The little girl Sadako looked at the huge black shadow in front of her and said, "If Sister Zhi Ji dies here, Brother Lin Yuan will definitely tear my hands apart!"

The little girl sighed softly, and then, her black and white eyeballs suddenly turned a weird scarlet.

The round pupils shrank slightly, and finally turned into snake-like vertical pupils, adding a bit of coldness to her.

When all the changes were over, the little girl had a cold and evil aura.

Seeing the black shadow in front of her eyes, she said with a smile.

"For my safety, I can only work."

Chapter 498 What Are You?

The little girl suspended in mid-air was originally delicate and lovely.

But when she smiled, something terrible happened to her.

The pupils of human beings have become the vertical pupils of beasts.

The black and white eyeballs also turned blood red, which looked extremely strange.

There was even a cold and evil aura about her.

Although she was a well-behaved little girl just a second ago, at this moment, Xiao Zhenzi looked like a ghost baby crawling out of a horror movie. She looked so terrifying and frightening that it made one's scalp tingle.

She was suspended in mid-air, looking straight at the huge black shadow in front of her.

It is obviously extremely small, but it gives people a more terrifying feeling than the huge black shadow monster.

Seeing her, the shadow monster subconsciously took a step back.

The blood-colored eyes shrouded in black mist seemed a little startled and uncertain.

"You... the aura on your body... is very familiar..."

The black shadow monster said with some anxiety, "What the hell are you?"

Sadako looked at it and grinned.

"What am I? It's too stupid to rush to kill me without even knowing this? Are all the men recruited by that guy so stupid?"

"Or, you were sent by that guy to stop us, but you didn't even see the guy's true face? Otherwise, you should be able to understand something?"

Hearing Xiao Zhenzi's words, and feeling the cold and evil aura about her body, the black monster was in shock.

It looked the little girl up and down, and said in disbelief.

" are the daughter of Sadako Yamamura?!"

The huge black monster roared as if its three views were completely destroyed, "You are her daughter?!"

"..." After finishing these words, there was silence in the air for a few seconds.

The little girl suspended in mid-air frowned, and then showed a cold smile.

"Oh? Daughter? I'm that guy's daughter?"

She stared at the phantom of the monster in front of her, and finally tore off the pure and lovely mask, revealing the evil essence of the evil ghost, "You actually think of me as that guy's daughter? Shimada Nobukatsu, your association is really rich what!"

"In order to praise your strong associative power, let me reward you well!"

On the little girl's face, there was an extremely fierce and ferocious expression.

She is clearly a cute and cute little girl, but she can reveal such a terrifying face, it is as if she has changed her head.

She roared angrily, and a shrill scream came out of her mouth.

The ear-piercing sound waves spread toward the periphery, directly shaking the black monster phantom back a few steps.

Then, the little girl raised her hands, her long black hair fluttering behind her.

Those long black hairs began to spread and grow rapidly, and soon turned into a terrifying black river, overwhelming the black monster in front of it.

The monster roared again and again and slashed out the huge blade in its hand, but the blade, which was completely composed of black evil spirit, couldn't hurt these entangled black hairs.

The black blade directly passed through the middle of the hair, unable to touch the terrifying black hair at all.

Seeing this scene, Sombra subconsciously wanted to back up and run away.

But its body is too large.

Before that huge body could dodge in the future, the black hair that submerged like a tide surrounded it in the middle.

The continuously flowing strands of hair rubbed against each other and made strange noises.

One after another, the jet-black hairs were continuously submerged, and finally formed a huge black cocoon, trapping a huge black figure several meters high in it.

Then, the little girl suspended in mid-air watched this spectacular scene and snorted coldly.

Hold your hands firmly in the air!


With a loud noise, the black cocoon completely made of black hair shrank suddenly.

A huge black evil spirit was squeezed out from the inside of the black cocoon.

The monster trapped inside the black cocoon let out a shrill cry, as if it was in great pain.

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