Lin Yuanfei said with a dry smile, "Rin Tosaka has been hacked like this. It seems that the Tosaka family in Chiba City will hit the headlines tomorrow, and will join Cangqi's Matou family as companions."

But Yuki glared at him, and said, "What time is it, Mr. Lin Yuan, you are still talking sarcasticly, please save people."

Ignoring Lin Yuanfei at all, Yuki trotted directly to Tohsaka Rin, carefully checking the twintail girl's injuries.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The injury is not serious, just passed out, okay."

Orihime also walked to Tohsaka Rin's side, looked down carefully, and then said, "It's a magic injury, not a fatal injury..."

Yuno used a flashlight to illuminate the darkness around and in front of her, and said, "It doesn't look like there is an intruder, but the young lady of the Tohsaka family has touched the barrier of defense. She has lifted all the previous magic spells, But it failed here, so he was injured and unconscious, and the intruder here should be Rin Tohsaka."

Lin Yuanfei stared at her suspiciously, "You understand again? Do you understand magic?"

Yuno sneered, "I don't know magic, but I have eyes. There are traces of magic explosions all the way outside, and the traces end in front, but the blasting area here is very large, plus Ms. Tohsaka The person is lying here alone... What is the situation, do you need to know magic to guess it? If it was the group of murderers who wiped out the family, how could Ms. Tohsaka be injured so lightly."

"Pervert senior, can you please use your brain a little bit? Although I know that after a long time, a muscular man will evolve into a muscular gorilla after he gets used to force."

"But if you use your brain properly, you won't die."

Yuno still spoke viciously at Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at her and thought about it... Mom, this little girl is so annoying.

Why is Yuki so cute and sensible, but has such a crazy younger sister?

It would be great if there is no Yuno!

Like those only children whose parents had a second child, Lin Yuanfei had a dangerous idea—it would be great if he didn't have a younger brother/sister.

At Lin Yuanfei's feet, Yuki was carefully helping Tohsaka Rin with those minor wounds.

Zhi Ji looked at Lin Yuanfei and asked, "Shall we go further?"

Lin Yuanfei thought for a few seconds and asked, "Can Rin Tohsaka be rescued? If she can wake up, we can just ask her and the result will be fine."

Zhi Ji thought for a while and said, "I'll try."

Then Zhi Ji took out another piece of talisman paper and chanted something in a low voice.

Lin Yuanfei looked curious, "Is this a talisman that can wake people up?"

Zhi Ji didn't answer him, and forbiddenly pinched the talisman paper in her hand, and squeezed it lightly...


A gust of icy cold water sprayed out from between Orihime's fingers, water drops as big as a child's water spray gun, just like this, it sprayed on the unconscious Tohsaka Rin's face.



There was an eerie silence in the underground passage.

Even Yuki was stunned at a loss, never expecting such a way.

Only Rin Tohsaka, who was sprayed with cold water on his face, struggled and sat up in panic.

"Ah, ah, it's raining!"

When she stood up waving her hands in panic, Zhi Ji immediately put her hands back behind her with a blank expression.

At the same time, the water on Tohsaka Rin's body disappeared silently like an illusion.

Only the dumbfounded Rin Tosaka sat there with a surprised look on his face, "Eh? No water? Did I have a nightmare?"

The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched, he couldn't bear to tell the young lady the cruel truth.

After Tohsaka Rin saw the one man and four women in front of him, he immediately showed a vigilant expression.

"Lin Yuanfei? Yuno? Yuki? Why are you here?"

Rin Tohsaka made a neat backflip, and made a Bajiquan start——are you not a magician?Is this look trying to fight me hand-to-hand?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the vigilant girl in front of him speechlessly, and said, "Miss Yuansaka, don't come here without any problems."

Rin Tohsaka stared at him suspiciously, and asked, "What are you doing here? Who brought you here? Also, who is that woman behind you? Why don't I know him?"

Zhi Ji came out, sat down very calmly and introduced herself.

"I'm Hayashi Yuan's fiancée, Tsuchimikado Orihime."

Hearing this name, Tohsaka Rin's expression became more vigilant.

There was even a light blue light faintly appearing on the limbs of her body, as if she had been blessed with some kind of magic, and she was ready to fight—so are you really fighting hand-to-hand?

Lin Yuanfei looked at Rin Tosaka in front of him speechlessly, and felt that Miss Tosaka in this world was definitely broken.

Obviously there is no Ma Po as a guardian, why do you still learn Bajiquan?

Tohsaka Tokiomi would allow his daughter to learn boxing?This character is very unreasonable!

She could be a rich and powerful elegant young lady, why would she want to be a devil muscular girl?This is not elegant at all!

Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

Rin Tosaka was full of vigilance, "Tsuchimikado in Kyoto? What do you want to do when you come to the spiritual center of our Tosaka family? I don't remember any festivals between our Tosaka family and your Tsuchimikado family?"

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