Except for the unknown situation in Raccoon City, the remaining traces of large-scale rituals were found on the spirit veins of the other three exterminated families.

In other words, these three families all attracted the original owner of the body and his accomplices because of some kind of large-scale ceremony.

But in just one year, four large-scale ceremonies were held in four different places in Japan... Could it be that there is some kind of connection behind these guys?

Kyoto, Misaki City, Raccoon City, Gunma County... These are a few places that are completely out of reach.

Why do magician families carry out large-scale ceremonies in these places?

Could it be that someone is connecting these magician families behind the scenes?

What is the purpose of the ritual they unfolded?Why did the original owner of the body and his team go to destroy the entire family and prevent the ceremony from unfolding?

Even if it is the legendary cup war, it is impossible to continue to unfold in four different locations within a year, right?

Especially in the current Chiba City, it seems that there is also a large-scale ceremony unfolding...

The more Lin Yuanfei thought about it, the more he had a headache.

What is the truth behind this?

Lin Yuanfei felt that the more he knew, the more confused he became.

Because there seems to be something very complicated and dangerous behind it.

Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt that he was even more dangerous.

Because of the body he passed through, he has been involved in this dangerous incident that until now he has been unable to see the truth behind the fog.

In these incidents, at least three different forces were involved.

The team of the original owner of the body, the magician families who carried out the rituals, and some kind of black hand that may exist behind the scenes and connect these magician families to carry out large-scale rituals one after another.

Lin Yuanfei would never believe that these magician families carried out large-scale rituals at the same time.

So there must be some kind of guy who is like a leader, or a serializer, behind this.

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei still can't get more news and information, so it's all just speculation.

Amid the growing white snow, a black Rolls-Royce parked on the street in front of the Tohsaka Building.

Orihime looked at the building next to him and said, "This is our destination, the Tohsaka Building."

In the girl's narration, Lin Yuanfei had already opened the door and got out of the car.

My wife, sisters and Orihime also got out of the car one after another.

Inside the black Rolls-Royce, the female bodyguard seemed to want to follow, but was stopped by Orihime.

"You stay here and be ready to respond. You can't all go in together."

Zhi Ji said, "As for the safety issue, if the heirs of Feitian Yujianliu can't protect me, then even if you two stay together, it will be futile, so you should respond outside."

After Zhi Ji finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei gave her a surprised look—does this girl trust me so much?Don't you know that I have "amnesia"?Don't know the swordsmanship of Feitian Yujianliu anymore?

Chapter 460 Master's Sword (1200/1400)

Standing in front of the building of Yuansaka's house, Lin Yuanfei expressed surprise at the kind of enigmatic trust Zhi Ji showed.

I don't even have much confidence in myself, but you seem to have a lot of confidence in me?Little girl, don't you know that I have "amnesia"?

However, Zhi Ji ignored Lin Yuanfei's strange eyes.

The girl stood in front of the Tohsaka Building, looked at the building standing in the center of the city in front of her, and said.

"Here is the center of the spiritual vein in Chiba City."

"If the Tohsaka family is really preparing some ceremony, then we should be able to get the real answer here."

She looked at Lin Yuanfei and the others, and said, "Lin Yuan, are you sure you want to go in? If we go in, we may encounter the group of criminals who slaughtered the Cangqi family, the Jiantong family, and the Liangyi family one after another. .”

"Those guys can even kill Cangqi's family in Misaki City, even if you and I add up, it's impossible for them to be their opponents."

"Have you considered?"

Orihime is making the final confirmation.

However, Lin Yuanfei was helpless.

What can he say?He doesn't want to go in either!

But he is in the middle of the game now, if he doesn't find Rin Tosaka quickly to find out the situation, he doesn't know when the next time he has such a chance to find out the truth.

Lin Yuanfei had a feeling that if he backed down here, he might never find out the truth of the matter.

And the actions of the original owner of the body have always been like an invisible shadow hanging over his heart.

He wanted to find out what the original owner of the body was doing.

Otherwise, he can't worry about it.

It is impossible for the original owner of the body to do so many things without a reason.

Even if Lin Yuanfei couldn't do anything, he should at least understand the situation.

What if someone was quietly playing with the country to form an array behind the scenes, but Lin Yuanfei turned a blind eye to it, and then woke up to find that he was trained by someone... Wouldn't it be unfair?

At least understand the situation.

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