It's a pity that no matter how painful it was, the little girl didn't show any mercy.

She still stared at the hair that was constantly shrinking and squeezing the dark evil spirit out of the black cocoon, and sneered again and again.

The little girl clenched her teeth tightly, and a strenuous expression appeared on her face.

Obviously, she was strangling the monster in the black cocoon vigorously.

But seeing fewer and fewer monsters being strangled, and more and more black evil spirits being squeezed out.

The monster in the black cocoon finally wailed in pain and pain, loudly and tragically.

"Help... help me!"

It seemed to be yelling for help to someone in the dark. Hearing the cry for help, the little girl's eyes turned cold, and she squeezed and tightened the monster in the black cocoon even more frantically.

The black monster, which was originally four or five meters high, has been tightened to less than three meters.

Just as the Onmyoji girl in the snow struggled to stand up, thinking about what to do, a huge beam of light descended from the sky.

The aurora suspended in the sky of Chiba City began to surge, and the woman's face made of light curtains kept trembling, and finally looked here.

It seems to have set its sights here.

At the position that symbolizes the eyeball, a dark red beam of light flew out from the aurora light curtain.It fell from the sky, directly covering the huge black cocoon that was completely made up of black hair.

The moment the dark red beam of light landed on the ground, all the black hair spontaneously ignited out of thin air.

The scorching temperature even evaporated the surrounding snow.

While the little girl Sadako hurriedly backed away, the black cocoon made up entirely of her hair was directly burned away by the dark red beam of light.

In the air, there was a stench of burning hair.

The little girl raised her head, stared at the phantom of the woman in the sky, and snorted coldly.

"Can't sit still now, are you going to jump out to help your dog survive? If you have the ability, you jump out yourself! What kind of skill is it to let a dog come out to bite people?"

"And this dog was snatched from someone temporarily...Hmph! Sadako Yamamura, you have the ability to come out!"

The little girl cursed loudly at the woman's face in the sky.

However, the woman's face in the sky, which is completely composed of colorful aurora, just stares at this place coldly, indifferent.

And in the earth, shrouded in a dark red beam of light, all the black hairs were burned away, not even a single hair remained.

Shinkatsu Shimada shrouded in the beam of light twitched and stood up slowly.

The face distorted by the evil force looked extremely hideous.

"Hey ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

The monster roared, looked at the two girls, one big and one small, and laughed excitedly, "I've become stronger! I've become stronger again!"

Chapter 499 Gaya Coconut

Strong wind, mixed with heavy snow came here.

The dark red beam of light slowly disappeared between the sky and the earth.

At the same time as all the black hair was burned, Shimada Nobukatsu's ugly monster figure slowly crawled out from the dark red beam of light.

His body looked even more ugly and terrifying.

His face was closer to that of a ghost.

The dark red beam of light slowly disappeared from his body.

But the strengthening theory brought by the dark red beam of light remained in its body.

Shimada Nobukatsu, who has completely turned into an inhuman monster, prostrated himself on the ground, laughing wildly with excitement.

"I became stronger! I became stronger again! Hahahahaha!!!"

"Power! Power is pouring out continuously!"

"Little boy! You are dead! This time! You are dead! Hahahahaha!!!"

Amidst Shimada Nobukatsu's excited wild laughter, the little girl Sadako looked at his ugly appearance with disgust and disdain, and snorted coldly.

"It's just a stupid idiot. I'm not afraid of your master jumping out. Are you still afraid of you?"

As she spoke, the little girl pointed her hands at Nobukatsu Shimada in the ruins, and said with a blank expression.

"You probably forgot who brought you to this place!"

In the cold snort of Sadako, invisible forces entangled around Shimada Nobukatsu.

The cold power quickly climbed up its limbs, and the power that once imprisoned Shimada Nobukatsu in the French restaurant reappeared.

However, this time, Shimada Nobukatsu was struggling crazily, his muscles and bones trembling.

It seemed that he was trying hard to break free from the invisible shackles.

Its face revealed an extremely evil and ferocious face.

"Want to catch me again? Wake up, idiot! I'm not what I used to be!"

Amid the furious roar of Shimada Nobukatsu, the Onmyoji girl walked over slowly, with a notebook full of dark red lines hanging down in her hand.

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