Chapter 470 What Do Teammates Use It For (Fourth Update 1800/3500)

"Feitian Yujianliu is finally broken in my hands..."

Himura Kenshin's words seemed to contain too many complex emotions.

However, Lin Yuanfei couldn't see any emotional fluctuations in the eyes of the person in front of him.

The scar of the cross was still silently dripping crimson blood.

And Orihime Tsuchimikado pinched the paper talisman in her hand and shouted in a low voice.

"Hurry up as a law!"

In the next second, two strange shikigami jumped out of the void.

One is an ugly giant toad with disgusting lumps all over its body, and the other is a red-haired devil with a blue face and fangs.

The moment these two shikigami appeared, they all roared and rushed towards Himura Kenshin in front.

However, the evil spirit rushed towards him, but Fei Cun Kenshin had no intention of retreating.

Facing the two flying shikigami, the light of the saber in his hand flickered.

The first Shikigami, that disgusting and ugly huge toad was split in two, and turned into a split blank piece of paper amidst the bursting evil aura.

And the other shikigami sneaked into the ground. When the giant toad was chopped to death, the claws of the evil ghost burst out from the ground and grabbed Fei Cun Kenshin's feet. Spread your feet upwards.

However, the person standing there just turned the blade lightly and squatted down with the sword——


The moment the blade pierced the ground, a violent explosion occurred within half a meter of where Fei Cun Jianxin was standing.

The blood of the evil spirit slowly oozed out from the soil, and the claws of the evil spirit that grabbed Fei Cun Jianxin's feet also fell powerlessly.

In the end, these claws disappeared silently together with the blood, leaving only the ruthless Ren Zhan standing there.

He looked coldly at Zhi Ji who was not far away.

"The shikigami of Tsuchimikado?"

Fei Cun Jianxin wiped the blood from his left cheek, his eyes were still cold and ruthless, "It's a pity that he is too weak."

Zhi Ji's face was slightly pale at this moment.

But she still stubbornly took out two talisman papers, and threw them out without saying a word.

"Hurry up as a law!"

Following the girl's whisper, the two talisman papers turned into two entangled poisonous snakes, one red and one green, and wrapped themselves around Feicun Jianxin.

The moment Ren Zhan raised his knife, the two poisonous snakes seemed to teleport over a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared directly in front of Fei Cun Jianxin, entangled him tightly in an instant.

At this time, Zhi Ji's follow-up talisman attack has already arrived.

At the moment when two poisonous snakes, one red and one green, wrapped Feicun Jianxin's whole body, the girl swayed five talisman papers of different colors.

In an instant, there was a strong wind in the big cavity.

Dazzling lightning, black shock wave, dark red curse, lavender magic pattern... The five attack runes of different attributes have all been transformed into the strongest power currently available to Orihime Tsuchimikado.

The moment the five different forces submerged Feicun Jianxin, a terrible explosion occurred where Feicun Jianxin was.

Amidst the ear-piercing roar, the figure in the smoke and dust moved and abruptly withstood all the attacks.

However, when the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the boy in the smoke and dust was still unharmed.

He just waved the blade indifferently, shaking off the last piece of snake body that was entangled with him.

Then he said, "This level of yin and yang skills can't hurt me. Give up, you are too weak."

Himura Kenshin explained the facts coldly.

And Zhi Ji had already exhausted her strength, and her face was a little pale.

Seeing the scene in front of her, she subconsciously took a step back, her footsteps were flimsy, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Lin Yuanfei, who was covered in bruises, struggled to come out, and said with a wry smile, "For the magic power... It seems that Senior Feicun's class should be a Saber class, right?"

Fei Cun Jianxin looked at him coldly, without saying a word.He just dragged the knife in his hand and walked over slowly.

Invisibly, a shadow of death hangs over everyone's heads.

The ruthless person in front of him was like the legendary god of death who harvested lives, and he couldn't see any mercy.

Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and said, "Senior Feicun! Is there really no room for negotiation? If you kill me, the Feitian Yujian style will be cut off!"

"..." Fei Cun Jianxin's footsteps paused.

Then, he said, "A sword is a murder weapon, and sword skills are a means of killing people. When your master taught you sword skills, did he teach you to beg for mercy from the enemy?"

The killing intent in Fei Cun Jianxin's eyes became even colder.

Lin Yuanfei thumped in his heart—it's over, he seems to have offended this guy even more.

He stared at Fei Cun Ba Dao Zhai in front of him, thinking wildly about possible ways of life in his brain.

However, no matter how you think about it, it seems that there is no end in front of you!

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