It stared at the little girl Sadako and screamed strangely, "You are all going to die! You are all going to die tragically!"

Shimada Nobukatsu screamed strangely, and rushed to the two girls, one big and one small in front of him.

In an instant, the white talisman paper was thrown out by Zhi Ji, and spontaneously ignited without wind.

"Hurry up as a law!"

As the girl whispered indifferently, as the white talisman paper burned, the dazzling light turned into several white light whiskers and tentacles wrapped around Shimada Nobukatsu's body.

Then, the girl pointed her hands at Nobukatsu Shimada who was entangled in mid-air, and growled.

"Tube fox!"

Hearing the master's order, Guanhu, who was originally as small and cute as a scarf, jumped out of the girl's shoulders and flew into the air.

Constant expansion!

A second later, what appeared in front of everyone was a huge fox more than ten meters long.

Guanhu, who was originally petite and cute, now looks so ferocious and terrifying after growing up.

The huge limbs fell heavily on the fences on both sides of the road, making a dull sound.

Guanhu's huge body covered the entire street, casting a shadow on the girl's head.


An angry roar came from the giant beast's mouth.

The huge sound waves spread under the night, and even scattered the snow in the sky!

The ferocious evil spirit even overwhelmed Nobukatsu Shimada who was bound in mid-air by the tentacles of the light whiskers.

Xiao Zhenzi's eyes widened involuntarily.

"Wow!" She widened her eyes, looked at the huge white tube fox above her head, and said, "Is this guy so big?"

The inflated Guanhu roared angrily, and rushed directly to Nobukatsu Shimada in mid-air.

In the open mouth, two rows of sharp fangs are like two rows of sharp bayonets.

Stabbed directly at Nobukatsu Shimada in mid-air.

Scarlet blood splashed in the wind and snow!

The strong wind covered everything!

Chapter 495 Gale Wind (3600/3800)

The icy wind and snow enveloped this false world.

A magnificent and dreamy light curtain like the aurora formed a woman's face in the sky.

On the ground, in the old city, a huge fox roared and rushed towards the monster in midair.

The ferocious and berserk bite was like a ferocious beast coming again, and the terrifying sound shook the entire sky.


The giant white fox pounced on the monster, biting hard.

Blood gushed out instantly.

The monster who was restrained in mid-air by the white light-bearded tentacles let out a strange laugh.

The moment the giant white fox pounced, the black evil spirit on its body swelled in a circle.

Then, it turned into the prototype of a black-armored warrior.

"Want to eat me? It's not that easy!" Amidst the strange laughter of the monster, the phantom of the black-armored warrior swung the huge long knife that was also condensed with black evil energy, and slashed at the giant white beast in front.

In an instant, blood surged wildly.

It was clearly a blade condensed with black evil energy, but it was so sharp that it made one's scalp tingle.

As soon as the white fox approached, it was hit on the forehead by the huge blade, and scarlet blood gushed out from the white fox's forehead.

The huge wound made the originally beautiful face of the giant white fox lose its beauty.

While the white fox was struggling to retreat, it let out a shrill scream.

And the phantom of the black-armored warrior had already broken free from the entangled white beard on his body, screaming and slashing the knife in his hand at the retreating white giant beast.

Hurry and kill!

In a critical moment, the girl who is the owner of the giant beast still looks indifferent.

In her hand, the two talisman papers moved without wind, flickering in the wind and snow, and turned into dozens of sharp spears, all aimed at the huge black shadow in front of them.

Whoosh whoosh—

Amid the ear-piercing sound of piercing the air, the dozens of sharp spears all flew out.

Carrying huge kinetic energy and destructive power, it shot at the huge phantom of the black-armored warrior in front of it.

At that moment, like a rain of arrows, densely packed sharp spears all flew towards him.

The huge black-armored warrior waved the long knife in his hand, but still couldn't stop all the flying spears.

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