Yuno: "..."

In the cold wind, Yuno, who was standing alone on the roof, thought for a few seconds, then threw away the bazooka in his hand, and said.

"If our firepower can't blow through its barrier, it must not be that its barrier is too strong, but that our firepower is not enough."

"If this guy's barrier is really indestructible, then it can sweep the world! Sister! Let's have some excitement!"

After Yuno's voice fell, Yuki's voice sounded in the courtyard.

"I understand!"

In the next second, a white missile rose from the small courtyard, dragging a long tail flame and flying towards the black monster in front.

The moment she saw the missile, Orihime finally showed a surprised expression.

"Ship-borne missiles? You can actually launch ship-borne missiles? This is unscientific!"

In the strong wind, Yuno put on his sunglasses, and looked at the small courtyard beside him where the white fox and Zhi Ji were hiding with a smile.

The explosion flames set off by the ship-borne missiles turned the world pale.

However, the girl wearing sunglasses stood in the wind and snow, laughing and talking.

"You talk about science with superpowers? Ms. Tsuchimikado, you Onmyoji seem to be the most unscientific group?"

Author's message:

PS: It's been a long time since I pushed a book, and it's our long-lost advertisement again... Bah, the book push link.

Today, let's recommend a friend's book, "My Brain Accelerator".

First, we heat up the pan, then add just the right amount of intro to slip the pan... umm.

The introduction is as follows:

Shi Yuan, who returned to his boyhood, won the perfect accelerator system, and has since reached the pinnacle of his life.

The first step in the counterattack starts from being a top student!

After sliding the pot, pour out the introduction and set aside.

Then click Favorites, add to the bookshelf, and then add a little recommendation ticket to be ready to serve.

A book push link with a complete color and fragrance is completed in this way

Chapter 521 Have You Read the Script?

Bitter wind and snow roared over the city.

The huge sound wave, mixed with the scorching shock wave, is mighty in the city.

In the center of the urban area, which is less than one kilometer away from the light beam in the center of the city, a small mushroom cloud rose.

The power of man-made technological weapons is completely released at this moment.

But the moment the flames of the explosion rose, all the land within a radius of half a kilometer around the place where the missile landed was shaken to the sky.

Countless gravel and soil splashed, and the buildings where the shock wave hit were razed to the ground and turned into ruins.

The terrifying power made one's scalp tingle.

Yuno, who was wearing sunglasses and standing on the roof, stood in the oncoming heat wave, but did not take a step back.

In her field of vision, as the smoke and dust from the explosion gradually dissipated, the scene of the center of the explosion also appeared before everyone's eyes.

The pitch-black monster disappeared without a trace, as if it had been evaporated from the world.

Seeing this scene, Yuno was a little confused.

"It just exploded? Is it so powerful?"

In a small courtyard not far away, a white fox jumped out of the yard, and two girls, one big and one small, stood on their backs.

Orihime looked at my wife Yuno in front of her with a cold expression, and said.

"It didn't blow up, it just escaped."

"What's more, even if you die, it can crawl back."

"Xinsheng devoured all the vengeful spirits in the city, and became one with them. Unless you can crush his soul, otherwise this false world will not be destroyed, and all the grievances will not disappear, so he will never be saved , will climb back again.”

Orihime narrated the truth of the matter.

"Now, it just escaped instinctively, probably appeared in a corner of this city?"

"However, it may take some time to come back. Facing such a powerful ship-borne missile, even if it doesn't die, it will be very uncomfortable."

"Before that, we can discuss what we are going to do next."

Zhi Ji raised her head and looked at the huge beam of light in front of her, and said, "All the resentful spirits in the city have been devoured by Xinsheng. If it doesn't appear, then no one can stop us except Sadako Yamamura's body. We We can take advantage of the time when Xinsheng is escaping to solve this matter completely."

The giant white fox carried Orihime and Sadako to the house where Yuno was.

The heights of the two parties are just parallel, and they can see the expressions on each other's faces clearly when they look at each other.

Yuno smiled slightly, "Does Ms. Tsuchimikado have any good plans?"

Zhi Ji looked at the huge beam of light, "We must first understand the nature of this world and the existence of this beam of light. Only then can we solve all this."

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