and maybe even the ceremonies themselves affect the outside world. Then in this case, it is easy to produce some weird phenomena."

"Within the scope of the ceremony, the weather reversal, the snow in June, the typhoon summoned out of thin air, and the destruction of buildings are all trivial matters. During the unfolding of some ceremonies, some dead people's lingering resentment will even be awakened, making the resentment Spirits are reborn in the form of evil spirits, and even affect living people, twisting them into monsters... These phenomena are all possible."

Orihime said, "Large-scale ceremonies are very dangerous. If the leader of the ceremonies does not guide them well, any kind of weird situation may happen."

"In the past, there were even vicious incidents where the residents of the entire town were twisted into bloodthirsty monsters due to the negligence of the leader of the ceremony."

"So the degree of danger of large-scale ceremonies can be seen."

Author's message:

PS: The reward is on, the reward is on.

Now start offering rewards, from now on, starting from 1000 blades, every 200 blades will add one update, two updates per day are guaranteed, and there is no upper limit.

Everyone who has a blade throws it over.

Chapter 459 Zhi Ji's Trust

In the car, after listening to Zhi Ji's explanation, Lin Yuanfei's mood was a little...complicated.

Could this be the truth that Raccoon City is full of evil spirits?

Thinking about it carefully, the evil spirits in Raccoon City seem to appear one after another within half a year.

Freddy, who died for more than twenty years, but was recently reborn as a ghost to take revenge on Elm Street.

Fu Jiang, who was normal half a year ago, suddenly turned into a monster.

It doesn't matter that Kayako and Silent Hill existed a long time ago.

But if Yagishita Hiraki of Raccoon City was also hacked to death by the original owner of the body, then maybe that guy really carried out some kind of large-scale ceremony in Raccoon City.

It was this ritual that attracted the original owner of the body and hacked him to death.

If this is the case, then the original owner of the body's going to Raccoon City is not actually a ritual of chasing and killing?But to kill Yagishita Hiraki?

The reason why I found Yuki was that I found the traces of the two rituals after arriving in Raccoon City, and then went to kill the grass and roots?


Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and asked, "What type of magician is Yagishita Hirakiyo?"

Lin Yuanfei still wanted to ask this question.

Orihime said, "The Yagishita family is a master of spirit and soul. Although Yagishita Hirakiyo is the last inheritor of the family, he is very powerful. Moreover, he is proficient in magic of the spirit and soul system. For many magicians who do not understand this way It has a huge lethality. So Yagishita Hiraki, who assassinated others as a bounty hunter, is a very good killer, very powerful."

After listening to this introduction, Lin Yuanfei suddenly remembered what Yuki had said to him.

When Yuki was in contact with the original owner of the body, the soul of the original owner of the body seemed to have been seriously traumatized, so Yuki took advantage of it...

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, "Then if I... Let me give you an example, if a swordsman like me and a magician like Yagishita Hiraki are fighting each other, who has a better chance of winning?"

Zhi Ji glanced at Lin Yuanfei and shook her head, "Now you have no chance of winning when you meet Yagishita Hiraki."

"It is almost impossible for Yagishita Hiraki, who is proficient in spiritual magic, to be attacked by someone. Anyone who approaches him will be clearly perceived by him. If you want to kill him, you can only fight him head-on."

"However, if a warrior like you fights him head-on, let alone you who have amnesia now, even if you don't have amnesia, you are proficient in the swordsmanship of Feitian Yujian style, as powerful as the legendary Feicun Badaosai, and Yagishita Ping Qing's chances of winning in a head-to-head battle will not be great."

"Even if you can win, it's a miserable victory."

"Yakishita Hiraki's power is too special, just enough to restrain warriors like you."

Orihime said so.

Lin Yuanfei looked blank.

—Okay, case solved.

The original owner of the body went to Raccoon City to target Yagishita Hirakiyo. He hacked Yagishita Hirakiyo to death, but he was also injured in the soul, so Yuki took advantage of it.

And to hunt down the two rituals, probably just accidentally found the traces of the two rituals after killing Yagi Shitahira Kiyoshi, so I cut the grass and rooted out the roots, but I didn't expect the gutter to capsize, and finally Lin Yuanfei crossed over and occupied the body.

Lin Yuanfei sorted out the situation a little bit.

A year ago, the Liangyi family in Kyoto was wiped out, and the original owner of the body became the murderer identified by the couple.

Three months ago, Cangqi's house in Misaki City was wiped out. The scars on the victims' bodies were exactly the same as those of the victims of Ryogi's house in Kyoto. It is presumed that the same group of people did it.

Half a month ago, Yagishita Hiraki, a solitary magician in Raccoon City, was hacked to death.

Ten days ago, the Matou family in Gunma County was wiped out, and the corpses of the victims lacked the scars of a samurai sword compared to before...

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