The metal touch on the hand told Lin Yuanfei that it was a metal object.

Yuno took out a flashlight from his backpack to illuminate the place, and Lin Yuanfei and the others realized that the elevator was under their feet.

Lin Yuanfei and the others were standing on the top of the elevator.

The elevator hovered quietly in mid-air like this. Although it was still a little distance from the ground at the bottom, it was meaningless that it was already the lowest end of the elevator shaft.

Seeing this scene, Zhi Ji took out the talisman paper she had opened the door on the wall again, chanted the spell in a low voice, and slapped the talisman paper on the top of the elevator shaft.

Then, an entrance appeared at Lin Yuanfei's feet, and a skylight opened directly at the top of the elevator shaft.

After pushing open the skylight, the elevator under Lin Yuanfei's feet was completely empty, without anyone.

Zhi Ji jumped straight down and landed in the elevator.

Lin Yuanfei could only jump in after him.

Then there is Yuno, Yuki.

The four of them stood in the narrow elevator, Lin Yuanfei put his ear to the door and listened for a while, then said, "There is no movement outside, probably no one is there."

With Lin Yuanfei's hearing ability, when he listens intently, if someone is moving outside the door, he can hear the other person's breathing even a little further away.

But it was dead quiet outside, there was no sound, and it was obvious that no one was there.

He directly pressed the button to open the door, and the elevator door opened.

What appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei and the others was a deep and dark passage like an underground cave.

I don't know where the dark passage leads, and the end is pitch black, and I can't see anything.

Zhi Ji took out her palm-sized small Sinan, observed Sinan's pointing, and said.

"The end of this cave is the center of the spirit vein."

The girl looked at Lin Yuanfei and said softly, "Are you sure you want to go in?"

"Uh... this..." Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a few seconds, wondering why the cave in front of him looked so familiar?

This thing seems to be a big hollow at the bottom of Mount Enzang.

Are you sure this isn't Fuyuki City?

But when he got here, he stretched out his head with a knife, and retracted his head with a knife, so he could only move forward.

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "I'll open the way ahead, if there is any danger, please let me know in advance."

If there are any large-scale rituals to be carried out here, some defensive techniques may be set up.

At this time, we can only rely on Zhi Ji, a professional, to deal with the danger.

If Lin Yuanfei was alone, the only way was to rush in with a knife in his hand.

As long as I'm fast enough, the trap can't catch me!

But it's a pity that Lin Yuanfei dragged his family along this time, which was very troublesome.

So I can only carry the knife and carefully open the way ahead.

However, they didn't go far before Zhi Ji frowned.

"It's not right, someone has already been here. There are traces of the destruction of the defensive technique along the way. Before we came, someone had already broken in!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yuanfei's hairs stood on end.

This kind of place forcibly barged in... Are the friends of the original owner of the body really here?

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and said, "Zhi Ji, don't scare me."

Zhi Ji looked at him expressionlessly, without saying a word.

And just after Lin Yuanfei and the others turned a corner...

" there someone lying on the ground in front?" Lin Yuanfei asked as he looked at the dark shadow on the ground in front of him.

Yuno pointed the flashlight directly at the black shadow, and then, everyone saw clearly who the girl curled up on the ground was.

Lin Yuanfei's eyeballs almost popped out.

"Fuck... Tohsaka Rin?! Why is she lying here?"

Looking at the girl with two ponytails lying on the ground covered in blood, the corners of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched, "Could it be that she bumped into those group of demons inside?"

Chapter 463 Tsuchimikado in Kyoto

In the dark underground passage, lay quietly a girl with twin ponytails covered in blood.

In Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, the girl was lying in the middle of the aisle in a classic [Yamcha] style, covered in blood, and looked extremely miserable.

If Lin Yuanfei hadn't vaguely heard the girl's weak panting, he would almost have thought that the girl was already cold.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei and the three girls behind him exchanged glances.

...subconsciously took a step back.

"Well... it seems that there is really someone in here."

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