
The blood-red eyes of the monster protruded ferociously, and the face that had already been distorted so hideously that it did not resemble a human face was even more terrifying.

It roared angrily, roared with hatred, and frantically chased and killed the white fox in front of it.

"Orhime!!! It's mine!!!"

Amidst the roar of the monster, a foul-smelling evil spirit rushed towards him.

The monster's body had already flown into the air, violently pressing towards the running white fox.

However, just as it flew above the giant white fox and was about to fall, a long flame of light flew out of the huge beam of light in the center of the city in vain.

The rocket with a long tail flame like a meteor directly hit the monster's body, and the violent shock wave mixed with the rolling heat wave spread out in the sky.

The monster screamed and was sent flying. It slammed heavily on the streets of the city and collapsed a hut.

In the direction from which the rockets flew, two more rockets flew in succession.

Every rocket was aimed at the roaring monsters in the ruins on the ground.

Two terrifying rumbles sounded in succession, making the ground seem to tremble.

The two girls, one big and one small on the white fox's back, looked in the direction of the rocket, but saw a pink-haired girl shouldering the rocket, standing alone on the roof of a mansion closest to the beam of light.

In the bitter cold wind, the girl's hair was flying all over the sky.

It seems that there is another kind of heroic taste.

Xiao Zhenzi's eyes widened.

"Sister Yuno? Where have you been?! Why haven't you been seen?"

With the bazooka on his shoulders, Yuno said with a smile, "I heard that there is a barracks of the Self-Defense Forces near Chiba City, so my sister and I went there to have a look, and we found some interesting weapons. This world is very realistic. , even this kind of weapon can be found.”

Zhi Ji was a little taken aback, "You went to the barracks of the Self-Defense Forces? Where did you bring this bazooka? But you and your sister...you two girls, how much can you take away?"

Yuno smiled slightly, "This is not something you need to worry about, miss."

After the words fell, Yuno looked towards the direction of the ruins where the monster was after the explosion dissipated.

There, the black monster was wriggling angrily and roaring crazily.

Three rockets hit in succession. Although it looked mighty, it didn't seem to cause much damage to it.

Seeing this scene, Yuno turned around and said loudly.

"It doesn't work, sister, is it not enough firepower?"

After Yuno's words fell, Yuki's voice sounded from behind the mansion behind her.


In the next second, under the watchful eyes of Orihime and the little girl Sadako, one cold bazooka after another flew into the sky.

Those bazookas seemed to be controlled by some invisible force, rising in the dark night and lining up behind Yuno.

The dense quantity makes one's scalp tingle.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhenzi's eyes widened.

"Wow! My wife, sister, and the others completely emptied the barracks of the Self-Defense Force?"

In the strong wind, Yuno pointed at the direction where the monster was roaring, and said with a big smile, "Sister! Let's set off a grand firework! Fire!"

Yuno's voice fell, and in an instant, those bazookas suspended in mid-air and aligned in the direction under Yuno's command were all launched under the control of invisible forces.

Whoosh whoosh—

The sound of piercing through the air one after another made one's scalp tingle.

The huge white fox jumped into a yard by the side of the road in a panic, squatted down, and leaned on the fence of the mansion to cover his body.

And not long after the white fox jumped down, the dense rockets all landed in the area where the black monster was in the distance.

In an instant, an earth-shattering big explosion happened.

The terrifying heat wave, mixed with scorching shock waves, spread in all directions.

The little girl who was hiding in the mansion together with the white fox was dumbfounded, "This power...can already catch up with missiles, right?"

Zhi Ji frowned slightly.

"The power of the rockets is too scattered. It looks huge, but it is not as good as the real missiles. It is estimated that they will not be able to hurt Xinsheng."

As if to prove Zhi Ji's words, as the smoke and dust of the explosion dispersed, the scene of the center of the explosion appeared in front of everyone.

The black monster looked like it was blown to pieces, but it still didn't suffer much damage.

In front of it, a light black translucent barrier spread out, as if these things blocked most of the explosion damage.

Seeing this scene, Yuno frowned.

"AT force field? Sister, what should I do? We don't have the first machine!"

In the small courtyard behind Yuno, Yuki's astonishment sounded.

"First machine? Is there a first machine in Chiba City? Is it too late for us to get it now?"

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