The space of consciousness was taken back by Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei looked at "Brother Cheng" in front of him and said.

"What else do you have? Let's use it together."

Lin Yuanfei said coldly, "Don't say I won't give you a chance to struggle!"

Kotomine Shirou on the side struggled hard under the impact of the tide of resentful spirits, chopping vigorously.

The black key, the exclusive weapon of the Church of the Holy Church, fluttered in the cold wind, cutting off the limbs of one ghost after another.

But under the crazy impact of those resentful ghosts, his body gradually became more injured.

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, Kotomine Shirou almost vomited blood.

"What time is it! You are still stalking in a concave position... Hurry up!"

Kotomine Shirou tried his best to tear up a grieving ghost that had rushed forward before he was alive, and then rolled on the spot in embarrassment, avoiding the sneak attack of the grieving ghost behind him.

He yelled in embarrassment, "You talk dirty again! I'm going to die!"

During Yanfeng Shirou's yell, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and rushed out without hesitation.

The wooden knife smeared with blood shone in the air and slashed directly at "Brother Cheng" on the table.

However, in the void, an invisible shield appeared in front of Brother Cheng.

While blocking the blow, Brother Cheng shook his head and said, "I admit, you are indeed a little bit stronger than I expected. But it is a pity that although you are very strong, your companion can be as strong as you are." Are you as strong? Can they also have your weird methods to deal with crises?"

In the strange smile of "Brother Cheng", Lin Yuanfei's expression turned cold.

"What do you mean?!"

"Brother Cheng" grinned, "You are not the only living person in this city. I am not the only grieving ghost..."

Lin Yuanfei's face was extremely ugly.




The icy wind and snow came head-on.

Orihime Tsuchimikado's advance stopped.

In the girl's eyes, there was a light of vigilance and vigilance.

Guanhu curled up on her shoulders also seemed to feel something, stood up as if stimulated, and bared his teeth angrily at the void in front of him.

That ferocious appearance seemed to be trying to scare the enemy away.

The little girl Sadako who was following the girl widened her eyes and said, "What's wrong? Why did you stop suddenly? Did you find anything?"

The wind and snow all over the sky roared and swept over here.

In the biting cold wind, a fine layer of goose bumps appeared on the girl's skin.

But she didn't seem to notice.

Under Zhi Ji's cold gaze, the air ahead slowly fluctuated.

Then, a figure walked out from the void.

The pitch-black sinister air lingers around its body, making it look weird and terrifying like a ghost crawling out of hell.

The moment it fell, a gloomy wind blew across the long street.

Zhi Ji took a step back with a blank expression, and squeezed the talisman paper in her hand.

And Guanhu on the girl's shoulder bared her teeth, let out a low growl of warning, and exploded.

"Wow wow wow wow..."

A strange laugh came from the mouth of the evil-spirited figure.

It looked at the two girls, one big and one small in front of it, and said, "Dear Zhiji, I didn't expect that we would meet again here. It's really destined... God is working hard to match us, it seems!"

An excited laugh came out of the monster's mouth.

The little girl Sadako looked at the figure in front of her with wide eyes, and said, "Shimada Nobukatsu? How did you become such a disgusting look?"

At this time, Shimada Nobukatsu had half of his body covered in black viscous liquid, and the expression on his face was extremely distorted.

No matter how you looked at it, it was already a monster, not a living person.

Seeing the appearance of Shimada Nobukatsu, the little girl Sadako was amazed.

"You dare to come to me in a vest? Cute Xinsheng, you are so brave."

After the little girl finished speaking, Shimada Nobukatsu looked at her.

As if he just discovered the little girl, Shimada Nobukatsu snorted coldly.

"You monster! I'll make you pay this time!"

The dark evil spirit on Shimada Nobukatsu's body began to surge violently, as if his own emotions also began to riot.

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