Chapter 505 My life is in your hands

"...It's decided, after this battle, I'll go back to my hometown and get married!"

In front of Kotomine Shirou, Lin Yuanfei said with a smile.

Shiro Mine glanced at him, smiled and shook his head.

"Lin Yuan-kun really likes setting up FLAG."

Kotomine Shirou said with a smile, "If you finish saying this sentence in the movie, then it is absolutely impossible to get out of here alive."

"Besides, Mr. Lin Yuan returned to his hometown to get married after this battle? Isn't your hometown in Chiba City?"

"As for the marriage partner... Could it be that Lin Yuan-kun finally decided to agree to marry the young lady from the Tuyumen family?"

Kotomine Shirou said with a smile, "But I see the situation, it's not that wonderful, is it? Miss Yuki next to Mr. Hayashihara, and Miss Busujima Saeko, and that lovely apprentice, Miss Gui Yanye... They are all...hehe..."

Kotomine Shirou smiled meaningfully.

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I know you guys have been spying on me since Raccoon City. You're going to say all kinds of nonsense... I, Lin Yuanfei, a manly man, stand up straight and marry whoever I want Who has anything to do with them?"

"Man, if he can't decide who to marry, then this man is too useless."

Lin Yuanfei said with a righteous face.

Kotomine Shirou glanced at him, shook his head with a smile, "I hope Mr. Hayashihara can remember what I said."

"Subtle feeling, you are a more powerful flag than before."

Lin Yuanfei snorted, and didn't bother to pay attention to this weak-footed fellow.

He, Lin Yuanfei, is an imposing and hot-blooded man, would he be weak in front of women?


Lin Yuanfei vowed to express his toughness.

Yan Mine Shiro walked into the ruins, opened his backpack, and took out the small medicine box again.

Although the worms in the palm of his left hand had been released, it was obvious that he had lost too much blood, and the entire palm seemed to have shrunk and turned blue.

It looks like the palm of a zombie, super scary.

After the guy bandaged the wound a little, he removed the thing that blocked the blood flow.

As he drew a faint red thread from his wrist, blood began to flow to his palm visible to the naked eye.

And the young priest looked at Lin Yuanfei while bandaging the wound.


"By the way, the two servants you bumped into just now turned out to be the two servants who chased us down? So what about Ms. Tsuchimikado and my wife? Didn't you see it?"

Kotomine Shirou asked curiously, "Who made the beast roar just now?"

Lin Yuanfei shrugged helplessly, and said, "Ghost knows, when I went there, the area was empty and I couldn't see anything, there was no one at all, and I don't know who made the roar."

Lin Yuanfei asked as he watched the young priest bandaging his wound.

"Speaking of which, where did Brother Cheng go when he ran? Was that guy not knocked unconscious, but just pretending to be unconscious? He's a little too clever."

Kotomine Shirou smiled, not exposing Lin Yuanfei.

If Lin Yuanfei had been careful and checked for a while before running, "Brother Cheng"'s plan of pretending to be unconscious would not be so easy to implement successfully.

But now that everything has happened, Kotomine Shirou didn't say much.

He looked at the huge beam of light that went straight to the sky of the city, and asked, "What should we do next? Should we continue walking towards the city center? It will be very troublesome if we bump into those two heroic spirits."

"And Ms. Tsuchimikado and my wife will be very troublesome when they meet those two servants."

Kotomine Shiro expressed concern about this.

To be honest, this is what Lin Yuanfei is worried about now.

Facing Feicun Jianxin and the unknown Archer, except for Lin Yuanfei who can wrestle with them after switching accounts, everyone else in the group is delivering food.

The two heroic spirits have already chased and killed them here, if they ran into Yuki, they would definitely kill them directly.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh.


"Next, let's go alone."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Right now, that beam of light is the most eye-catching landmark in the city. With Yuki and Yuno's personalities, they will definitely go somewhere."

"As for Zhiji, although I don't know her very well. But that little girl is very smart, and she will go there in all likelihood. On the way to the beam of light, we encountered monsters blocking the way. Obviously, our behavior of going to the beam of light That's right."

"Otherwise, Sadako Yamamura wouldn't be in such a hurry to ask his subordinates to stop us."

"According to Xiao Sadako's remarks, if Yamamura Sadako completes this ceremony, then we will all die in this false world. Even most of Chiba City may suffer."

"If we don't bother it, it's impossible for Sadako Yamamura to make trouble."

"So our choice to head towards the center of the city is right, you can just keep walking in. Find Yuki and the others there as soon as possible, and then confirm their safety."

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