At the same time, Zhi Ji beside her also took out a talisman.

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, Kotomine Shiro quickly took a step back and waved his hands again and again.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, I say it's okay? Young people nowadays are really impulsive, they will draw their knives and chop people if they don't agree with each other...Mr. Lin Yuan, even the gangsters can't be so overbearing."

Lin Yuanfei's eyes turned cold, "Huh?!"

Kotomine Shirou suddenly felt helpless, "Well, I actually followed a few people to watch the excitement. After all, I am now in charge of supervising Chiba City. In the area under my supervision, such serious incidents, earth vein shifting, and abnormal weather , Someone is holding a large-scale ceremony in secret. I have to take a look at the situation because of emotion and reason."

"Then have you finished reading it now?" Lin Yuanfei asked, "Seeing these magic circles, what do you see?"

Kotomine Shirou was very helpless, "I, like this Miss Tsuchimikado, didn't see anything. But I am very interested in the Yamamura Sadako you mentioned."

Kotomine Shirou said with a smile, "This Yamamura Sadako...could it be the culprit behind the abnormal climate in Chiba City?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at him and said, "So what? If not?"

"If yes, that would be great, I just happen to know a little information about Miss Sadako Yamamura," Kotomine Shiro said with a smile.

"Today, Mr. Lin Yuan arranged for people from Lin Yuan's group to investigate the information about Sadako Yamamura and the Feixiang Dance Troupe. A few of my friends happened to know about this and told me about it. Then we did a little investigation by accident. , learned more information that is very unfortunate."

"The Miss Sadako Yamamura that Mr. Hayashi Yuan is looking for is obviously a poor girl who died tragically and disappeared twenty years ago."

"Flying Dance Troupe is also an unlucky dance troupe that was wiped out [-] years ago... What is Mr. Lin Yuan doing to track down the deceased [-] years ago? Could it be that she is still alive?"

Amid Yanfeng Shirou's laughter, Lin Yuanfei curled his lips, "The Church of the Holy Church is really amazing, could it be that the Lin Yuan Group, a country gangster like this, also has your undercover agent? Tch... If that's the case, then I'll just say it straight. "

"Sadako Yamamura is an extremely evil and powerful vengeful spirit. It is preparing some kind of large-scale ceremony in Chiba City. If she is allowed to succeed, it will definitely poison one party and harm the people."

"So for the sake of the common people in the world, I, Lin Yuanfei, decided to do justice for the sky, find it out and solve it on the spot, eliminating a disaster in the world."

Lin Yuanfei said righteously, "After all, the purpose of my Feitian Yujianliu is to help the world and save people, to help the weak!"

The three girls behind Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent, and none of them answered.

Mine Shiro applauded again and again, "Okay, yes, Mr. Hayashibara, this cheeky kung fu is also a must... Well, it happens that I also want to solve the abnormal problem in Chiba City, and Mr. Hayashihara also wants to solve the problem of the mountain village. Sadako is an evil spirit, why don't we join forces? Can we communicate? I know where Sadako Yamamura's dry well is, how about I take you there now?"

Amid Kotomine Shirou's smile, before Lin Yuanfei could speak, a sigh sounded in the dark passage.

"Sorry, none of you can leave now."

"After seeing the existence of this magic circle, you are not allowed to get out alive."

With a sigh, a small figure slowly came out from the darkness.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Kotomine Shirou, "Are you with me?"

Kotomine Shirou shook his head again and again, "I don't know."

And after that short figure slowly walked out from the darkness, everyone could see his face clearly.

She has red hair and a handsome face like a woman's, but there is a cross-shaped scar on her cheek.

And that scar seemed to have just been engraved on it, and it was slowly overflowing with crimson blood.

But the young man didn't realize it, and let the blood stain half of his cheeks red.

He raised the knife in his hand indifferently, and blocked the only passage for everyone to leave, his eyes were as cold as Shura, "This road is not going to work."

A cold killing intent enveloped the place in an instant.

Chapter 469 Half-baked (1600/3500)

In the dark underground cavity, the atmosphere fell into a brief stalemate.

Lin Yuanfei and the others stared in astonishment at the unexpected visitor who appeared in front of them, they couldn't have expected another person to jump out of the passage.

Could it be that they are the train kings?Why are there a bunch of wild monsters behind his butt!

And after the red-haired, scar-faced boy coldly drew his sword, under the icy killing intent, Kotomine Shirou, who was closest to the boy, jumped away as if his hair exploded.

"Wow! This killing intent...Lin Yuan, it's time for you to show it!"

Kotomine Shirou said loudly, "He uses a sword, and you also use a sword. You can have a glorious battle that will not only determine the superiority, but also determine life and death!"

Lin Yuanfei had black lines all over his face, "Glory to you, sir! You shouted so high-soundingly, why didn't you go up?"

The moment the scar-faced boy drew his sword, that kind of piercing killing intent rushed towards his face, and everyone knew that this was definitely not a strong man comparable to the previous Shikigami.

Lin Yuanfei stared fixedly at the scar-faced boy in front of him, his whole body was stiff and he didn't dare to move.

"Who are you?" Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and asked.

And the scar-faced young man stood there indifferently, his eyes were like a cold and heartless Shura, and he could not see the slightest fluctuation of emotion.

He stared at the knife on Lin Yuanfei's waist and said.

"Jikyo Fairy Dongyue... Are you the descendant of Feitian Yujian?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second—this was the first person who called out the name of the Kikyo Immortal Winter Moon Knife as soon as they met.

What's the history of this guy?

Lin Yuanfei frowned, "Do you know this knife?"

But something is wrong!

The reason why Feitian Yujianliu is famous is because Feicun Jianxin is famous.

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