The answer is of course not.

As for the story in the reminiscence chapter, it can be said to be very poignant and moving.

Another adjective for the poignant and moving story is - miserable.

So the moment Lin Yuanfei mentioned Xuedaiba, Feicun Kenshin's eyes turned cold.

Even attitudes have changed.

It was no longer the previous indifferent appearance of indifference to everything, but the fierce reaction of the thorn that was stabbed in the heart.

Without hesitation, Fei Cun Jianxin drew his sword out of its sheath, and looked coldly at Lin Yuanfei who was opposite him.

"Get out the sword."

This murderous person didn't even want to talk to Lin Yuanfei about unnecessary nonsense.

But seeing him like this, Lin Yuanfei smiled even brighter.

"What? Does thinking about Xuedaiba make your heart hurt so much? I remember she was killed by your knife at that time, right?"

"I don't know your current state of memory. How long has it been since that day? After accidentally killing the woman you love the most, will you feel pain and cry when you dream back at midnight alone?"

"It is said that Ren Zhanba Dao Zhai is a ruthless killing machine, but Senior Fei Village, you should not be able to do that, right?"

"At least when facing the only woman you love in this life, it shouldn't be possible for you to be ruthless, right? Do you occasionally think of Xue Daiba's eyes before he died? Do you hate yourself for not being strong enough?"

"If you are strong enough to detect something is wrong earlier, you should be able to change everything, right?"

"That woman who looks like a white plum blossom is really a sympathetic fate."

"The fiancé who was about to get married died at the hands of the executioner, but in the end I fell in love with the executioner who killed the fiancé, and even gave my life to save the executioner... Such a pitiful life experience makes the most hard-hearted people in the world listen I feel pitiful."

After Lin Yuanfei finished his mocking words, the back of Feicun Jianxin's sword-holding hand was throbbing with veins.

Even that always ruthless expression became ferocious.

"shut up!"

The boy who had always been calm and indifferent roared hysterically at this moment, "You have no right to mention her!"

A cold killing intent rushed towards him.

The originally calm, scar-faced boy roared hysterically, and rushed forward angrily.

The sword that was brandishing started a bloody fight against Lin Yuanfei with the most cruel and hateful attitude.

However, facing this dangerous and dangerous sword move, Lin Yuanfei remained indifferent, even the smile on the corner of his mouth did not diminish.

He didn't even call out the remnant soul, he stepped back directly, and easily dodged Fei Cun Jianxin's violent blow.

Then, he smiled distortedly.

"Oh? I stabbed you in a sore spot? Senior Feicun, it seems that you haven't completely forgotten the pain caused by that beautiful wife."

"It's a pity that no matter how much you hate and be angry now, you can't change what happened already."

"Xuedaiba's death is just as you thought, you have to take full responsibility!"

"If it weren't for you...if you hadn't killed her fiancé, and then taken away her body and mind, she wouldn't have suffered such a cruel fate! Without you bothering her, she would be able to live happily with her husband Live in a new era of peace."

"It's you! You took everything from her! You haven't been able to protect her well! You useless guy, you say you want to protect the world with a sword, but you can't even protect the most beloved woman... You don't deserve to use a sword at all what!"

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's loud ridicule, Fei Cun Jianxin stood there with a livid face and a ferocious expression.

He covered his chest with his hands, staring at Lin Yuanfei, his eyes were blood red.


In an instant, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Fei Cun Jianxin roared in pain, "You evil ghost! I will fight you!"

Chapter 516 You Are Really The One Who Can Bring Bloody Storms

Fei Cun Jianxin's hatred and pain devoured his body like a poisonous snake.

However, facing the rage and hysteria of this follower, the smile on Lin Yuanfei's face became brighter and brighter.

...Just looking at the appearance of Fei Cun Jianxin, his eyes are a little lonely.

He, Lin Yuanfei, really didn't want to be a despicable person.

It's a pity that in many cases, only being a villain can go further.

He no longer wants to receive the treasure from Himura Kenshin.

It was already very reluctant to barely survive the last time, but this time I will meet the treasure head-on again, so I guess it will be really cool.

Under the predicament of life and death, Lin Yuanfei had to find another way.

For swordsmen and warriors, calmness is the most important thing.

In other words, for most things, only calm can get things done.

As for killing the enemy by bursting with anger, that kind of thing is a fairy tale to coax children.

If you get distracted or anxious about making a dish, you may spoil a pot of dishes because of the wrong seasoning, let alone a deathmatch.

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