After Himura Kenshin finished speaking, Archer showed an ambiguous smile.

"Her? Which her? Saber, the girl you like?"

"Well," the boy nodded without hesitation, "my wife."

He looked at the blizzard in front of him, and said slowly, "Before she died, she carved a scar on my face... Now it's bleeding, probably because she doesn't like me killing people with a sword like this ?”

Chapter 487

"Before she died, she carved a scar on my face... Now it's bleeding, probably because she doesn't like me killing people with a sword like this?"

In the whisper of Fei Cun Jianxin, he looked at the snowstorm in front of him, and a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

"Thinking about it carefully, it was the same wind and snow back then..."

he murmured.

And the blond young man next to the boy glanced at him and said, "This is what a follower is like. Sometimes the tasks assigned by the master have to be done. At least, what we did was not a bad thing. This is the only consolation, right?" .”

What Archer said silenced Himura Kenshin.

He raised his head, looked at the snowy sky in front of him, and sighed slowly.

"Isn't it a bad thing..."

He smiled inexplicably, "But thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be a good thing."



The icy blizzard enveloped everything in sight.

Lin Yuanfei and Kotomine Shirou stood back to back, vigilantly watching the shadows of monsters slowly approaching in the wind and snow.

In the bitter cold wind, blizzards flew, obscuring everything in sight.

Lin Yuanfei and the others couldn't even see clearly what was three meters away, and the shadows of those monsters could only be seen as vague prototypes.

But the hideous and ugly shapes of those monsters, the fierce and evil aura that could not be concealed by the wind and snow, and the low roar in the wind and snow all told Lin Yuanfei that these shadows were not good things.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, did I say there are evil spirits?"

Kotomine Shiro leaned against Lin Yuanfei and said, "Look at these monsters, each one is more terrifying than the other. The wind and snow are so heavy, do you think we will accidentally break into the monster's lair? Will it happen later? A king of monsters rushed out to eat us all?"

During Kotomine Shirou's questioning, Hayashi Yuanfei let out a pooh.

"Shut up, you crow mouth, you'll be fine if you don't say a few words."

Lin Yuanfei looked around, and gripped the handle of Jigenxian Dongyue tightly.

He stared at the approaching monsters around him.

However, at a certain moment, when the monster closest to them finally got close enough, the wind and snow in their field of vision suddenly disappeared.

Then, the whole world returned to the previous appearance of the snow falling slowly.

As for the blizzard that was still cold and violent a few seconds ago, it came abruptly and went even more abruptly, just like when it came.

Almost instantly, all the blizzards disappeared from this world.

Lin Yuanfei and the others stood at the corner of the previous street, on the streets in all directions, on the roofs, on the fences, on the telephone poles... All directions in the field of vision were all kinds of ugly ghosts.

Lin Yuanfei and the others were surrounded by these ferocious ghosts with different shapes and incomparably ugly ones. As the wind and snow disappeared, all the ghosts howled mournfully.

At the same time, he rushed to the two people in the middle of the encirclement.


"Ohh Ohh ohh!!!"

"Hey Hey……"

"Hee ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Amidst the screams of ghosts with different tones, an evil and fierce aura rushed towards him, and Lin Yuanfei directly pulled out the wooden knife.

He bit his finger and smeared the blood on the blade of the wooden knife.

Then, the wooden knife slashed vertically and horizontally.

In an instant, the evil spirits who rushed to the front let out even more shrill screams and howls.

Before the evil spirits who rushed to Lin Yuanfei had time to attack Lin Yuanfei, they were struck by the wooden knife.

In an instant, the remaining limbs and arms of the evil spirits were flying around the street, and the heads of evil spirits one after another were flying in the air.

That weird and terrifying picture is terrifying no matter how you look at it.

When Lin Yuanfei put away his knife and stood, all the evil spirits around who were about to move back.

All the evil spirits stared at the man in the center of the encirclement with expressions of awe.

At Lin Yuanfei's feet, the heads of evil spirits rolled around on the street one after another.

And the headless corpses of the evil spirits continuously sprayed black evil spirits.

With the eruption of these evil spirits, the spirit body of the evil ghost continued to dry up, like a leaky balloon, quickly dried up, and then disappeared.

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