"Mr. Lin Yuan! Are you still not well? These grieving ghosts are more powerful than imagined!"

Hearing Kotomine Shirou's call for help, Lin Yuanfei looked at the priest who always squinted his eyes.

I saw Kotomine Shirou, who was waving the black key, showed fatigue in the crowd of evil spirits that came like a tide.

Kotomine Shirou, who was able to barely stand for two minutes under the pursuit of his servant Kenshin, was not as relaxed as he had imagined, and instead seemed overwhelmed.

The black robe was scratched several times by the wraiths, and even his body had bleeding wounds.

Obviously, it was very difficult for Kotomine Shirou to resist these grievances and evil spirits that were like an endless stream.

Seeing this scene, "Brother Cheng" on the table sneered.

"Have you seen it? This is a desperate reality. No matter how hard you struggle, you will never be able to break free. Lin Yuan, give up, you have no way out."

Lin Yuanfei stared at the other party, and said with a smirk, "Are you so confident that you can win? Yamamura Sadako hasn't climbed out yet, do you think I will die in the hands of a young man like you? Hurry up and be honest. Get out of my brother's body! Then I can consider saving your dog's life! Otherwise, when I get rid of these grievances, you will die!"

Lin Yuanfei's roar was like a tyrannosaurus rex descending into the world, full of violent and fierce aura.

The sturdy and violent aura of the roaring man at that moment even overwhelmed the continuous stream of resentful spirits and evil spirits around him.

However, seeing this scene, "Brother Cheng" who bears the brunt shook his head again and again.

There is no fear of backing down.

it said.

"The people in this city are all the dead who were killed by Sadako Yamamura in the past twenty years..."

"Here, they are immortal. No matter how many times you kill them, they can come back to haunt you again."

"If you fight against this group of wraiths in such a world, you are destined to have no hope of victory."

"So, it's better to admit defeat obediently, and I will give you a happy one."

"Compared to being torn to pieces by these vengeful spirits, I will give you a happy death so that you will not be tortured!"

"Brother Cheng" spoke words full of temptation.

In other words, it's not that his words are full of temptation, but that while he is saying these words, there is a certain deceptive aura in the air, which makes people subconsciously want to believe it.

However, facing the persuasion of "Brother Cheng", Lin Yuanfei sneered.

Said, "You want to kill me? Just rely on your stuff? It's ridiculous! Go home and practice for a hundred years!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, and the muscles of his whole body began to accumulate strength, roaring like a violent tyrannosaurus rex.

"With your little rubbish grudge, I don't even need to open the door, I can hang you!"

Lin Yuanfei roared and roared, and evil and violent power began to radiate from his whole body.

"Freddie! I've fed you! Come out and have a good time!"

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's roar, a phantom of an evil ghost emerged from behind him.

Seeing the black wraith entangled Lin Yuanfei in front of him, Freddy pulled the broken hat on top of his head, and a bright smile appeared on his heavily burned hideous face.

"Is it finally Uncle Freddy's appearance? I'm so happy, little samurai! Hahahahahahaha!!!"

Amidst Freddy's wild laughter, its phantom directly rushed towards Lin Yuanfei's hands.

Then, the black resentment entangled in Lin Yuanfei's arms was directly sucked into the mouth of this evil ghost.

In the void, the ugly, poisoned and burned ghost crazily sucked the black resentment on Lin Yuanfei's arm.

The actual resentment in the form of black viscous liquid was all absorbed by Freddy.

Lin Yuanfei's hands were freed.

He directly held the wooden knife at his waist, looked at "Brother Cheng" on the table with a smirk, and said, "This trick of a three-legged cat wants to deal with me? It's ridiculous!"

"Brother Cheng" on the table stood up suddenly, and it watched in astonishment that the mass of black viscous liquid was sucked away by some invisible thing in the void, showing a astonished expression.

"You...you have an evil spirit possessing you?"

It couldn't see the existence of Freddy, but it guessed it.

But Lin Yuanfei approached it with a smirk, and said, "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?!"

Chapter 494 White Fox

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's sinister laughter, Freddy, who was suspended behind him, had absorbed all the resentment like black viscous liquid.

In other words, when "Brother Cheng" realized that the black resentment could no longer entangle Lin Yuanfei, it wisely cut off the transmission of the resentment.

Then, all the remaining grievances were absorbed by Freddy.

This guy was suspended behind Lin Yuanfei, he burped as if he had eaten a lot.


Freddy rubbed his stomach and said, "I'm so full... I almost killed me. Little samurai, next time something like this happens, you must remember to call Uncle Freddy!"

Freddy laughed strangely.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at it, and with a thought, Freddy's phantom disappeared.

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