In this family and in this world, everyone respects and flatters him.

Even in school, no one in the same class or students in the same school would dare to make trouble in front of him.

From the time he was born, all the faces he saw in his life were smiling faces of flattery and awe.

Except for his father, everyone in this world is afraid of him and respects him.

He was like the loneliest traveler in the world, staggering alone in this dull gray world.

However, the moment he saw the disdainful expression on the girl's face, the whole gloomy world seemed to be lit up.

He saw a brilliance he had never seen in his life.

Only in front of the girl who never fears him because he is the young master of the Shimada family, can he feel that he is a normal living person, not a machine with the setting of "Master Shimada family".

Only by that girl's side can he feel the fact that he is a living person with flesh and blood.

He is greedy for that feeling, and even more obsessed with that feeling.

He had already determined that that girl was his only one, his future wife, and his lifelong partner.

Because only by that girl's side can he feel the meaning of life.

That girl...that girl...absolutely...absolutely his!

Definitely his!

anyone!Be it anyone!He couldn't even take that girl away from him!

The last warmth he has in this world belongs to him alone!

"Aw hoo hoo hoo!!!"

Amidst the monster's mournful howl, a tear of pain fell in the wind and snow.

The fat and bloated monster is entrenched in the old streets of Chiba City, like a huge, fat cabbage caterpillar with a dark body.

The dark viscous substance surged on the monster's body surface, making it look like a body made of black sludge.

And on the monster's dark and ugly body, painful faces flashed past one after another from time to time, as if countless suffering souls were struggling in the monster's sticky body.

But no soul can escape.

The monster's fat and ugly body was swimming on the streets of the city, and it let out a miserable scream.

"Weihime... Weaverhime..."

In its mouth, it could only repeat the name in a sleepy manner.

Apart from the roar, the only Japanese the monster can speak is this.

It frantically swam and crawled on the streets of Chiba City. Wherever it went, it crushed countless houses and shattered countless walls.

Finally, it saw the white fox running wildly in the wind and snow.

That huge white fox was running wildly in the wind and snow, constantly running towards the light beam in the center of the city, even approaching it.

In the snowstorm, the giant white fox was extremely eye-catching.

The monster even saw the girl on the back of the giant white fox at a glance.

In an instant, the monster rioted.

Its densely packed hands began to squirm, and its body stood up like a real cabbage worm.

Then, in the snowstorm, the monster's eyeballs turned a terrifying blood red.

Its huge mouthparts covered with circles of fangs let out an extremely shrill and angry roar.


A huge sound wave spread to all directions.

The decibels of that sound wave were so high that it even formed circle after circle of visible ripples spreading in the wind and snow.

As the sound waves spread, all the wind and snow in the area were blown away.

The miserable roar of the monster resounded throughout Chiba City.

The white fox in the gust of wind didn't even look back, but accelerated its running speed.

The girl on the back of the white fox turned her head coldly and looked in the direction where the roar came from.

At that moment, the eyes of the girl and the monster seemed to touch each other several kilometers away.

The monster saw the indifferent expression on the girl's face, and saw the indifference in the girl's eyes.

In an instant, the monster struggled and squirmed even more frantically.

From its mouth, a painful howl came out.

Its body rushed towards the center of the city at a speed that didn't match this fat body.

Wherever it went, whether it was a wall, a mansion, or a building...all the barriers were smashed by it.

All obstacles are flattened by it.

Looking down from the night sky, with the point where the monster roared as the center, a huge gray line stretched rapidly towards the center of the city and towards the girl on the back of the white fox.

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