The woman's soft whisper was like a silver bell falling to the ground, with an indescribable softness and gentleness.

Also, some tears.

"You are really a person who can provoke a bloodbath..."

Amid the woman's gentle smile, Himura Kenshin's body froze.

His hands were blankly holding the sword.

Looking at the woman in front of him, tears flowed silently from his eyes.



Amidst the splash of blood, a knife pierced through the woman's body, cruelly piercing Fei Cun Kenshin's body and crushing the boy's heart.

As Lin Yuanfei sighed softly, the knife in his hand snapped forcefully, tearing the boy's body apart.

The splashed blood was cold under the moonlight.

Lin Yuanfei withdrew the knife in his hand, stepped back a few steps, and murmured.

"Goodbye, Senior Feicun. Next time I have a chance, I will apologize to you..."

Chapter 517 Is This The Answer You Give

Amidst the splashing blood, Lin Yuanfei silently withdrew the knife in his hand.

The figure of Xuedaiba was still standing in front of him, looking tenderly into Kenshin's eyes.

And the red-haired, scar-faced boy had almost been chopped into two pieces by the Kikyo fairy Dongyue.

The terrifying wound started from his heart and spread to the side of the waist, almost cutting the boy's body in two.

But the young man seemed unaware of such a terrible wound on himself.

He just stared blankly at the woman in front of him, looked at the gentle eyes in front of him, and murmured.


"Well, I'm here."

In Xuedaiba's mouth, there was a soft whisper.

She gently stroked Jian Xin's face, gently hugged the blood-soaked boy in her arms, and said softly.

"No matter what happens, I will accompany Jianxin to the end."

"So... let's get some sleep first, Jian Xin, and everything will be fine once you wake up."

There was a gentle smile on Xuedaiba's face.

"Also, the drug sold better than we thought."

"The vegetables in the field are also ripe, we can have a delicious meal when we wake up tomorrow..."

"... Ba," Jian Xin subconsciously hugged the woman in his arms with trembling hands.

However, in the dissipating golden light spots all over the sky, the body of the red-haired, scar-faced boy gradually disappeared.

In the end, it is completely nothingness.

The scene here has also changed back to the original dilapidated ruins.

Lin Yuanfei flicked the blood on the blade, watched the golden light spot disappear, and remained silent.

With the dissipation of the demon power and the end of the weaving of dreams, this broken sword mound-like world has completely disappeared.

Lin Yuanfei returned to the center of the old streets in Chiba City.

The phantom belonging to Xuedaiba in front of Lin Yuanfei also disappeared silently.

Freddy's phantom appeared from behind Lin Yuanfei.

Looking at the false city in front of him, the evil ghost clapped his hands.

"It's really amazing, a textbook-like murderous killing, little samurai, if you are a villain, you will definitely be better than me."

"Understanding people's hearts and playing tricks on people's hearts, and the methods are so vicious and sophisticated that people can't help but admire them."

"For a guy like you, instead of being a villain who destroys the world and a villain who manipulates people's hearts, he wants to be a hero who saves the world and redeems friends. It's simply a wrong development path."

"In terms of comprehension, you are obviously a stunning and brilliant demon cultivator genius, and you can become a giant of the demonic way with a little bit of effort, but it's not appropriate to be a good villain, and you want to go to the orthodox sect to be a handyman and sweep the floor Little disciple, you are simply not doing your job properly!"

"Please open your eyes and look at your own virtue! You are not made to be a hero at all!"

"If you don't become a villain, if you don't do bad things, it's simply reckless!"

Amidst Freddy's strange laughter, Lin Yuanfei sighed.

Said, "I'm not in the mood to argue with you..."

He looked up at the sky above his head and said, "If you are in the mood to talk nonsense with me, you might as well help me find out what is going on in this place. Since you are both evil spirits, you should have some understanding of Sadako Yamamura's methods." Do you understand?"

Freddy shook his head again and again, "Little samurai, you are simply a strong ghost. You are a human being, so can you understand the actions and plans of every human being? It's just nonsense."

"Although I'm an evil ghost, I'm not a roundworm in Sadako Yamamura's stomach. How could I know what she's going to do?"

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