"However, according to the general routine of evil sects, isn't it all about destroying the world, revenge, and killing people? Anyway, bad guys and villains basically won't jump out of this category when they do things."

After listening to Freddy's explanation, Lin Yuanfei was a little speechless.

"Is this the answer you gave...it seems to make sense."

Freddy laughed straight, "Uncle Freddy is also an elder after all, so it makes sense to teach you a little life experience."

"And instead of worrying about Sadako Yamamura, you might as well think about whether there will be other followers chasing you after you kill Himura Kenshin and that Archer."

"In the previous conversation, that Archer said that their master has seven riding spirits. Now that two have been killed, there are still five left."

"If it is based on the specifications of the Holy Grail War, then the remaining ones are Berserker, Mage (Caster), Lancer (Lancer), Cavalry (Rider), and Assassin (Assassin)."

"According to Uncle Freddy's calculations, I think the remaining five Heroic Spirits should be Berserker Hercules, caster Solomon, Lancer Skaha, Rider Conqueror King Iskandar, and Assassin King Hassan."

"I think if the remaining five knights are at this level, they should be able to beat you."

Freddy laughed.

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes.

"Shut your crow's mouth, you think I'm not dying fast enough, right? Any one of them can rub me back and forth on the soles of my feet dozens of times."

"But the appearance of the heroic spirit is simply something out of the ordinary."

"Generally speaking, heroic spirits are not villains. In particular, a follower like Himura Kenshin who retains his ego and reason will actually listen to a master's opinion. Under normal circumstances, that master should not be a villain. "

"But judging from the current situation, the person behind the scenes that the original owner of the body has been targeting may be that Matser."

"Judging from the things the original owner of the body did... Could it be that the original Lin Yuanfei was really a big villain? Feicun Jianxin and the others are good people?"

Lin Yuanfei frowned, feeling very distressed, "Now the most troublesome problem is right in front of us - who is behind the scenes?!"

After hearing Lin Yuanfei's troubles, Freddy laughed straight, "Who made you rush to kill Himura Kenshin? If you talk to him a few more words, maybe you can get some other useful information. "

For this, Lin Yuanfei was very helpless.

"If I can talk too much, I definitely don't want to start a fight."

"However, the situation is stronger than people, and I was forced to do nothing."

Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh, recalling the information he got along the way, and murmured.

"From the information we know so far, it is clear that no matter what the truth is, we have been involved in a huge conspiracy."

"The spiritual veins of the Yuansaka family, the spiritual veins of the Liangyi family, the spiritual veins of Raccoon City...someone in this country is doing something big."

"Could it be that it was made from the legendary land? The big boss behind the scenes is a villain in a bottle?"

Lin Yuanfei looked sad, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of a result.

"Being able to carry the magic power of the seven knights at the same time, a magician of this strength has already cheated the heavens!"

Author's message:

PS: I took the stupid cat at home to have it neutered today, and I am convinced.

Other cats are all kinds of sad after being neutered, don’t want to move and don’t want to eat. The doctor also told me before the operation that the cat may show depression and anorexia after the operation, so don’t worry too much.

However, after the operation, as soon as the anesthesia was over... this guy was running wildly around the house, jumping around.

Afraid that its wound would be opened, according to the doctor's instructions, it was put in a cage to rest.

In the end, when I woke up after taking a nap, this guy had already knocked open the iron cage... What the hell, I tied the door of the cage with a rope!

Then, due to excessive struggle, the stupid cat's wound opened without accident, and after being sent back to the pet hospital, the doctors and nurses frantically operated, cleaning the wound, applying medicine, and stopping the bleeding... Conventional methods were all useless, Finally got stitches straight away.


After a day of tossing, I was exhausted physically and mentally.

I'd rather have a cat that can be sad and melancholy!At least I won’t squat next to me and scream when I’m typing, which will affect the coding…

Chapter 518 Can't Go Back

Come to think of it, that was a long time ago.

Under the afternoon sun, the boy who was punished by his father secretly hid in a corner and cried.

Then, the girl who came to visit the house and went the wrong way saw him.

The moment the two eyes met, a disdainful curl of lips appeared on the little girl's indifferent face.

"The young master of the Shimada family, is he a crybaby?"

At that moment, the disdain on the girl's face and the indifference in her eyes were deeply engraved in the boy's memory.

He was at a loss.

From birth, he has been the protagonist under the spotlight and is awed by everyone.

His father is the suzerain of the Shimada family.

And he is his father's only son.

No one can take away his aura.

Naturally, no one dared to show that disdainful smile to him.

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