So when the cruel people came with swords, Lin Yuanfei and the others were the first to bear the brunt.

"I hope you guys can be of some use..."

Lin Yuanfei murmured, and said, "Orihime, Yuki, and Yuno, the three of you keep an eye on him, protect him and be careful of his tricks at the same time. Let me deal with this Feicun Kenshin."

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, Fei Cun Jianxin stopped in his footsteps.

He stopped a few meters away, his indifferent gaze was darting up and down Lin Yuanfei, as if searching for something.

And Yuki was surprised, "Lin Yuan-kun, you... are you alone?"

Lin Yuanfei nodded, then sighed with a wry smile, "I've done so many dungeons along the way, so I still have a bit of a hole in my hand...but hurry up, I don't know how long I can last."

Lin Yuanfei slowly raised the knife in his hand.

At that moment, his temperament also began to change.

The strong man in the iron tower who was originally sunny and bright, now looks like a gloomy and terrifying demon, and some invisible cold evil spirit begins to linger around his body.

Seeing this scene, Yuki's eyes trembled.

She wanted to say something, but in the end she just nodded heavily, "Okay!"

Then, as Lin Yuanfei said, he chased Kotomine Shirou and left.

Yuno didn't need Lin Yuanfei to say, Yuki left together at the same time.

Zhiji was the only one left who took a deep look at Lin Yuanfei for the last time, then turned and left.

So, the scene finally returned to the one-on-one at the beginning.

Lin Yuanfei and Feicun Badaozhai, who had returned to the world as a servant, looked at each other, and they both saw the twinkling light in each other's eyes.

Fei Cun Kenshin said, "Your weird."

Lin Yuanfei smiled bitterly, showing his bright white teeth, "I don't want to be so weird... But sometimes, time is fate, and when things come to an end, I can only bear it obediently."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei murmured, "I hope I can bear it this time..."

The evil and terrifying evil spirit was finally no longer restrained, and slowly overflowed from Lin Yuanfei's body, limbs and bones.

His skin gradually turned a weird blue color, and his hair gradually turned a demonic purple.

His nails began to grow, and soon became dagger-sharp black claws.

Lin Yuanfei, who had become half human and half monster, stood there with a painful expression on his face.

Aretha... This time, let me borrow your strength!

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily in a low voice, desperately suppressing the evil power in his body that was violently violent because it was released.

Evil, pain, fear, hatred... Aretha's evil power, the evil that has pervaded Silent Hill for twenty years, are all sealed in Lin Yuanfei's body.

Now, with just a little breath released, it is like a demon coming back, turning the entire underground cavity into a desperate world like hell.

Even what floats in the air is a desperate and evil aura.

Feeling this seemingly endless and huge evil force, the sword in Fei Cun Jianxin's hand slowly dropped.

And Lin Yuanfei, who had been lowering his head all the time, raised his head at this time, and strange runes shone in his devil-like blood-red eyes.

Lin Yuanfei stared at Feicun Jianxin in front of him, roared, and raised the bellflower fairy Dongyue in his hand.

Chop hard!


Amidst the terrifying explosion in the air, a black evil spirit instantly crossed a distance of [-] meters and slashed at Feicun Jianxin.

"!!!" Ren Zhanba Dao Zhai's pupils shrank slightly, and the moment he retreated, the blade rose.

In the flickering and staggering of the knife light, all the dark evil spirits that came from the attack were all shaken away.

However, when Fei Cun Jianxin looked at Lin Yuanfei, the half-human, half-demon figure had disappeared in place.

A cold gust of wind hits from the side.

While the light of Feicun Jianxin's saber flickered, it blocked the bellflower fairy Dongyue who was coming from the side.

However, Lin Yuanfei, who was crazy like a demon, roared, even though the knife was blocked, he still roared violently and pressed hard!

The berserk power of the demon attacked overwhelmingly, and Feicun Jianxin was directly blown away, smashing heavily into the mountain wall of the big hollow like a cannonball.

Countless smoke and dust scattered.

"Wow! This little brother has suddenly become tough!"

In the darkness, the voice that stopped Lin Yuanfei and the others appeared again, "Saber, are you sure you really don't need help?"

Among the scattered smoke and dust, Feicun Jianxin slowly crawled out of the big hole on the mountain wall, pushed away the sand and gravel on his body, and said coldly.

"No, Xiaosheng alone is enough."

Ren Zhanba Dao Zhai said so.

He stared at Lin Yuanfei's terrifying half-human, half-demon figure, and slowly raised the knife in his hand.

He assumed a strike pose.

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