"For example, in the story I know, there was no cultist from Toromi Island intervening, and the dry well where Sadako was abandoned was not behind the temple. Instead, a leisure center was built above the dry well."

"So the story I know must be different from reality."

"The only thing that is certain is that the theme of the story should not have changed."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the little girl who was sitting on a stone outside the mountain gate, squeezed a snowball, and then threw the snowball to hit Yanfeng Shirou, and said, "As for the successive tragedies that happened, we can be sure of one thing now."

"Behind all this, there must be hidden dark forces and black hands behind the scenes that we don't know about."

"The servant Feicun Kenshin who appeared in front of us is an ancient heroic spirit who appeared by miracles. And the mysterious figure who appeared with Kenshin is Archer (archer), and Kenshin is called saber by him. (Sword Soldiers)."

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be some kind of variant Holy Grail War in this world."

"Besides Himura Kenshin and the mysterious Archer, there should be five other heroic spirits that we haven't seen before. Each of them has a powerful power that ordinary people can't reach, and the existence of a treasure."

"The original Lin Yuanfei turned out to be hostile to these guys...it's a little scary."

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's sigh, Yuno looked at him with a strange expression.

"Maybe we all guessed wrong. The original Lin Yuanfei has nothing to do with the Miemen case?" Yuno said, "Maybe those few heroic spirits were responsible for the Miemen tragedies."

"Uh... If that's the case, why did the two ceremonies insist that I was the murderer who killed her family?" Lin Yuanfei said innocently, "Could it be that the couple made a mistake?"

Yuki tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "But when Mr. Lin Yuan came to Raccoon City, he really wanted to kill sister Liangyi... If the original Mr. Lin Yuan was not the murderer, why did he kill Liangyi? What about elder sister? Judging from Fei Cun Jianxin's reaction just now, they don't know Mr. Lin Yuan at all."

"So it's impossible for Mr. Lin Yuan to be with them," Yuki deduced, "If Mr. Lin Yuan wasn't the murderer who killed Sister Liangyi's family, why did he come to chase and kill Sister Liangyi?"

"Uh... that's true," Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, "It seems that the blame still has to be blamed on me."

Yuno glanced at him, with a half-smile, "The perverted senior isn't going to run away now? Didn't he keep yelling [That wasn't killed by me, it has nothing to do with me] blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah? Why are you suddenly so stubborn now?"

Lin Yuanfei caressed the hilt of Jigengxian Dongyue and sighed long.

"Short hand for manpower, short mouth for cannibalism... It turns out that Lin Yuanfei saved our life, this favor is too great."

Hearing what Lin Yuanfei said, the two sisters looked at each other.

Yuno asked with a smile, "Oh? Save your life? How did you save it?"

So Lin Yuanfei talked about the remnant soul in his body.

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's statement, Yuki blinked and said, "Is this the case? Why did the original Mr. Lin Yuan only have a remnant soul, no consciousness, and ran out to save us? Is he so kind?"

Yuno curled his lips, "Shouldn't you be more concerned about why this guy still has a remnant soul left? Now that a remnant soul can pop out, will a complete soul pop out tomorrow to regain his body? Sister, did you Did you kill that guy?"

Yuki bit her finger, "Should...it should be a success. The original Lin Yuan-kun should have lost his soul, why is there still a remnant soul left?"

Yuki looked confused.

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "Don't worry about that kind of thing. Even if he can crawl back, should I easily give him the control of his body? Now that he has left a remnant soul, he can still recover." How great it is to act as an implantable cheat. We will download a new copy soon, wouldn’t it be nice to have a cheat by your side?”

Lin Yuanfei smiled optimistically.

Chapter 480 Yuki's Anxiety (2600/3600)

Lin Yuanfei was extremely optimistic.

However, the two girls around him don't seem to have such an optimistic attitude.

Yuki and Yuno looked at each other.

Then, Yuki took a deep breath.

He asked, "Lin Yuan-jun, can I have a look?"

Yuki asked timidly, "I want to see if that remnant soul is really unconscious and won't threaten Lin Yuan-kun...is that okay?"

Lin Yuanfei was a little confused, "Do you want to see it? How do you plan to see it? Let me hand over the control to that remnant soul? Let it come out and control the body?"

Yuki shook his head, "No, as long as Lin Yuanfei relaxes his mind and doesn't resist, I can slowly use my mental power to enter Lin Yuanjun's spiritual world. Then I can test whether the remnant soul is really safe and harmless .”

"Uh...you can, but..."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in front of him, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "My spiritual power world is quite chaotic, are you sure you really want to go in?"

Your mother (pseudo) and Freddy are in it.

Although Aretha is not Yuki's real mother, Yuki's mother should be the unknown demon.

But anyway, the demon gave birth to Yuki in the form of Alessa, so Yuki looks very similar to Alessa.

After Yuki sees Aresa in Lin Yuanfei's spiritual world, what will be his reaction?

Lin Yuanfei felt a little guilty.

For some reason, Lin Yuanfei didn't tell Yuki that he ate Aretha.

So Yuki didn't know that there was another Alessa in Lin Yuanfei's mind—although this Alessa had only the purest evil and hatred power left, without consciousness.

But at least her appearance is still Aretha...

"You can go in, but you have to make sure that no matter what you see, don't be too surprised," Lin Yuanfei said with a guilty conscience, "Also, don't peep into my memory! If I feel like you're peeping into my memory I'm going to kick you out right away... Do you understand?"

How embarrassing it would be for Yuki to find out those obscene thoughts that he had fancied her in the past.

Although Lin Yuanfei felt that those thoughts of his were not too obscene, at most they were good for a gentle lady.

But...emmm...it would be too shameful if found out.

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