"If there is a fire outside, they will definitely not foolishly get in if they feel the danger."

After listening to Kotomine Shirou's answer, Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and asked again.

"What about ice? Are these bugs afraid of the cold?"

"...Are you going to help or not?" Kotomine Shirou said with twitching corners of his mouth, "Do you understand or do I understand? Are you a priest or am I a priest? If I continue to torment, my hand will be useless! "

"Okay, okay, I got it, let's start now," Lin Yuanfei pulled out the bellflower fairy Dongyue, and said, "Wait for those bugs to crawl out and kill them, right? Don't worry, leave it to me. The sword is in the heart, under my sword, I will never let any bug go."

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei had already put on a pose, Kotomine Shiro stretched out his left hand, and aimed the sharp edge of the black key at the middle finger of his left hand.

"...Are you ready?" Kotomine Shirou confirmed again with some worry.

Lin Yuanfei nodded again and again, "Don't worry, man, cute big tits!"

Kotomine Shirou sighed, still seemed uneasy.

But in this situation, he had no choice.

Squinting, the young priest pierced the fingers of his left hand with the black key.

The wound was not deep, but the blood red color inside could be seen.

And the strangest thing is that after the skin was pierced, the blood did not flow out, as if it had coagulated in the flesh and blood.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that a drop of blood slowly fell down.

Then, an ugly, tiny, weird bug chased the drop of blood and fell out.

Lin Yuanfei instantly chopped out the knife in his hand.

The icy blade streaked across the void, flashing a cold light.

As soon as the bug fell out and before he knew the situation, Lin Yuanfei chopped it into pieces in mid-air.

Then more bugs came out densely and one after another.

The continuous appearance looked like queuing up to go to the toilet, and Lin Yuanfei's scalp tingled from seeing the numbers one after another.

"Fuck?! So many?"

Lin Yuanfei swung his sword so fast that there was a gust of sword wind on the spot, and all the bugs that fell out were smashed to pieces one by one by him.

Yan Mine Shirou's originally dark red hand, which seemed to be covered with blood, had shrunk visibly with the naked eye.

It ended up being some disgusting pale black.

It looked as if blood had flowed from the entire palm of his hand.

On his wrist, there was a faint line of blood, which seemed to prevent the bugs from crawling to other parts of his body.

But it also blocks blood flow to the palms and elsewhere.

As the blood on the entire palm was drained, all the bugs in it also "flowed" out, and were all chopped into pieces by Lin Yuanfei.

To be honest, with such a dense number and continuous frequency of swinging swords, it is estimated that normal people cannot do it at all.

If it wasn't for Lin Yuanfei, Kotomine Shirou would not be able to find anyone who could help in a while.

"Hmm... If I never came back and no one helped me, what would you do?" Lin Yuanfei took a breath and asked curiously, "Is there any other way to deal with this bug?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled brightly, "Yes."

He raised his left hand and said, "It's enough to cut off the whole palm at the wrist."

"..." Lin Yuanfei was speechless for three seconds.

Then gave a thumbs up, "Cheat!"

Lin Yuanfei said, "Are you people from the Holy Church so staunch?"

Kotomine Shirou shook his head with a smile, "It's not that you are strong, there is nothing you can do about it. Compared with a mere palm, of course life is more important."

"Besides, eliminating demons and defending the way cannot be represented by a few simple words. There is a huge price to be paid behind this, and we should be mentally prepared when we embark on this road."

"How can you never get hurt by fighting evil spirits and aliens all your life? Many times, missing arms and legs, blindness and even tragic death are normal things."

"Although magic can heal some injuries, and modern medical methods are fairly developed, many injuries cannot be cured after all."

"Every clergyman has come through pain and dying all the way. Mr. Lin Yuan should have a good understanding of this point, right?"

Kotomine Shirou asked with a smile.

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, recalling his own experience along the way... Asi, it seems that he was lying down all the way as Kotomine Shirou said.

So it really wasn't because I was unlucky, but the reality is so cruel?

How could it be possible for someone to download a dungeon for a lifetime and never get hurt?

It's like saying that a person has been on the battlefield for decades without being injured.

It's not like being a deserter, how could that happen.

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, and said, "Fortunately, I am not the representative of the Holy Church Church, and I don't need to fight against aliens and evil spirits. As long as I solve the matter of Sadako Yamamura, I can go home and sleep peacefully." Got it."

Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "Thinking about it this way, I suddenly feel so happy."

"...It's decided, after this battle, I'll go back to my hometown and get married!" Lin Yuanfei said with a laugh.

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