The three of Lin Yuanfei walked into the huge and incomparably spacious underground space, feeling the cool breeze blowing towards them.

Then, everyone saw the appearance of the spiritual vein center.

In this huge underground cavity, Lin Yuanfei and the others were able to see everything clearly, all relying on the huge magic circles that twisted and circled back and forth in the void.

The magic circles one after another are slowly sinking and floating in the void, exuding a faint light, illuminating this place like a dream.

As the only legal profession in the team, Zhi Ji immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Yuanfei asked directly, "These magic circles are the main reason for the abnormal climate in Chiba City?"

Zhi Ji raised her head, quietly observing the huge magic circles floating in the void.

After a few seconds of silence, he said, "This is a Western magic formula, and I am not familiar with it. But the only thing that is certain is that the magic circle here has not been fully activated, and is still in a state of energy accumulation."

"In other words, the large-scale ceremony that caused the abnormal climate in Chiba City has nothing to do with this magic circle."

Zhi Ji's answer made Lin Yuanfei dumbfounded.

"Apart from this spirit vein, are there other spirit veins in Chiba City who are doing things?"

Zhi Ji thought for a few seconds, and said, "There are very few spiritual veins in Chiba City, and this is the only high-quality spiritual vein. If it is other small spiritual veins, it is impossible to complete the big ceremony that causes climate change in a region .”

"Then what are these magic circles for?" Lin Yuanfei asked, "Well, why did Tohsaka Tokiomi deploy such a huge magic circle underground?"

Orihime shook her head, "I don't know, as I said, I'm not familiar with Western magic. I can barely see the state and nature of this magic circle, but what is it used for and what is involved... I don't know much about it. I don’t know anything. Maybe you woke up Tohsaka Rin who was unconscious outside, and she can tell you.”

Lin Yuanfei got a headache when he heard it, "Are you sure Rin Tohsaka won't ask me to pay you when she wakes up? I chopped off her father's shikigami."

"So what are we going to do next?" Yuno looked at Lin Yuanfei and asked, "Since the magic circle here has nothing to do with the weather outside, it must have nothing to do with Sadako Yamamura. Should we continue to stay? Or go out and find the real ceremony location again?"

"Of course I went out to look for it."

A sudden voice sounded in the passage.

Lin Yuanfei turned his head instantly, showing a vigilant expression.

"Who?! Who's there?"

Under the vigilant gaze of the four, a young priest slowly walked out of the passageway when they came.

With short red hair and a fox-like smile with squinted eyes, a young priest named Kotomine Shiro appeared in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, long time no see."

Kotomine Shirou said with a smile, "Farewell to Raccoon City, I am concerned about Mr. Lin Yuan's safety. Now that Mr. Lin Yuan is intact, it would be great."

Lin Yuanfei stared at the smiling Kotomine Shiro, and sneered.

"Father, you still said you don't know martial arts!"

Chapter 468

For Kotomine Shirou's sudden appearance, the three girls showed vigilant expressions.

Yuki asked in a low voice, "Lin Yuan-kun, do you know this person?"

Lin Yuanfei nodded, "That's right, he is the priest of the church outside Raccoon City, named Kotomine Shiro. When we went to Qiuming Mountain to dig up Freddy's bones, he was the one who provided the holy water."

Yuki looked surprised, "The priest of Raccoon City? Why did he appear here?"

Kotomine Shiro said with a smile, "I can't help it. Once Raccoon City was hit by a nuclear bomb, I became a homeless and lonely person. I can only go to Chiba City to join my relatives."

Lin Yuanfei stared at the man who was smiling like a vixen, and asked.

"Didn't you say that you didn't know anything and you were just an ordinary person? Why are you not ordinary now?"

Kotomine Shirou still had a smile on his face, "I am still ordinary, just an ordinary elder brother, an ordinary believer, one of the thousands of ordinary servants of my lord in the world. I am very ordinary."

Lin Yuanfei turned around and said, "An ordinary you have a younger sister?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled slightly, "Why can't it be my younger brother?"

"Because Father Kotomine Kirei has only one daughter named Kallen," Lin Yuanfei said.

Kotomine Shirou opened his eyes slightly, "Oh?"

He seemed a little surprised, "You even know about Karen...Mr. Lin Yuan is really supernatural. But don't you have amnesia? Why do you seem to know everything?"

Kotomine Shirou asked with a smile, "If you can become a know-it-all like Mr. Hayashi Yuan even if you lose your memory, then I would rather lose your memory once."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "If I am amnesiac, do I have to forget everything? Is selective forgetting okay?"

After being exposed many times, Lin Yuanfei didn't even bother to find an excuse, so he just broke the jar.

"Tell me, what do you people from the Holy Church want to do here?"

Lin Yuanfei asked, "Are you also here for the underground magic circle?"

Kotomine Shirou shook his head with a smile, "I just couldn't sleep at night, so I went out for a walk casually, and strayed into this place without paying attention. I don't know what kind of magic circle."

Lin Yuanfei snorted and said, "What time are you still pretending to be mysterious... Tell me, which side are you on?"

Kotomine Shirou looked confused, "Which side is it? I don't understand Mr. Hayashibara."

Lin Yuanfei twitched his lips, "It seems that this grandson doesn't want to talk properly...he must be killed."

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei drew his saber out of its sheath.

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