After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking in a serious manner, Yuno at the side let out a laugh.

"Oh? Could it be that the perverted senior once secretly fantasized about doing something lewd to his sister? Otherwise, why are you so guilty?"

Yuno smiled and said, "Isn't there a saying in China? What do you call a gentleman who is open-minded? Could it be that the perverted senior is actually a guilty conscience?"

Lin Yuanfei glared at Yuno, and scolded back stiffly, "You're the one who talks a lot! What does this have to do with that? Do you think I'm controlled by a perverted Lily sister like you? I'm just maintaining my own privacy Quan, is this too much?"

Yuno sneered disdainfully, "If it were me, I could show my sister everything! I don't want to cover up like some hypocritical villain, using the surface of a gentleman to cover up the obscene thoughts in my heart! This kind of guy is simply A complete hypocrite...Perverted senior, don't you think so?"

Yuki looked helplessly at the two people who kept bickering.

"Can you stop arguing? Why do you insist on arguing when the danger is more urgent? The matter of Sadako Yamamura has not been resolved yet!" Yuki said helplessly.

Lin Yuanfei and Yuno snorted at the same time, then pointed at each other at the same time.

"He/she started it first!"

"..." Yuki looked at the two people speaking in unison, and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, okay, no matter who started it first, can we stop for a while?" Yuki said helplessly and distressed like a kindergarten teacher mediating children's bickering, "Lin Yuan-kun, can we get down to business? Kotomine and the others seem to be getting a little impatient. Let's finish quickly and go over."

After Yuki finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the mountain gate.

It was discovered that Xiao Sadako had pressed Father Kotomine into the snow more than once, and was stuffing one snowball after another into Kotomine Shiro's mouth with a smile.

Kotomine Shirou struggled desperately, but seemed to be tied up by some invisible force and held in the snow, unable to move, he could only desperately shake his head and shut his mouth, looking very painful.

"..." Lin Yuanfei twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Okay, let's start."

If we delay any longer, the devil knows what little Sadako, a nasty brat, will do to poor Father Kotomine...

Speaking of which, Shirou seems to be a female victim system, right?

Could it be that Xiao Zhenzi was recruited?

Tsk tsk tsk... Lin Yuanfei shook his head again and again, then looked at Yuki, his expression became serious.

"Come on, Yuki, time is precious, let's end it as soon as possible!"

Lin Yuanfei said seriously.

Yuki nodded, watched Lin Yuanfei sit cross-legged on the eaves, then walked gently behind Lin Yuanfei, and hugged Lin Yuanfei's head in his arms.

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei felt a soft, elastic and wonderful feeling on the back of his head.

Yuki's boobs are really big...

Thinking of this, Lin Yuanfei's consciousness quickly plunged into darkness.

In the dark world, Lin Yuanfei saw three chairs.

On the chair on the left sat a little girl with pink hair in a purple skirt.

But the little girl's gaze was dull and lifeless, like an empty shell without a soul.

And on the chair on the right sat an ugly ghost with severe burns all over his body.A black top hat and a worn sweater with red and green stripes.

The evil spirit seemed bored humming an unknown tune, while playing with the claw on his right glove boredly.

And on the chair in the middle, sat an indifferent and strong man covered in chains.

The metal chains all pierced into his flesh and blood, and the wounds one after another looked so terrifying and cruel.

But the strong man didn't say a word, just sat there indifferently, motionless like a sculpture.

At a certain moment, a girl with pink hair slowly appeared in the darkness.

She came to the front of the three chairs, looked at the three chairs in front of her, and the figure on the chairs.

Seeing her appearance, the evil spirit on the far right chair whistled, as if to say hello.

But the girl seemed to have never heard of it.

She just stared blankly at the figure on the chair in the middle, staring at the strong man like a stone statue, with a very serious expression.

The strange silence lasted for a long time.

Even the uninterrupted eerie laughter of the evil ghost seemed unable to spread in the darkness.

Then, Yuki finally moved.

She went straight to the chair in the middle, and put her hand on the figure's forehead.

Then, Lin Yuanfei's body shook...

It seems that I saw something.

Chapter 481 The Illusion of Flashback (Fourth Update 2800/3600)

In the darkness, there was a feeling that the world was spinning, and the world seemed to be turned upside down.

The darkness began to recede in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, and he seemed to see some vague figures.

Then, those figures became clearer.

But it keeps flashing back...

On the snow-capped Mount Fuji, the black sludge rolled, burning tall trees like lava.

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