That gray line is the dust kicked up by all the buildings that the monster hit and flattened wherever it went.

And the apex of the gray line was that fat, dark, ugly monster.

It was roaring crazily and roaring angrily, constantly pulling in the distance from the girl on the white fox's back.

Seeing this scene from a distance, seeing the speed of the monster running wildly, and the huge dust raised under the night sky, the little girl on the white fox's back widened her eyes.

"Wow! That monster is crazy! Sister Orihime, it's calling your name."

But the girl coldly ignored the monster's madness, and said expressionlessly.

"That's just Xinsheng."

The girl's face always seemed to have that cold and indifferent expression, like a San Wu who was born with a lack of expression.

Seeing this reaction, Xiao Zhenzi shook her head.

Then he said, "The little brother of the Shimada family really went crazy because of you... I have become this virtue, can I go back?"

"Probably not," Zhi Ji said, "There are too many resentful spirits on him. Probably, it has eaten all the resentful spirits in Chiba City, right? Being entangled by so many resentful spirits, there is no People can save him."

"He has merged with those wraiths. Even if the darkness is forcibly dispelled, the rescued one will only be a madman."

Zhi Ji slowly closed her eyes, and said, "The young master of the Shimada family died here...the trouble is a little big."

Chapter 519 It's Not Saved, Wait To Die

Hearing Zhi Ji's words, Xiao Zhenzi beside her curled her lips.


"Instead of worrying about that, you might as well worry about our current situation first."

"This Shimada Nobukatsu looks like a lunatic, and his speed is so fast, won't we be dead when it catches up?"

"Before it hadn't devoured so many wraiths and wasn't that powerful, it was already very difficult for the two of us to deal with it together."

"Now he has swallowed up the entire city's vengeful spirits, stolen such a huge power, and turned into such a terrifying appearance. If it comes again, I feel that we have no chance of winning."

In the distressed voice of Xiao Sadako, Zhi Ji glanced at her.

"Aren't you also Sadako Yamamura?" Orihime said, "Since you are also Sadako Yamamura, don't you have the authority to control this world? Or some kind of secret back door or something."

Facing Orihime's inquiry, Sadako blinked innocently.

"Why do I have to have the authority of the ontology and the back door of this world?"

"I'm not her, I'm just a clone of her. How do I know the secret of her building this world? How could there be a secret technique to manipulate this world?"

"If I knew anything, I still need to be chased by this kind of monster together with you? Just open the back door, rush in and kill her by surprise. Then direct a riot of vengeful spirits and order all the vengeful spirits to rush up bite her."

"If I'm so good, what do you need? Come in to cheer for me?"

Xiao Zhenzi said confidently, "Please don't ask too much from a clone, please? If I'm really that powerful, how can I need your help? I just swipe this map alone, please don't have unrealistic expectations." How about fantasizing? I'm really useless!"

The little girl Sadako said her useless words with a straight face, but behind them, the huge and bloated monster was about to catch up.

The distance between the two sides was so close that Orihime and the others could even clearly see the distorted face on the monster's head that was exactly the same as Shimada Nobukatsu.

It's just that this face looks very ferocious at this time, the eyes are full of whites, and the face is still covered with dark red blood streaks, no matter how you look at it, it's terrifying.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhenzi let out a cry.

"Ah! This monster's face is scarier than a female ghost!"

Xiao Zhenzi, who used to be a female ghost, covered her eyes and said loudly, "How did such a handsome guy become so virtuous? It's a waste of everything!"

Zhi Ji next to her seemed to have never heard the little girl's cry.

Zhi Ji just looked coldly at the huge monster that was chasing closer and closer behind him, standing on the back of the white fox, and took out a stack of talisman papers expressionlessly.


In the girl's cold voice, a piece of talisman flew out.

The huge light turned into a light cannon with a diameter of ten centimeters and bombarded the black monster behind.

However, the monster roared, and spit out a dark red light ball from its mouth, which directly hit the beam of light, and the two canceled out.

The monster's running speed didn't even drop at all, and it was still approaching rapidly.

Seeing this scene, the girl's eyes turned cold.

She bit her right index finger, and then pressed the bleeding index finger on the stack of talisman papers held in her left hand.








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