Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei struggled hard.

But the black viscous liquid was tightly wrapped around his hands, no matter how much he pulled, he couldn't pull them away.

The cold and evil power climbed up his whole body along the black viscous liquid, making him as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

But he gritted his teeth, looked at Brother Cheng in front of him, and roared angrily.

"Who the hell are you?! You're not Brother Cheng at all!"

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's roar, "Brother Cheng" showed a weird smile on his face.

"I'm not Ito? How is it possible... Lin Yuan, look, is there any difference between my face and Ito? I am your friend, Makoto Ito!"

On the street, the evil spirits who showed their true faces all roared and rushed towards the middle.

Kotomine Shirou retreated nervously, and retreated to Lin Yuanfei's side, and said.

"It's over, these evil spirits feel stronger than those that appeared in the snowstorm before...Mr. Lin Yuan, draw your sword quickly!"

Lin Yuanfei struggled hard, but he couldn't get rid of the black viscous liquid entangled on his arms.

He made an angry expression.

"I really want to pull out the knife too! But how can I pull out this thing if it haunts me!"

And the surrounding evil spirits have slowly surged up, surrounding them in the middle.

A cold and evil evil spirit floated in the air.

The "Brother Cheng" who was sitting on the table had a distorted smile on his face, stared at Lin Yuanfei, and let out a sharp, strange laugh.

"Go to hell, Lin Yuan! You are destined to die here today. You won't even leave a piece of meat in the midst of being devoured by this group of ghosts! Hahahahahaha!!!"

"Brother Cheng" laughed wildly, Lin Yuanfei's face was covered with black lines.

"What the hell are you waiting for me!" Seeing the roaring evil spirits around him rushing towards him, Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, "When I get my hands out, you will all die!"

And Kotomine Shirou next to Lin Yuanfei couldn't help shouting.

"What should we do, Mr. Lin Yuan, draw your sword quickly! If you don't draw your sword, we will really die!"

Lin Yuanfei snorted coldly, "Then draw your sword! Aren't you from the Church of the Holy Church? Are you planning to paddle for fish all the time without exerting any strength?"

Kotomine Shirou looked helpless, "The clergy are not good at fighting..."

Lin Yuanfei looked sullen, "I'm not good at your mother! Hurry up! Those evil spirits have already rushed over. If we don't rush out, we will all die here!"

Staring at the "Brother Cheng" on the table with an incomparably distorted smile, Lin Yuanfei said furiously, "If you don't do anything again! Your sister will be turned into a meat weapon by the Holy Church!"

Author's message:

PS: Fifth watch!What about the blades!What about the monthly pass!

This is gone, not strong enough!

Chapter 493 Surprise


A loud bang.

When Lin Yuanfei roared out those words furiously, Kotomine Shirou suddenly pulled out several black keys from under the black robe.

As soon as those flying wraiths approached them, they were chopped off by the black key wielded by Kotomine Shirou.

Kotomine Shirou turned his head to look at Lin Yuanfei with astonishment on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Yuanfei grinned and said, "Without the protection of your brother, how do you think your sister will be treated after being discovered by those perverts from the Church of the Holy Church? Take her weird physique as an example... Do you think it will end well?"

Kotomine Shirou was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head helplessly.

"Mr. Lin Yuan is really an evil capitalist. He doesn't give people any time to rest. Is there really no way for you to deal with these mere vengeful spirits? But you just want to force me to do it... I am still a wounded patient. .”

Kotomine Shirou said with a helpless face, and then, waving the black key, rushed towards the group of grieving ghosts.

Lin Yuanfei looked at "Brother Cheng" on the table, snorted coldly, and said.

"What the hell are you? What are you doing attached to Brother Cheng?"

"Brother Cheng" smiled cunningly, and said, "I've said it all, I'm Makoto Ito, student Hayashihara, why don't you believe me?"

"Hmph! Believe in your uncle! Get me out of Brother Cheng's body!"

Lin Yuanfei roared and pulled hard, the black liquid entangled on his arms was stretched by him again.

However, "Brother Cheng" on the table still sat there calmly, speaking very calmly.

"Give up struggling. Once you are entangled in resentment, you cannot tear it away with brute force. No matter how hard you pull, you will not be able to tear away these black resentments."

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei sneered and said.

"Give up? Do you think I'm an idiot? Only an idiot would give up!"

"Brother Cheng" shook his head and said, "You are definitely not stupid, but in the face of a desperate deadlock that cannot be resisted, even if human beings foresee it, there is nothing they can do. This is the reality of despair. No matter how hard you struggle, you will never succeed." Struggling to get out, in the end you can only accept the fate of death in despair...Give up resistance, Lin Yuan, your path ends here."

Under the persuasion of "Brother Cheng", Kotomine Shirou who rushed into the crowd of resentful ghosts let out a cry.

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