In the end, only one evil ghost after another was left, their heads rolled to other places in a panic, and they fled screaming.

As for the other evil spirits, they were all frightened by Lin Yuanfei's ferocious means, and they all surrounded themselves five meters away, hesitating and daring not to go forward.

Seeing such a scene, Kotomine Shirou burst out laughing.

"Mr. Lin Yuan is really amazing, even ghosts are afraid of you, what a scary man."

Lin Yuanfei ignored this guy who was paddling all the way without exerting any strength.

He coldly glanced at the hideous and ugly ghosts around him, and said, "Where did you come from? There are so many resentful spirits in this city? And, where is my companion? Where did you get them? "

Facing Lin Yuanfei's questioning, those resentful spirits looked at each other and let out some low growls of hatred and resentment.

Then, they slowly retreated and disappeared.

It seems that he doesn't want to provoke Lin Yuanfei anymore.

Lin Yuanfei quickly chased after him, a little anxious, "Hey! I'm asking you something! Where's my companion? Where did you get me?!"

During Lin Yuanfei's enraged questioning, he rushed forward and hacked several wraiths to death.

However, the rest of the wraiths still retreated methodically and slowly disappeared into the air.

Facing this anxious and angry man, the resentful spirits just stared at him with resentment and hatred, but none of them said a word.

In this silent silence, all the wraiths disappeared.

Lin Yuanfei desperately tried to stop a few wraiths, but they all failed.

All the wraiths disappeared from his sight.

Only a few heads of the evil spirits he chopped off were left rolling on the street, and then disappeared as quickly as deflated balloons.

In the end, all the grieving ghosts on the entire street disappeared without a trace, leaving only Lin Yuanfei standing there with a somewhat angry expression.

Kotomine Shirou looked at it for a while, and smiled a little forcedly.

"Mr. Hayashi Yuan, don't get excited, Ms. Yuki and the others may be safe..."

Before Kotomine Shirou finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei looked back at him coldly.

At that moment, Kotomine Shirou stepped back three meters as if being targeted by a poisonous snake, and the white crane half-spread his wings and raised his hands.

"Hey, hey!" Kotomine Shirou kept a safe distance, and said loudly, "We are teammates! Don't find your wife and take revenge on your teammates!"

Amid Yanfeng Shirou's cry, Lin Yuanfei snorted coldly, took a deep breath, and calmed down his emotions.

Then he said, "You don't have to say a few words, so you don't have to worry about me cutting you off."

Chapter 488 Did Brother Lin Lie to You?

"If you don't force me a few words, you don't have to worry about me cutting you off."

Amid Lin Yuanfei's cold snort, Kotomine Shirou smiled helplessly and said.

"Okay, okay, I will keep silent, and I will definitely stop talking nonsense... Is that okay?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at this fox-like smiling guy and shook his head.

Can the environment really affect a person?

A good messenger of justice, Shirou Emiya, became this kind of virtue just because he changed his adoptive father... Hey... If this guy is Shirou Emiya, how much more worry-free.

At least that messenger of justice is a teammate who can be trusted.

And this Kotomine Shirou, Lin Yuanfei felt very unreliable no matter how he looked at him.

There is an untrustworthy aura about this guy, it always feels like he will take the opportunity to backstab the next second.

... I don't know if this counts as looking at people through colored glasses.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the surrounding streets and said, "If Yuki and the others are attacked by resentful spirits, it's impossible to make any noise."

"Even if Yuki is unprepared, Orihime is an expert in expelling demons. If there is an attack by a demon, she will definitely react immediately."

"But now they all disappeared, and even I didn't feel how they disappeared..."

Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Maybe he wasn't attacked?"

In Lin Yuanfei's whisper, Kotomine Shirou was a little confused, "Then how did the girls disappear?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky above his head and said, "Maybe...we were displaced and transferred to other places? Taking advantage of the moment when the blizzard came, we used some means to transfer people to other places, trying to disperse us... Sadako Yamamura's method is very old-fashioned."

Lin Yuanfei said, "If I'm not wrong, Yuki and the others should be in a certain corner of the city now. It's just that we are too far away from each other, so we can't see them."

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's analysis, Kotomine Shirou nodded repeatedly.

"It's very reasonable. Mr. Lin Yuan's analysis is very reasonable."

Kotomine Shiro applauded again and again, "I think this may be the closest to the truth."

Then the guy looked at Lin Yuanfei, "So do we need to find some ladies now? Get them back?"

Lin Yuanfei thought for a few seconds and looked in the direction of the city center.

There, a huge beam of light still shot straight into the sky, and it looked the same as before.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a few seconds, and said, "Don't look for it, let's go directly to the center of the city. Chiba City is so big, we may not be able to find them, go directly to the center of the city, and they will definitely go there. Just meet there."

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