Now releasing the power of demons and forcibly controlling and using them is not only labor-intensive, but these evil black demonic energy will even continuously corrode his body.

In the long run, Lin Yuanfei will become shorter and shorter.

Every time he uses demon power, his lifespan will undoubtedly decrease a little.

But no way!

At a critical juncture, he had no choice but to die.

If you don't die at this time, you won't even die!

Lin Yuanfei, who had completely turned into a half-human, half-demon, roared angrily, and rushed to "Brother Cheng" in the void first.

Behind him, the Onmyoji girl named Zhi Ji had an indifferent expression, and [-] talisman papers with different lights were flying around her body.In the end, all these talisman papers turned into bright rays of light and strangled the evil spirits in the void.

On the ground, Yuki's face was slightly pale, he bit his lips tightly, and his eyes fixed on "Makoto Ito" in the void.The grenade suspended behind her flew out densely, blocking all the escape directions of Ito Makoto.

On the only route not blocked by grenades, the evil and violent half-demon Lin Yuanfei was already roaring, his blood-red eyes crazily slashing the strongest sword at the evil ghost in front of him.

The surging dark demon energy turned into a torrent of sword energy, which swept across a distance of more than ten meters in an instant and swept towards Makoto Ito in front of him.

However, at the moment when the black demonic energy was about to come to his body, "Brother Cheng" sneered with disdain.

He snapped his fingers lightly with his right hand——


In an instant, the whole world became quiet.

Chapter 527 World

The bitter wind and snow stopped in the void.

The white hexagonal snowflakes and ice crystals seemed to be frozen in the darkness as if the pause button had been pressed.

On the deserted long street, everyone's expressions remained the same as they were at the last moment.

Orihime's indifference, Yuki's nervousness, Kotomine Shirou's surprise, the little girl Sadako's silence... Everyone's expressions were like a frozen oil painting, frozen in the last moment.

Also frozen, there are the grenade floating in the void, the light flying out from behind the Onmyoji girl, and the dark sword glow from the half-demon Lin Yuanfei...

Not only their expressions were frozen at the last moment, but even their bodies were frozen.

Lin Yuanfei's body was frozen in midair.

hand, maintaining the movement of drawing the sword.

The surging magic energy is connected with the broken sword body.

Everything in this world seemed to be paused the moment "Brother Cheng" snapped his fingers.

Everything was frozen in that moment.

The whole world was frozen in that moment of time and space.

However, as the chief culprit of all this, "Brother Cheng" still had a smile on his face.

The dark, squalling wind around it had ceased to flow, and the frozen wind looked like a crude pencil stroke.

But in this world where everything is frozen and even the wind is frozen, "Brother Cheng" can still maintain a bright smile.

It raised its head, overlooking Lin Yuanfei not far away, overlooking the half-human, half-demon that flew into the air.

Looking at the ferocious figure of the other party, "Brother Cheng" laughed out loud.

"Look! Look! Lin Yuan, you look more like a demon than me!"

The voice of "Brother Cheng" echoed in this cold world.

Yet no one was able to respond to it.

The eyes of Lin Yuanfei, who was frozen in the void, were filled with unbelievable shock and anger.

It's not a time pause, but it has a somewhat similar effect.

Rather than saying that time is suspended, it is better to say that the space of this world is frozen.

The moment "Brother Cheng" snapped his fingers, this false world stopped functioning.

Everything was frozen at the moment of snapping fingers.

Naturally, Lin Yuanfei and the others who existed in this false world also froze completely as the space solidified.

The wind and snow freeze, and the violent wind freezes. In this false world that has completely stopped functioning, the only thing that can move now seems to be "Brother Cheng" in front of me... and the slowly rotating seven-color light curtain in the sky. .

Lin Yuanfei stared at it firmly.

In other words, at this moment, he can only stare at Brother Cheng in front of him.

Although the consciousness is still active and the thinking has not stopped, but it is impossible to move an inch in this completely frozen world.

As for the girls behind Lin Yuanfei, the situation is probably exactly the same.

Everyone is unable to move.

The only thing that could move was the wildly laughing "Brother Cheng".

It looked at all this proudly and excitedly, and laughed loudly.

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