Chapter 492 Brother Cheng

In the bustling commercial street, the flow of people is bustling.

Among the crowd, the magician in a suit was as elegant as a gentleman.

If the butcher's knife that was raised with a smile was not dripping blood, it would be unbelievable that such an elegant and handsome magician would kill people in full view.

The surrounding crowd saw the magician raising the butcher's knife, not only did not have any fear, but cheered loudly.

Amid the cheers of everyone, the assistant whose mask was removed lay quietly on the table, motionless, and closed his eyes peacefully, as if accepting his impending fate.

However, at the moment when the butcher knife fell...

"Brother Cheng!!!"

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's roar of shock and anger, he rushed out with his whole body.

A gust of wind blew up among the crowd.

Before the magician who raised the butcher knife could react, he was knocked out by Lin Yuanfei.

The fragile human body seemed to be hit head-on by a running train, and was directly knocked out by the huge force, and hit heavily on the second floor of the roadside shop.

The distorted human body, the bones are shattered, and the blood spurts wildly.

The originally elegant and handsome magician instantly turned into a twisted and hideous corpse.

Lin Yuanfei's figure appeared beside the table.

And the cheers around him all disappeared the moment the magician was knocked out.

A huge commercial street, as quiet as a ghost.

Everyone stared coldly at the sudden appearance of Lin Yuanfei, as if they had finally discovered the existence of this uninvited guest, all of them showed cold hatred.

But Lin Yuanfei ignored those people around him.

He looked down at Brother Cheng who was motionless on the table, feeling a little nervous.

"Brother Cheng? Are you okay?"

Although thinking about it carefully, it was not a few days before Brother Cheng was taken away.

But for Lin Yuanfei, these few days seemed like a century.

Seeing Brother Cheng lying quietly on the table now, he actually felt as if he had passed away.

After all, no matter what brother Cheng said, it was because he was taken away.

Lin Yuanfei grabbed Brother Cheng's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

"Hey! Brother Cheng! Can you hear me? Brother Cheng!"

However, the boy lying on the table was expressionless and motionless, seemingly completely indifferent.

He didn't hear Lin Yuanfei's call at all.

Kotomine Shirou in the crowd frowned when he saw this scene.

Suddenly shouted out loud.

"That's not your friend! Mr. Lin Yuan, let go!"

But it is already late.

The moment Kotomine Shirou started, the body of Makoto, who had been lying quietly on the table, suddenly changed.

A strange black disgusting liquid suddenly emerged from Brother Cheng's body, then quickly climbed up Lin Yuanfei's arms, and spread out to his body.

Lin Yuanfei backed away in shock and anger.

But the black liquid elongated in mid-air, forming a long black belt, connecting Lin Yuanfei and Brother Cheng on the table.

The icy wind and snow came here again.

The bustling commercial street disappeared out of thin air as if it didn't exist.

Only the bustling crowd who came and went remained here, but all of them showed hideous and ugly faces.

Every pedestrian, every passer-by is twisting and expanding, and then turns into hideous and ugly ghosts.

The bustling commercial street has returned to its original deserted and dilapidated appearance.

The icy wind and snow fell here.

Under Lin Yuanfei's unbelievable gaze, Brother Cheng on the table finally sat up slowly.

looked at him.

"Lin Yuan..."

Brother Cheng's voice sounded like a communication noise where the signal was disturbed. It was hoarse and unpleasant, like fingernails rubbing against a blackboard, which made people's scalp numb.

That kind of evil and cold aura distorted his face, turning his originally handsome face into an ugly one like a ghost.

"...You are finally here! Lin Yuan!"

"Brother Cheng" had a ferocious expression on his face.

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