"Archer, just keep an eye on the others, you don't need to worry about it here."

Author's message:

PS: The cold is almost gone. Although I still have a little cough, there is basically no big problem.

Let's celebrate at five o'clock~~

Chapter 472

"Archer, just keep an eye on the others, you don't need to worry about it here."

The moment Fei Cun pulled out his sword and sent a message to his companions, Lin Yuanfei, who was still on the spot, rushed up roaring.

No time for Fei Cun Kenshin to breathe at all.

The violent and evil evil spirit was confused in the air, and Lin Yuanfei's figure crossed a distance of hundreds of meters almost instantly, rushing to Fei Cun Jianxin.

The sharp long knife mercilessly chopped towards Feicun Jianxin.

However, facing this violent and terrifying blow, Fei Cun Kenshin did not move or flinch in any way.

His wrist trembled slightly, and the moment the blade turned, his body was also staggered at an almost impossible angle the moment Jukyo Fairy Dongyue approached him.

Then, Himura Kenshin's body spun rapidly in mid-air.

At the same time, he rotated the knife in his hand, and slashed towards Lin Yuanfei who was close at hand at a terrifying speed.

Flying sword flow!Tornado!

While the blade whirled, it brought about a tornado-like airflow.

The sharp cold light shines in the darkness.

The moment Lin Yuanfei, who was close at hand, retreated, the whirlwind composed of icy sword energy had already brushed past him.

Splashes of blood gushed in mid-air.

Large and small scars appeared all over Lin Yuanfei's body, some of which even showed deep bones.

But the half-human, half-demon Lin Yuanfei didn't back down at all. Roaring and roaring, he swung his knife and slashed at Feicun Jianxin at the side.

He didn't have any skills, but the extremely fast speed and unparalleled power made it impossible for Himura Kenshin to react in the most timely manner.

In an instant, the long knife hit Fei Cun Jianxin.

Although the blade was blocked by Fei Cun Kenshin's knife, the violent force bombarded the short boy mercilessly.

Fei Cun Jianxin was sent flying again, and smashed heavily on the mountain wall of the big hollow, creating a big hole in the shape of a human.

However, this time, Lin Yuanfei did not pursue the victory.

He covered his head, shook his head desperately, and let out a low cry of pain in his throat.

The evil force spread around him, almost beyond his control.

He felt as if his limbs were being squeezed by a huge force, and the unspeakable pain was torturing him.

Struggling, Lin Yuanfei looked not far away.

Under the protection of Orihime, my wife and sisters, Kotomine Shiro was painting something under a magic circle.

And the person who was sent flying by Lin Yuanfei had already stood up from the mountain wall.

His gaze turned to Lin Yuanfei again.

Himura Kenshin's gaze was lowered, and so was the knife in his hand.

In the large cavity filled with evil and violent atmosphere, the whisper of Himura Kenshin sounded.

"Do you only know guys who rely on brute force... But how long can you last in this form?"

Himura Kenshin asked, "One minute? Or two minutes?"

The answer is that I can't hold on for a minute.

While everyone was staring at him, Lin Yuanfei growled in pain, clutching his hair and letting out a miserable howl.

For some reason, when this group of followers appeared, Lin Yuanfei's brain began to throb continuously.

It felt like a sharp knife was churning wildly in the brain tissue.

And as time went by, this painful feeling became stronger and stronger.

By now, Lin Yuanfei was almost out of control.

He half kneeled on the ground in pain, frantically covering his head, and growling.


It seemed that his power was out of control, and Fei Cun Kenshin shook his head repeatedly from a distance.

"Is it finally out of control... People, you shouldn't touch a power that you can't control."

"Your swordsmanship has shamed your master."

In Fei Cun Jianxin's whispers, Lin Yuanfei who had been banging his head on the ground in pain suddenly trembled.

Then, he stopped his constant hitting the ground.

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