If the truth behind the scenes is really dangerous, then run and run to a safe place to hang on.

If you are not careful, a place like Xingyue World, where gods fight, may be swept away by a flash of light at any time.

So Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhiji helplessly, nodded, and said, "Understood, let's go in."

After thinking about it, he stopped the girl again, "Why don't you wait for us outside."

Lin Yuanfei said, "If the location of the spirit vein is here, we already know it. Thank you for leading us, how about you guide us outside?"

Zhi Ji looked at him indifferently, and asked, "It's true that the center of the spirit vein is here, but without my guidance, are you sure you can find the entrance? Are you sure you can find the correct route after entering?"

"If some kind of large-scale ceremony is really going on here, then I can guarantee that this underground world is bigger than you imagined. Are you sure you can find the correct route after entering?"

"Uh... this..." Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, and was speechless, "Okay, please go ahead, old man, I'll go with you."

Under the guidance of Zhi Ji, Lin Yuanfei and my wife and sister obediently followed behind the girl.

After all, apart from Zhi Ji, none of the three of them knew about Yin Yang.

The situation is stronger than people, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves...

Lin Yuanfei watched Zhiji take out a palm-sized Sinan from the pouch, and then smacked his mouth.

In what year do you still use Sinan... Don't you have a compass?

Even if you don't have a compass, it's good to have a compass, right?

Japanese Onmyoji is really behind the times.

Lin Yuanfei complained about the antique Sinan in the hands of the young Onmyoji.

After the girl led the three of them around the outer wall of the Tohsaka building, she finally found a remote corner and took out a piece of talisman paper with many lines drawn on it.

"Let me confirm one last time..."

The girl looked back at the three people behind her, and said, "Once I enter this door, I will not be able to predict life and death. I hope you are mentally prepared."

Yuki looked at the wall in front of him in surprise, dumbfounded, "But there is no door here..."

Zhi Ji sighed, and gently flung the talisman paper out of her hand.

Afterwards, the talisman paper automatically attached to the wall as if it was alive, and it fit perfectly.

After the girl chanted softly, she saw a flash of white light, centered on the wall where the talisman was, and the wooden door opened out of thin air on the concrete wall.

Lin Yuanfei had an amazed expression on his face, "Wow! This move is amazing. If you know this, you can go directly to rob the bank vault?"

Zhi Ji looked at him indifferently, her eyes seemed to be saying - you are so promising?

Finally, Lin Yuanfei walked in first.

My wife and sister followed closely behind. When the last Zhi Ji walked in the door, she took back the white talisman.

Afterwards, the door on the wall disappeared silently and returned to its original appearance.

No one noticed what happened in this corner, and no one saw Lin Yuanfei and his party enter the Yuansaka building.

... Or rather, no ordinary person noticed all this.

On the roof of a building one kilometer away from the Tohsaka Building, a figure sat quietly there.

His gaze has been fixed on the direction of the Tohsaka building.

At such a distance, ordinary people can no longer see clearly what is happening in the darkness in the distance.

However, as if he saw everything clearly, after Zhi Ji took back the talisman paper and entered the building, he cut it.

"The group of guys didn't show up, but the little girl from Tuyumen's family appeared... It's been so long, the group of guys should have appeared long ago, right?"

"Although the ceremony here has nothing to do with us, but with such a big commotion, don't those guys just come and take a look?"

The blond young man in a green cloak looked at his companion and asked.

In the darkness, with the lights of the city, he could clearly see that the companion beside him was a very short boy.

With a height of 55 meters, he is very thin even in Japan, and his red hair makes him look as handsome as a woman.But the cross-shaped scars on his cheeks destroyed this delicate beauty and added a bit of coldness to him.

Facing his companion's inquiry, he stared in the direction of the Tohsaka Building as if he had never heard of it, and seemed to see something surprising.

Seeing his companion in a daze, the blond man in the green cloak was a little confused.

"What did you see? Why this expression?"

The red-haired boy with the cross-scarred face turned around and looked at him with a complicated expression on his face.

It seems to be nostalgia, but also seems to be apologetic.

Finally, he sighed softly and said.

"I saw my master's sword."

Chapter 461 Blizzard Copyright Warning (Fourth Update 1400/1400)

On the dark rooftop, the cold wind blew and fell into a short silence.

The blond man in a green cloak stared at his companion dumbfounded, as if he suspected that he had heard wrong.

"Huh? Your master's sword?" The man in the green cloak asked with disbelief, "Is that the Japanese sword on that man's waist? But don't Japanese swords all look the same? How can you be sure that it is you?" Master's sword?"

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