The moment Fei Cun Jianxin roared angrily, his heart was in a mess.

And after a swordsman is disturbed, the speed of his sword may be more violent, it looks more imposing, and its lethality is stronger.

But in fact, when his heart was disturbed, so was his sword.

An unorganized sword cannot threaten opponents of the same level.

Seeing that Feicun Jianxin was in chaos due to hatred and anger, while Lin Yuanfei sighed in his heart, the smile on his face became more and more distorted.

"What? Did I hit the nail on the head? Senior Feicun, think about it carefully, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Without your existence, Miss Xuedaiba would not have suffered such a tragic fate."

"If you can detect everything in advance, then you can prevent everything from happening before it gets worse. But you can't even guess or see the thoughts of the people around you. In the final analysis, you, an indifferent person, don't care much at all. Miss Setoba."

"Even if things really deteriorate to the last step, if you are strong enough to defeat all the enemies in that snowy night, then Miss Xuedaiba will not be accidentally killed by you just to protect you."

"In the final analysis, you ruined Ms. Xuedaiba's life."

Lin Yuanfei kept retreating, kept flying back, and kept dodging Fei Cun Jianxin's frantic and furious sword strikes.

In his mouth, he sneered and chanted heart-breaking words endlessly.

In the cold night wind, Lin Yuanfei dodged Fei Cun Jianxin's sword again, and laughed wildly.

"You, a ruthless executioner, cruelly took away Miss Xuedaiba's happiness, and you didn't even know it. You even did that to her. You took away her chastity and heart, but you couldn't protect her."

"You are a weak and incompetent waste. At the last moment, you don't want to save your lover, but you want to die with the enemy."

"If it weren't for your weakness, your selfishness, and your ruthlessness, would Miss Setoba die to save you?"

"No! Not at all! She will even live happily ever after!"

"God gave you countless opportunities to change everything and save her, but you didn't seize them, but ignored the opportunities and slipped away."

"You don't pay attention to the mood of the people around you at all. Your mind is full of the thoughts of the barbarians. You only want to kill a few more people with the sword in your hand. A guy like you is not qualified to have happiness at all!"

"When she was alive, you didn't care about her and cared for her at all, but after she died, you put on such a painful appearance of complaining. Are you really in pain, or can you deceive yourself by acting out this painful appearance?"

"Do you think you can console your conscience by feeling hurt for her?"

"You trash! Even now, you still have such childish and ridiculous thoughts! It is the greatest misfortune for Ms. Xuedaiba to meet you!"

Lin Yuanfei's roar sounded in the dark night.

Fei Cun Jianxin trembled and stopped a few meters away, no longer attacking.

He clenched the knife tightly in anger and pain, as if his body was about to be torn apart by unspeakable regret, and let out an extremely shrill scream.


The violent magic power rose up around Fei Cun Kenshin.

The surging killing intent was chilling in the air.

The blood-red boy looked like the legendary Asura, and his screaming appearance gave people a kind of creepy feeling of horror.

His hands gripped the long knife tightly.

With blood-red eyes, he fixedly stared at Lin Yuanfei in front of him.

The rioting emotions were on the verge of collapse.

The young man screamed terribly.

"When the night falls, the blood moon hangs high, and the resentment of the undead will bloom in the blood rain!"

The chant this time is no longer the cold and ruthless last time, it is more like a violent storm rushing head-on.

The twisted pain and endless regret of the red-haired, scar-faced boy almost tore his body apart.

He completely abandoned all defenses, abandoned all thinking, and poured everything into this fierce and violent blow.

The surging magic power distorts time and space.

Ancient Japanese street buildings appeared beside Lin Yuanfei.

He stood in the middle of the Japanese-style long street, watching the painfully howling boy in front of him roaring out the real name of the treasure.

"Noble Phantasm - Shura's Night of Weeping Blood and Resentment!"

The cold wind blows towards the shadowy side.

The moment the Noble Phantasm unfolded, Himura Kenshin's body disappeared from the spot.

It was approaching an unimaginable speed, and it came directly to kill Lin Yuanfei.

However, the moment the scar-faced boy disappeared, a woman appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei silently.

Dressed in a white dress, a blue folding umbrella, and a flawless woman, Xue Daiba walked into this world very quietly.

A gentle breeze brings a light, white plum scent.

Himura Kenshin's body stiffened.

Holding the sword, he stopped there, staring at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

Looking at this beautiful woman, she gently stroked his face.

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