And Kikyo Fairy Dongyue is the weapon of Master Fei Cun Jianxin, how can he have such a big reputation.

How did this guy recognize him at a glance?

Under Lin Yuanfei's suspicious stare, Zhiji spoke.

"This guy is not alive!"

A sentence that seems familiar, but the conclusion afterwards is completely different.

"This guy is something like a familiar! Not a living person at all!"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, his eyeballs almost popped out.

"Fuck? Servant? Are you a Servant?"

Lin Yuanfei stared intently at the scar-faced boy in front of him, with a cross-shaped scar, red hair, and a short stature. Although he didn't hold a reverse-blade knife, he could recognize Jikyo Xiandongyue at a glance...

"You are Feicun Jianxin?" Lin Yuanfei felt that the world view was about to be subverted, "You have reappeared in the world as a servant?"

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's deduction, Kotomine Shirou instantly pulled the distance further.

This guy ran behind Lin Yuanfei and the others, and shouted loudly, "It seems that this is an internal matter of your Feitian Yujian school, and it has nothing to do with me. Don't involve me in it!"

"..." Lin Yuanfei had black lines on his face.

But in this case, he no longer has the energy to take care of this completely unreliable guy.

Lin Yuanfei stared at the scar-faced boy in front of him, and asked, "Are you really Feicun Jianxin?"

The scar-faced boy was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I'm right here, are you the heir to the Feitian Yujian style?"

Lin Yuanfei nodded tentatively, " should be, what's wrong? Senior, you decided to let us live?"

Fei Cun Jianxin looked at him indifferently, and said, "If you want to survive, kill him. If you are really the descendant of Feitian Yujian, you may not lose to me."

Lin Yuanfei laughed awkwardly, "This...Senior, I had a small accident not long ago, lost my memory, and forgot all my sword skills. Now my combat power has dropped sharply, it cannot be your opponent."

Fei Cun Jianxin stared at him coldly, "In that case, you are no longer a disciple of Feitian Yujianliu."

Slowly, the knife in Fei Cun Jianxin's hand came out of its sheath softly.

The harsh sound of the blade rubbing against the scabbard made the scalp tingle.

Lin Yuanfei clenched the handle of the knife tightly, feeling the chill in the air getting colder and colder.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Senior Feicun, can you tell me who your master is? Is Chiba City launching the Holy Grail War? Are there other followers besides you? Your purpose What is it? What is this magic circle related to? What exactly do you want to do?"

A series of inquiries from Lin Yuanfei only got a cold response from Feicun Jianxin.

"Dead people are not supposed to know too much."

He raised the knife in his hand expressionlessly, and the figure of Himura Kenshin rushed over in an instant.

His speed was not fast, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Yuanfei's hand holding the knife.Once Lin Yuanfei has any reaction, he can respond immediately.

Behind Lin Yuanfei, Zhi Ji had already pinched two talisman papers in her hands, ready to strike at any time.

Lin Yuanfei, who was standing still in place, stared at the fast approaching Feicun Jianxin, and gritted his teeth - fight!

The moment Fei Cun Jianxin stepped into his attack range, the knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand finally came out of its sheath.

A flash of cold light flickered for a moment, and Lin Yuanfei directly struck out the strongest secret of Feitian Yujianliu - Tianxiang Longshan!

However, the moment he drew his sword, the pupils of Fei Cun Jianxin who had already stepped into his attack range suddenly shrank.


In the air, there was a violent air explosion.

The moment the two knives intersected, the shock wave centered on the foothold of the two and spread in all directions.

The violent force rushed towards Lin Yuanfei's limbs along the blade.

His face turned blue, and his whole body was sent flying, like a cannonball that hit the earth platform behind him heavily, setting off countless smoke and dust.

Struggling to climb out of the mud pit, Lin Yuanfei stared at the short figure in front of him.

Under the faint light of the magic circle, the other side of Fei Cun Kenshin's face was completely hidden in the shadows, looking gloomy and terrifying.

Even that icy gaze couldn't feel any emotion that a living person should have, it seemed so cold and heartless.

"The posture of the sword is not right, where did you learn it?"

Fei Cun Jianxin said indifferently, "This kind of half-baked kung fu can also be called Feitian Yujian style?"

Lin Yuanfei struggled to get out, smiled wryly, and said, "I've said it all, I've lost my can I understand real swordsmanship if I have lost my memory."

Fei Cun Jianxin looked at him, was silent for a few seconds, and said.

"I thought you could...forget it."

Fei Cun Jianxin's cold appearance seemed a little disappointed.

But in the next second, he still put on a sword posture, and looked coldly at everyone present.

"In this case, there is no need for any delay."

"Feitian Yujianliu is finally broken in my hands..."

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