The eyes of Feicun Jianxin in front of him suddenly turned cold, and his body rushed over instantly.

Lin Yuanfei was startled, he quickly drew his sword and rushed out, subconsciously blocking in front of the three girls.

However, Fei Cun Kenshin was not aiming at him.

The moment Lin Yuanfei rushed out, Feicun Jianxin had already passed them and rushed towards the altar of the earthen platform.

There, Kotomine Shirou was standing under a magic circle doing something.

The moment Himura Kenshin rushed over, Kotomine Shirou let out a cry of fright.

"Lin Yuanfei!"

While Kotomine Shirou tried his best to back away, Himura Kenshin slashed at the place where he was standing before.

Zifeng Shiro yelled angrily, "Are you just letting him go?"

Lin Yuanfei and the three girls looked at each other.

At this time, Kotomine Shiro was running away in a panic on the altar behind, and Himura Kenshin followed closely behind.

As for them, they stood in the middle of the big void, with the passage behind them.

Between them and the passage, there is no one standing in the way...

Without saying a word, Lin Yuanfei turned around and ran away.

At the same time, there were three girls beside him who ran together.

In the distance, Kotomine Shirou, who had just avoided Himura Kenshin's pursuit, finally opened his squinting eyes when he saw this scene.

A look of shock.

"Lin Yuanfei?" Kotomine Shirou exclaimed in disbelief, "Is this what you call being honest and reliable?"

Lin Yuanfei carried my wife and sister on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, and ran away without looking back.

As for Zhi Ji, it seemed that she had blessed herself with some kind of spell, and her running speed was not much slower than that of Lin Yuanfei.

A man and three women ran to the entrance of the passage in an instant.

Fei Cun Jianxin saw this scene, but remained indifferent.

The moment Lin Yuanfei and the others were about to run into the passage...


A sense of horror of a moment of life and death suddenly hit Lin Yuanfei's heart.

He quickly grabbed Zhi Ji who was beside him, and then flew backwards with the three girls.

In the next second, an invisible arrow landed on the place they were going to pass before.

In the darkness, a surprised laugh sounded.

"Oh? This can be avoided... the perception is good."

Chapter 471 Devil Lin Yuan (Fifth Watch 2000/3500)

After avoiding the sneak attack in the darkness, Lin Yuanfei slowly put down the two girls on his shoulders.

He stared at the dark passage, and asked, "Who's there?"

The voice in the darkness said with a smile, "Why did I tell you? I'm not used to chatting with dead people."

Lin Yuanfei twitched his lips, "For those who hide their heads and show their tails, come out and fight if you have the ability!"

The voice in the darkness laughed loudly, "Isn't Feicun Badaozhai over there able to have a good fight with you? Why don't you go find him?"

Not far away, Kotomine Shiro had been cut to pieces.

To be honest, Kotomine Shiro's force value is really high.

However, facing the followers is obviously still far behind.

In less than two minutes, it was already dangerous... What a shame!Emiya Shirou, who didn't know martial arts at the beginning, still ran and escaped for a long time under the pursuit of the big dog Cu Chulainn.

Kotomine Shirou of this world line was adopted by Kotomine Kirei, he is proficient in Bajiquan, and he throws black keys casually, how weak is he?

Simply shameful!

While Lin Yuanfei was complaining silently, Kotomine Shirou said loudly.

"Lin Yuanfei! If you want to live, come over and stop this guy, I have a way to get out of here! This guy just saw my plan, so he chased me!"

Lin Yuanfei asked, "Why should I trust you?"

"If you don't believe it, you have to believe it!" Kotomine Shirou said loudly, "If you drag on any longer, we will all die here!"

Lin Yuanfei glanced at Zhiji, Zhiji nodded, "What he said makes sense."

So Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, "Okay, then I'll save your life without any trouble."

Lin Yuanfei stayed away from the entrance of the passage while guarding against the person in the passage.

A man and three women approached Himura Kenshin who was chasing Kotomine Shirou not far away.

Yan Feng Shilang also deliberately fled to this side, and soon hid behind Lin Yuanfei and the others.

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